Chapter 500

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao closed his eyes again, and fell asleep with Mo Yanshao.

Since they are husband and wife, they must be in sync. You can't keep looking at him like this until dawn, can you?
Mu Taotao thought so.

Unexpectedly, with Mo Yanshao holding her hand, she would feel so at ease even sleeping.

Unknowingly, I fell into dreamland.

In the dream, she seemed to see the door leading to the church slowly opening, and a dazzling light came out from the door, so bright that people couldn't even open their eyes.

Mu Taotao covered her eyes with her hands, and slowly saw that there was a person standing inside the door, wearing a black dress, who else could it be Mo Yanshao?

"Bride, you can go and kiss your groom."

A voice said to himself.

Yes, her groom was at the door, and she had to run to him to kiss him.

That was Mo Yanshao, the man she loved, of course she would not be satisfied until kissed.

So, the woman in a white wedding dress ran towards the door holding the corner of her skirt with both hands.

And Mo Yanshao just stood there, smiling at her.

His eyebrows and eyes are still so beautiful, so beautiful that people can't look away.

His smile is very eye-catching, as if he will smile like this all his life.

Mu Taotao ran towards Mo Yanshao, with a happy smile on her face, she was about to hug the man, and she could kiss him.

At this moment, the sound of ding ding dong dong sounded.

Mo Yanshao in front of him also disappeared in an instant, and Mu Taotao woke up from the dream while maintaining a posture of hugging and kissing, only then did he realize that there was nothing beside him, and there was no shadow of anyone there.

Mu Taotao was furious.

They're newly married, they're just newly married, why does Mo Yanshao have so much work to do?
It caused her to stay alone in the empty room, and as a result, she chatted too late yesterday, so she couldn't get up this morning.

"Damn it, you caused me to have such a dream, Mo Yanshao, I will never end with you!"

While talking, Mu Taotao lifted the quilt and got out of bed, hurriedly put on the cute rabbit head slippers, and ran towards the bathroom.

When she picked up the toothpaste, squeezed it onto the toothbrush, and was about to brush her teeth, the phone rang cheerfully.

Mu Taotao's favorite ringtone is the song of a popular boy group group, because the singing sounds very powerful and invigorating.

Mu Taotao saw the caller ID on it, and quickly answered the call.

"Honey, can't sleep."

Mo Yanshao's slightly lazy voice came from the opposite side.

He is on a business trip abroad, it should be early in the morning, but it is already morning in China.

"Call me if you can't sleep?"

Mu Taotao still had a toothbrush stuffed in her mouth, and when she spoke, she could even blow bubbles.

"What are you doing? Why are you slurring your speech?"

"brush teeth."

Mu Taotao said generously, holding the receiver in one hand and continuing to hold the toothbrush in the other, brushing and brushing.

Mo Yanshao was really defeated by her.

"What call are you answering while brushing your teeth?"

"Then why are you calling me while I'm brushing my teeth?"

"You still have reason."

"Why are you ignoring it?"

The two started bickering as soon as they spoke.

They seem to fall in love with this way of getting along.

Think about it, Mu Taotao is still full of anger.

I finally got married and thought I could go on a honeymoon or something.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yanshao's father fell ill, and Mo Yanqing was sent to Australia to explore the market. Mo Yanming was not assured that he would take care of the company, so he had to let Mo Yanshao go to the company's headquarters abroad as a township.

Mu Taotao's passport expired, and a new one has not yet been issued, so he had to stay in China.

The two husband and wife were separated for life, which really made the two of them anxious to death.

On the day when Mo Yan was leaving, Mu Taotao sent him to the airport, and the two of them said goodbye.

In the past, Mu Taotao saw other couples breaking up at the airport, looking inseparable, and always thought it was very hypocritical.

But when it was my turn, I realized that it was not hypocritical, it was really reluctant.

Think about it, what is a newlywed?
The two had just gotten together, and Mo Yanshao was about to go on a business trip. This sweet and gentle world of two people has not lived enough, who wants to part.

Mu Taotao's tears rolled in her eyes, she wanted to cry, but she was afraid that if she cried, she would lose her momentum.

Mo Yanshao didn't say anything, just hugged the woman in his arms, until the news that the passengers were allowed to board the plane came through the radio, and the two had to separate.

When Mo Yanshao entered the gate, Mu Taotao finally couldn't help but shed tears.

This situation is no less than life and death.

Of course, they have experienced too many life and death in the past.

Fortunately, both of them are still alive, so there is hope.

At this time, Mu Taotao finished washing while talking with Mo Yanshao.

After all this was done, she was going to visit the jewelry store.

After so many things, the two finally got married, but the gift she received from Mo Yanshao before the marriage was still in her name.

Therefore, she doesn't want to be a rich lady who stretches out her hands for clothes at home and opens her mouth for meals. She goes to the store, draws drawings, and fulfills her ultimate dream.

Mu Taotao's dream was to be a jewelry designer and deal with those beautiful gems all day long. That was her greatest wish.

As for the Wan family's property, she has always been disdainful.

In addition, the treasures left by Chu Yun were distributed equally, so she, Mu Taotao, still had a share.

As for Fugui Island, it was naturally bought by the Wan family, and the future development rights are also in the hands of the Wan family.

Soliciting everyone's opinions, Fugui Island will naturally remain as it is without any changes.

Mu Taotao drove a pink BMW to the jewelry store.

This pink BMW is not simple either, it was given to her by Mu Taotao's father, Mu Xingtian.

As a father, I owe her so many years.

She didn't have anything to give when she got married, so she gave her a custom-made pink BMW.

It is said that there are only two in the world, and the other is owned by a well-known heiress of a certain hotel.

Of course, Mu Taotao readily accepted this generous gift from his father. If he did not accept it, it would be a disapproval of the relationship between father and daughter.

Mu Taotao can't afford that reputation.

As for Mo Yanshao's mother Liu Yuewen.

At first, she thought that Mu Taotao was a fake Miss Qianjin, so she always objected to the two being together.

But after so many years, the relationship between Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao has not changed in the slightest because of so many things that happened between the two of them, so Liu Yuewen also accepted his fate.

This is fate. People who are destined cannot be separated.

When Mu Taotao came to the jewelry store, the store was already open for business.

When several old employees saw Mu Taotao, they were so surprised that they couldn't speak.

Today's Mu Taotao is wearing Chanel's new summer suit, which is as fresh as green grass. Wearing it on her body, coupled with her beautiful appearance, she really looks like an aristocratic woman.

(End of this chapter)

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