Chapter 497

When she saw the blood on Mu Taotao's hand, she didn't expect an astonishing light to burst out from her eyes.

As if he saw another thing that excited him, he rushed towards Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao yelled and rolled around on the ground, only to escape the man's pounce.

The man jumped at nothing, and grinned at Mu Taotao: "Don't hide, I still want to play games with you."

"Playing with your sister."

Mu Taotao yelled, got up and ran to another room of the house.

That room was Mu Taotao's bedroom, she wanted to hide inside and bolt the door, so that she could avoid the man.

Unexpectedly, when Bailang saw her hiding in the bedroom, he was not in a hurry, but slowly stood up from the ground.

When he pounced just now, shards of glass were actually embedded in his hands, and blood also oozed out, dripping down his fingers.

But he doesn't care at all.

The round spectacle lens gave off a weird light, Bai Lang ordered his subordinates beside him: "Go and fetch my leather whip."

The subordinates did not dare to neglect, and quickly brought him a whip.

Holding the whip in his hand, Bailang walked towards the room where Mu Taotao was.

Mu Taotao bit her lips, her head was in a mess.
She could feel the danger approaching her step by step.

Especially when she thought of the perverted eyes of the man wearing glasses when he saw the blood bleeding from his hands, the indescribably strange and terrifying, as if he was the legendary vampire zombie.
Is this man trying to suck her blood?Are there really vampires in this world?

The more Mu Taotao thought about it, the more frightened she became, her thin back was pressed tightly against the closed door, she didn't want anyone to come in and disturb her.
She looked around and found that the layout of this bedroom was very simple, and there was a cliff under the window sill.
Even if she wanted to escape by jumping out of the window, she would not dare to do so because she was afraid of falling off the cliff.

What should she do if that perverted man really broke in?
Now, who can come and save her.
The more Mu Taotao thought about it, the more frightened she became, her face pale and terrifying.
It seemed as if I could hear the drumming wind in my ears, as well as the beating heartbeat like a drum.

She was so nervous, her heartbeat naturally accelerated and kept beating.

Finally, the sound of footsteps came from her ears, so heavy, every step seemed to be stepping on her heart.
Mu Taotao became even more nervous. She felt that the footsteps were louder than thunder, which made her feel deafening.
So, she tightly covered her ears with her hands, slid down the wooden door little by little, and sat down on the ground.

Bailang holds a whip made of unknown leather.
In the past, this leather whip left countless marks on the smooth and beautiful woman's skin.

This time, it was his rival, Mo Yanshao's beloved wife.
Bailang laughed wildly in his heart, he wanted to see how many times Mo Yanshao's wife could withstand the whip?
Thinking of Wei Wei hitting the woman's skin with a prickly whip, and after the flesh and blood flew together, the woman's screams brought him pleasure, he couldn't help speeding up the movements of his hands.

However, as expected, the door was locked from the inside, obviously the woman was on guard.

But it doesn't matter, his Bailang cannot be blocked by a single door.
But when a cat plays with a mouse, it is natural to have fun.

Therefore, a strange smile appeared on Bailang's face, which was indescribably eerie.
"Peach, I know you are inside, open the door."
Like a whisper between lovers, Bailang called softly to the people inside the door.
It was as if Mu Taotao was really his lover, and he was just here to comfort her.
However, to Mu Taotao's ears, his voice was even more terrifying.
What is this man trying to do?If she would open the door for him, it would be a ghost.
Mu Taotao didn't want to listen to him, so she continued to cover her ears, and closed her eyes tightly, feeling a little self-deceiving.

She warned herself that it was safest to stay in this room, if she went out, she would really die.
But after Bailang called him outside the house several times, his patience finally ran out.

How could he let the woman just shut herself in the room without accepting the baptism of his whip?
"You forced me to do this, but I actually didn't want to."
The words were still very gentle, as if it was Mu Taotao's fault for not opening the door.
Bailang took a few steps back, and with a beautiful spin kick, his long legs remained in place, while the door in front was completely kicked open with a loud noise.
This kick didn't matter, Mu Taotao was thrown out due to the huge impact, and immediately fell unconscious on the spot, without even having time to snort.
"It's a pity, why can't you hide away? It hurts so much."
A strange light flashed in Bailang's eyes behind his round glasses. Matching his tone, he felt that this person's behavior and words were completely different things.
It doesn't matter if you get dizzy, as long as you flick the whip, no matter how dizzy the person is, they will be sobered up instantly.

Mu Taotao was indeed dizzy, but not to the point of unconsciousness.
In just a few seconds, she slowly opened her eyes.
It's okay if you don't open it, but once you open it, you can't close your eyes anymore, and a sense of terror immediately hits your heart.

What's more terrible is that she saw the leather whip in the man's hand, it had a special light, it was ugly, and it had a weird smell.
If I didn't guess wrong, the smell on the whip should be the smell of blood.
So, this leather whip is not for playing, but for execution.
Mu Taotao felt that the danger was approaching, just when Bailang raised the whip high and hit her heavily, Mu Taotao rolled on the ground and narrowly escaped the blow.
The whip didn't hit Mu Taotao's body, the whip hit the floor, and the waxed wooden floor was left with deep marks by the whip.

Mu Taotao broke out in a cold sweat again, just imagine, if this leather whip hit her body, what kind of pain would it be?Will it leave deeper scars?

The answer is obviously yes.

Even the wooden floor can have such obvious marks, if it hits the human skin, it will be fatal.
Mu Taotao looked at the floor that had been beaten with welts, and was shocked by cold sweat and a beating heart.

The man on the opposite side was still smiling, his costume was very strange, he looked like an old knight, but his words and deeds were too terrifying, he was completely perverted.
Perverts and knights are completely different things.
Mu Taotao couldn't admit that the man in front of her completely subverted her perception of people.

In short, it is sinister and terrifying, making people feel that the breath of death is approaching.

"Taotao, I just said that you shouldn't run away, maybe the whip won't hurt so much when it hits you."

(End of this chapter)

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