Chapter 495

"If I knew something like this would happen, I would never let her out of my sight. When I was twisting faces with her just now, I shouldn't have let her run away to change some clothes.

This is good, people are gone. "

"Then have you looked for it?"

It was Mu Xingtian who said this.

Mu Qianqian is his daughter, and so is Mu Taotao, how could he treat one more than another?

"I almost turned the globe over to find it.

They were flying in private jets with anti-radar devices, and now they don't even know where the plane landed. "

Mo Yanshao's words made everyone fall into silence.

Mo Yanshao's friend, Tao Song advised everyone, "If the kidnappers want a ransom, they will definitely call, so please be patient."

Here, the relatives and the groom are gloomy.

On the other side, Mu Taotao also displayed her extremely rowdy kung fu.

"Who are you? Who are you? You look so wretched, probably because you found a woman to like you? That's why you want to grab a woman?"

Mu Taotao stood on the large retro sofa with exquisite workmanship, jumping around like a monkey.

She has always been like this, the more dangerous she is, the more fun she is.

A pair of bright eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what he was calculating.

The man on the opposite side was dressed in Chinese clothes. His upper body was a white mid-length jacket with a double-breasted collar, his lower body was black satin pants, and a pair of black corduroy shoes were on his feet.

At first glance, I thought I had traveled back to the old times, and those who engaged in martial arts were dressed like this.

Mu Taotao stared intently at the man in front of him. He had a pair of round glasses on his face, and his hair was slightly long and parted. The more he looked, the less he looked like a good man.

Come to think of it, how could a good guy kidnap someone else's bride?
"Hey, who are you? Why are you kidnapping me?"

Mu Taotao yelled at the man.

The man was sitting on the sofa on the other side, calm and composed, treating Mu Taotao as a monkey playing tricks.

Now when he heard the woman ask who she was, he also pursed his lips and remained silent.

"I'm asking you something, can't you be dumb?"

Behind the Chinese-style white-clothed man were two black-clothed bodyguards. Naturally, the two couldn't tolerate Mu Taotao insulting his boss so much, so one of them asked, "Hey, are you finished?"

Mu Taotao was not afraid of him, so he said to the man, "Why, do you think I'm endless? Then let me go, let me go, and I won't make trouble."

That man is too lazy to say any more.

The man in white Chinese style smiled slightly and said: "You also said that I arrested you because I lacked women, so let's count it.

How about a bridal chamber tonight? "

These words sound familiar, as if I have heard them somewhere.

Mu Taotao thought for a while, those who can bridal chambers are naturally people from the old era, who would talk about bridal chambers nowadays, just say sex, wouldn't the bed be over?
"Who wants to have a bridal chamber with you?"


"Go dream."

Mu Taotao said boldly.

The man was not annoyed, he kept a smile on his face, very mysterious.

"Then, let's talk slowly after Mo Yan stops talking."

The man in white clothes in Chinese style got up and was about to leave, but Mu Taotao quit: "What's wrong with you and Yan Shao? Why are you bothering him?"

"It's you who is in trouble now, not him, right? Miss Mu Taotao."

The man in white still smiled.

"you know me?"

"do not know."

"Then how do you know my name is Mu Taotao?"

"Isn't it written at the wedding scene? The bride's name is Mu Taotao. You are the bride, so of course you are Mu Taotao."

Well, it turned out to be the sign written at the wedding scene.

Thinking about how unlucky he was, he was arrested without even knowing anyone. What on earth did he want to do?
Mu Taotao was still in a daze, but the man had already left the room, and he turned around and said: "Take care of me, and be careful of any mistakes."


The last two bodyguards in black said.

Mu Taotao was so angry that she finally howled a few people, but now they all left, leaving her alone in that room, only listening to the sound of the waves hitting the shore, monotonous and boring.

She would rather have someone here to talk to her, even if it's just a quarrel.

But obviously, that man didn't give her such a chance.

For three days, there was no news from Mu Taotao for three full days.

Mo Yanshao sent a helicopter to search the nearby islands, but found no trace.

He even wondered if Mu Taotao had been hijacked to a farther place.

At this time, Zhu Ying sent a person's information, and said to him with a serious face: "Young Madam was probably taken away by this person."

When Mo Yanshao looked at the people on the information, he immediately understood.

According to the data, the man, nicknamed White Wolf, is the leader of another underground spy organization, Wolf.

This organization once ranked first on the spy list.

But later, because of the appearance of the owl, the wolf's ranking dropped by one place, and it has been in the second place.

This made White Wolf very unconvinced, and kept wanting to fight Mo Yanshao.

White Wolf, whose real name is Bailang, is a martial idiot who likes to wear Chinese clothes and loves Chinese martial arts.

His idol is also a little dragon.

Although he doesn't know the signature moves of a certain little dragon, he believes that all the martial arts in the world are there.

His ultimate dream is to fight against Mo Yanshao.

But Mo Yanshao never gave him such a chance.

Recently, there is a new secret agent mission. Someone found Xiao and wanted Xiao to complete it.

But Mo Yanshao refused because he wanted to prepare for the wedding.

This task naturally fell into the hands of the second-ranked wolf.

Unexpectedly, White Wolf did not accept the task, but disappeared mysteriously.

Under Bai Lang's command, there is also a small airliner, which is the same model as the one that Mo Yanshao invited guests to use this time.

It is very likely that they took the bride Mu Taotao away while Mo Yanshao was picking up the guests on the passenger plane.

"What exactly does he want to do?"

When Mo Yanshao looked at the document, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

This Bailang also has a problem, that is, he has always been perverted towards women, so Mo Yanshao is very worried, will Mu Taotao suffer from him?
What kind of abnormal method?
This is what Mo Yanshao got from elsewhere.

That man likes S, M.

Think about how heavy the taste is.

How many of the women who fell into his hands came out alive?

When Mo Yanshao thought of this, he felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Go and find out where Bailang's lair is right now."


Zhu Ying took the order to go down.

Mo Yanshao also got up immediately, opened the drawer, and took out a state-of-the-art small pistol from it.

The whole body of this pistol is golden, and it looks very delicate and small. If you don't know it, you may think it is a model or a toy.

But in fact, this pistol has a very long range, and can kill creatures hundreds of meters away with one shot.

(End of this chapter)

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