Chapter 501

Today's Mu Taotao is wearing Chanel's new summer suit, which is as fresh as green grass. Wearing it on her body, coupled with her beautiful appearance, she really looks like an aristocratic woman.

"What? Don't you know me? I'm your general manager, Mu Taotao."

Mu Taotao stood there, holding a small Hermes bag in her hand, with a smile on her face, her delicate appearance was really cute.

Several old employees gathered in front of her and chattered non-stop: "Tao Tao, are you really married to Young Master Mo?"

"Taotao, you are becoming more and more aristocratic."

"Tao Tao, how long has it been since you came to the store? Miss us to death."

These old employees have always known Mu Taotao's character, and they stayed after strict selection, so they can be regarded as loyal to Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao was also very polite to them: "Okay, okay, you have a lot of questions, should I write a statement to clarify?"

She was joking like this, and the employees naturally agreed: "Yes."

Mu Taotao gave them a blank look, and then said: "Actually, you don't have to ask me if there are too many things, you can tell by looking at my current situation?
Of course I am married to my dear, and I will also manage this jewelry store in the future. I will lead everyone on the road to wealth. How about it? "

Mu Taotao's words are of course liked by the employees. Just think about it, even if they are part-time workers, as long as the store's income is good, their income will naturally be high.

The employees cheered and almost threw Mu Taotao into the air to celebrate.

Mu Taotao walked into his office amidst the compliments from the employees, and sat at his desk.

Take out a folder from the third drawer under the table, open it, and there are some rough design manuscripts inside.

This is the blueprint that Mu Taotao drew before.

Because she has been absent from the jewelry store, this office was only cleaned up the day before.

Being able to come back here again, one can imagine Mu Taotao's mood.

This jewelry store originally belonged to Mo's, but later became independent because it was given to her.

Thinking back to when he thought Mo Yan was gone, Luo Tianyun tried his best to take back this jewelry store from Mu Taotao's hands.

There is a drawing of a diamond necklace in the manuscript, which was drawn by Mu Taotao for herself. She thought back to the state of mind when she drew this drawing.

Mo Yan Shao is gone, she can use the blueprints she designed to participate in the international jewelry exhibition, she didn't want to win any awards, she just wanted to let Mo Yan Shao in the sky see, she Mu Taotao is not only good at making Snitch, she can also be very inspirational.

Now misfortune seems to be far away from her, and happiness surrounds her.

Mu Taotao really felt very happy.

So, she put the drawing back into the file bag and didn't touch it anymore.

Some things, after the passage of time, the effect is completely different.

Mu Taotao only hopes that in the future, she can design some jewelry that is associated with longevity and happiness.

Because such jewelry will bring more good luck and happiness to people.

Mu Taotao took out the bill records of the store for the past two years and looked through them to see how the store was operating in the past two years.

Then the call came in, Mu Taotao didn't look at the caller ID, and thought it was Mo Yanshao.

"Hey, you can't sleep yet, can you?"

"Peach, it's me, can't you hear my voice?"

Mu Taotao carefully discerned that the voice was not from Mo Yanshao, but from another man, an old friend she hadn't seen for a long time.

Zheng Zhongjie!
"Ajie, is that you?"

Mu Taotao couldn't help getting up from the executive chair, with an excited expression on her face.

It's really been a long time since I saw him, and I don't know if he is doing well now?
"Ajie, where are you? Didn't I hear that you went abroad to study?"

"Well, I just called to ask if you are in the country. If you are, we can get together."

"Of course I'm here, and I sent you a wedding post when I got married, why aren't you here?"

"Sorry, I went to another place and couldn't receive any signal, so I didn't receive your wedding invitation.

congratulations! "

"Where is the word, are we still so polite?"

"Then tonight, at Xuedong's place."

"Well, okay."

"Seven o'clock in the evening, see you soon."

Mu Taotao said to Zheng Zhongjie.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Taotao couldn't hide her excitement.

Zheng Zhongjie was in the same class as her when he was at Willis College.

In addition, Mu Taotao has always played well in the past, so Mu Taotao regards him as a blue-faced confidant.

But after so many things happened, she went to Fugui Island again, and Zheng Zhongjie also went abroad to study, so the two of them lost contact.

When she got married, Mo Yanshao carefully notified all her friends, but Zheng Zhongjie was the only one who didn't come.

This also made Mu Taotao a little regretful.

But because Ai Meili came with Leng Yihan, this made Mu Taotao feel more at ease.

Because this pair is what worries her the most.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, Mu Taotao came here on time at a high-end restaurant called Dongxue.

Because the food is Japanese food, the environment is very Japanese.

Traditional Japanese music is played in the store, and the waiters are also dressed in traditional costumes and are polite to people.

Mu Taotao is wearing a light-colored suit, and the demeanor of an international famous brand can be reflected on her body.

Her eyes are as clear and bright as water, giving people a very spiritual feeling.

The waiter heard that the seat was reserved, so he took her to Zheng Zhongjie's private room.

When Mu Taotao saw Zheng Zhongjie for the first time, he was still taken aback.

I haven't seen this man for a long time, but he turned into a bearded uncle. What's going on?
Where did that handsome young boy go?

When Mu Taotao saw Zheng Zhongjie with a beard, he couldn't close his mouth.

Zheng Zhongjie got up, found a tatami seat for her to sit down, and then said with an embarrassing expression on his face: "Scared you?"

"Ajie, how did you make yourself like this? Did something happen?"

Zheng Zhongjie didn't speak, but just poured a glass of sake into Mu Taotao's cup, then filled his own cup, raised his glass and said to Mu Taotao, "I'm a man, let's do it first."

After drinking a cup, Zheng Zhongjie poured himself another cup, raised his neck again, and drank it down again.

He drank three cups in a row.

Seeing how he was drinking, Mu Taotao intended to get himself drunk, so he quickly snatched the bottle from his hand, not letting him drink any more.

"Taotao, give me the wine bottle."

"No, are you planning to get drunk directly by drinking like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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