Chapter 496

But in fact, this pistol has a very long range, and can kill creatures hundreds of meters away with one shot.

Mo Yanshao took the pistol and left the office.

When he came out of the office again, he had already changed into a casual outfit suitable for fighting.

He has handsome facial features, a pair of black eyes showing determination, his waist is straight, and the soles of his feet feel windy when he walks.

As long as he is willing, his 11-meter speed can reach less than [-] seconds, which is comparable to a real sprinter.

Leaving the office and going up to the high platform on the top floor, there was already a helicopter ready, and when Mo Yan made one stride to board the cabin, the door was lowered, and the helicopter slowly lifted off and headed in a certain direction.

Mo Yanshao, who was sitting in the helicopter, told himself that he must find Mu Taotao as soon as possible so that she would not be hurt by the man.

On the other side, on the small island called Taku, Mu Taotao smashed all the things that could be smashed in the house by himself, just to attract people's attention.

However, they seemed unwilling to pay attention to Mu Taotao, so they let her smash everything.

Bailang was in another room, enjoying the action movie beautifully.

At the same time, his eyes looked at the long whip hanging on the wall beside him.

Imagining the wonderful sound of the whip on the woman's fair and delicate skin, the more I think about it, the more exciting I feel, and the more I think about it, the more exciting I feel.

The man's face with a perverted smile became even more ferocious and distorted.

Mu Taotao didn't see the man's face, otherwise she might faint from fright.

While Bailang was watching the action movie, his subordinates finally came to report: "Sir, it seems that a small helicopter has appeared in our airspace, please give instructions."

"It goes without saying, shoot it down."

Bailang never took his eyes off the screen. The intertwined bodies of the man and the woman made him see the excitement, so he ordered.

His men took orders to go.

Bailang was also sweating all over his body.

But how can you just feast your eyes?
Of course, it is fun to find someone to practice.

"What is that woman doing?"

A trace of darkness flashed across Bailang's face wearing round glasses, and he said to his subordinates beside him.

"Mr. Hui, she smashed everything in the house that could be smashed."

"Oh, really? It seems that she is really lonely, so I'll go and comfort her."

There was an even more obscene smile on Bailang's face.

Didn't this woman also say that he couldn't find a woman?

Isn't she a woman?

When Bailang thought of Mo Yanshao's woman being enjoyed by him, the excitement on his face became obvious.

Because he didn't know when Mo Yanshao would take action, Bailang never acted rashly.

Now it seems that Xiao Xiao is nothing more than that.

He can do whatever he wants with confidence and boldness.

Thinking of this, the smile on Bailang's face became even more ferocious.

Mu Taotao was probably tired from smashing things, so she fell on the sofa by herself, panting heavily.

But smashing things is really fun.

She almost smashed everything that could be smashed in this room.

In fact, there are no valuable things, just some ordinary white porcelain, lamps and so on.

After the smashing, the house was in a mess, and there were many broken pieces of porcelain on the ground.

Mu Taotao felt thirsty and wanted to get up to get a glass of water to drink.

It was only then that she found out that she had smashed all the drinking cups and bottles, so what should I use to drink water?
Is this shooting yourself in the foot with a rock?
Mu Taotao suddenly felt a little regretful, why didn't he save a cup for himself?
It's also good to get water to drink.

There was no other way but to pour myself into the faucet.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao tiptoed, walked over the broken glass, and came to the sink with the faucet in the kitchen, and was about to bend down to drink water.

At this time, the door suddenly opened and someone walked in.

As soon as Bailang entered the room, he was still taken aback by the mess in the room.

This woman is really capable, she really smashed everything that could be smashed.

It's not that he, Bailang, feels sorry for these things, it's because this woman is so hateful that she can smash things so cleanly that he doesn't even have a place to step down.

"You guys, haven't you found someone to clean up here?"

The two subordinates behind promised to find someone to clean it, while Bailang, like Mu Taotao, tiptoed to the sofa and finally sat down.

Mu Taotao didn't care about him, and filled up the water himself before returning to the living room.

Someone has already started cleaning.

The broken glass on the ground was swept away.

Bailang looked at Mu Taotao's innocent appearance, imagining the pleasure of whipping her with a whip, and the more he thought about it, the happier he became.

"Come on, let's play a game, how about it?"

Bailang salivated, and walked towards Mu Taotao.

This man looks very abnormal today, Mu Taotao said heartily.

She doesn't want to play any games with him.

"Are you sick? Are you still a child? What game are you doing?"

Mu Taotao scolded him sharply.

"You haven't done it yet, how do you know it's not fun?
Come, come, let me teach you, it must be fun. "

As Bailang said, he was about to hold Mu Taotao's hand.

For some reason, the man's hand looked like an octopus' tentacles, with a wet, sticky feeling.

Mu Taotao didn't wait for his hand to get close, she shrank behind her back and put her hands behind her back, just not wanting to be dragged by him.

"How can you do this? Once you are born and second time you are familiar.

We are also acquaintances, and I asked you to play games with me, but you refused. "

Bailang didn't give up, he insisted on holding Mu Taotao's hand.

"Dead pervert!"

Mu Taotao cursed in a low voice, and rushed forward with both hands at the same time, unexpectedly hitting Bailang on the nose.

The man's face was thrown back because of Mu Taotao's double fists, and at the same time, the nosebleed was also blown out.

This time it was good, the man was not annoyed, but got blood on his hands, his eyes were bright and he said: "Wow, it's a good fight, I like it."

Mu Taotao was really dumbfounded.

You can't really be kidnapped by a pervert, right?

How can anyone be so happy and look excited after being beaten?
This person is obviously not stupid, but he has a mental problem, right?

Mu Taotao became even more frightened, with a look of horror on his face, he kept backing away.

I accidentally retreated to a place with glass, fell, and pressed my hand on the broken glass, blood oozing out.

Mu Taotao grinned in pain.

Although it was just a small scratch on the glass, it really hurt.

Mu Taotao was looking at her bleeding hand, feeling extremely sad.

But that Bailang also rushed over.

When she saw the blood on Mu Taotao's hand, she didn't expect an astonishing light to burst out from her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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