Chapter 499

The man pinched Mu Taotao's neck, motioned her to get up from the ground with him, and walked outside along the corner.
"Young Master Mo Yan, you are cruel, you can find this place so quickly, but if you want me to let your wife go, it's okay, prepare the plane for me, let me get out of here, before I board the plane, I will let go of your wife .”
Hearing what he said, Mo Yanshao immediately said to Zhu Ying and the others outside: "Get that helicopter ready for him and let him go."
Zhu Ying objected, with the strength of the few of them, it was more than enough to deal with a Bailang.

But with Mu Taotao in his hands, no one dared to act rashly.
There were blood marks on Mu Taotao's neck, and her face also turned purple, which was obviously caused by lack of oxygen.
Mu Taotao is very unwilling to be pinched by Bailang like this, but is there any way to get rid of it?
She's been hit on the head today, and fought with the whip for so long.

Now because of being strangled, she couldn't breathe at all, so her eyes were half-opened and half-closed, as if she was about to faint.
Mo Yan couldn't help but yell at her: "Tao Tao, cheer up, don't fall asleep!"
who is it?Who is calling yourself?
Mu Taotao managed to open her eyes and saw that the front was blurry, and in the blur was the anxious and tense face of a man.

It's Mo Yanshao, what's the matter with his expression?Is he worried about her?
There was a hint of a smile on the corner of Mu Taotao's lips, but she really passed out soon.
Mo Yanshao had nowhere to vent his anger, but Bailang could only see the helicopter with its propellers spinning continuously.
As long as he got on the helicopter, he would be saved.
If he had known that Mo Yan Shao would be so strong, he would not have played this game with him.
It's really not fun!


Thinking about it this way, Bailang didn't care about Mu Taotao in his hand, he dropped her and ran straight towards the helicopter.
And just as he was about to board the helicopter, Ziyue kicked him off the helicopter without waiting for him to react.

Ziyue had already jumped off the helicopter and wrestled with Bailang.
The man was injured in one wrist, so he could only fight with Ziyue with his left hand.

No matter how powerful his martial arts are, he can't match the opponent's invincible vajra legs.

Soon, Bailang was stepped on the ground by Ziyue, unable to move.
On the other side, after Mu Taotao's body was pushed away by Bailang, she was on the verge of falling, and her consciousness was almost in a coma.
Mo Yanshao rushed forward, grabbed the woman with his strong arms, hugged her in his arms and called anxiously: "Taotao, Taotao, wake up."

Mu Taotao only felt that there was air in his chest again, and his consciousness slowly returned.
He seemed to hear someone calling his name.

Is she asleep?

Why is something calling her name?
But she wanted to sleep so much that she didn't want to wake up.

But that person never stopped calling, so she had to slowly open her eyes.

There is a pair of deep black eyes, who is the anxiety and worry on that face?

Mu Taotao's eyeballs rolled little by little, and she took a closer look at the face of the man hugging her.

Yes, that's right.
It was Mo Yanshao, the face of the man she loved.
Did he come to save himself?
Is she not dead yet?

Mu Taotao had mixed feelings in her heart, after she was overjoyed, there was always some blood rushing straight to her forehead.

"You came?"

After Mu Taotao said this, she fell into a coma completely.

Mo Yanshao didn't have time to clean up Bailang and left the mess on Taku Island to his subordinates.

What he has to do now is to send Mu Taotao to the hospital for examination as soon as possible to see if she has any other problems, why did she faint?
The helicopter soared into the sky and flew towards the distant dawn.

When Mu Taotao woke up, it was already three o'clock in the morning the next day.

She didn't know how she fainted, she just remembered that the man who hugged her was Mo Yanshao.

So she fainted in his arms with peace of mind.

But what she didn't know was how anxious Mo Yanshao was holding her who had fainted.

He is afraid.

I was really scared, I was afraid that something might happen to her.

They had just married when she was kidnapped.

If he hadn't come in time, I don't know how she would be hurt by that whip.

Thinking of this, Mo Yanshao really wanted to capture Bailang and tear him into pieces.

Fortunately, she was fine, and fortunately, he arrived in time.

Thinking about it this way, Mo Yanshao really wanted to thank God, thankfully, for allowing him to save Mu Taotao in time.

"Boss, Bailang has been handed over to the local police, and his right hand will probably be useless for the rest of his life."

"If you don't kill him, it's already cheap for him."

"I heard that there are many people who want to sue him. It is estimated that he will spend his whole life in prison."

"That's his business."

Mo Yanshao was not interested in knowing how Bailang was doing.

What he is most concerned about now is how Mu Taotao is doing.

At this time, Mu Taotao woke up and saw the sky blue ceiling of the ward, which made people feel as if they were floating in the sea.

But it feels very comfortable.

Mu Taotao turned around slowly, and saw Mo Yanshao lying beside his bed, already lying there and falling asleep.

He must be very tired, right?

Mu Taotao thought.

His face was facing her, and he slept extremely soundly.

Probably because he knew she was fine, that's why he was able to sleep.

But one of his hands and Mu Taotao's hand were tightly held together, so Mu Taotao could feel the warmth from his one hand.

It's very warm, that kind of temperature can always warm your heart.

Mo Yanshao's facial features have always been three-dimensional and profound, as if they came out of a cartoon.

With long and thick black eyebrows, slightly sunken eye sockets, there is a feeling of mixed blood.

Indeed, isn't his mother the nobleman of that small country?
I don't know how many generations of ancestors are of European and American descent.

So it is normal for him to have such deep eye sockets.

His skin is also very fair, but it doesn't make him feel like a mother, because his facial features are very majestic and handsome.

He is so tall, curled up here at this moment, really wronged him.

Mu Taotao looked at Mo Yanshao who was asleep, and his eyes became wet for no reason.

They've had their wedding and sworn their vows to each other in front of the priest, so now they're really husband and wife.

Being able to be his wife was what Mu Taotao had always wanted since then, but he never got it.

Now that the two finally held a grand wedding ceremony, that sense of happiness is like water in a cup, overflowing little by little, filling the whole room.

Mu Taotao told himself that he should get along well with this person so that both of them would feel happy.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao closed his eyes again, and fell asleep with Mo Yanshao.

(End of this chapter)

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