Chapter 514

The two maids were instructed to do so immediately.

Zhang Ma said to Aunt Li: "The young master must be afraid that the young mistress will make trouble with him when she sees those newspapers.

But he didn't know, the eldest and young mistress knew everything. "

"Yeah, these two couples are really interesting, one is hiding the other.

It would be great if you could keep it secret all the time, don't you understand the truth that paper can't contain fire? "

Aunt Li shook her head.

While shaking their heads, the two maids followed the instructions and put away all the newspapers and magazines at home.

After get off work in the afternoon, Tao Song called and asked Mo Yanshao to go to a party, but he directly refused.

"Yesterday, your sister-in-law found out about my going to the bar. She quarreled with me for a long time. She is pregnant with a child recently, and her mood is not stable. I'd better go back to accompany her."

Tao Song's tone was rather helpless: "Yan Shao, you are about to become a slave to your wife, is this really okay?"

"It's nothing bad, isn't that what a married man should do?

Just don't let her continue to misunderstand. "

In the evening, after finishing his work, he went home in Lao Zhang's car, and along the way, Mo Yanshao felt some shadows in his heart.

What if I saw Mu Taotao arguing with me with a sullen face again when I got home?
Thinking about the news in today's newspaper, Mo Yanshao was also in a cold sweat. Fortunately, Mu Taotao must not have known about it, otherwise with her personality, she would definitely want to make trouble with him.

The car quickly returned to the Xinghai villa area.

This is where the two lived after they got married.

The driver, Lao Zhang, parked the car at the gate of the villa area.

To Mo Yanshao's surprise, Mu Taotao was wearing a pink maternity dress and stood at the door with a smile on his face, welcoming him back together with the other two maids.

"Yan Shao, I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I'm finally back."

Mu Taotao's slightly baby-fat face was full of smiles, and she actually smiled more than usual.

Mo Yanshao was a little dazed, this woman's face changed really fast.

I remember that when she left in the morning, she was still making a fuss. Is this playing tricks with him?

Thinking of this, Mo Yanshao had an extremely unnatural expression on his face, obviously he was not used to Mu Taotao's attentive attitude towards him.

"Peach, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. What can I do? When my husband comes back from get off work, my wife will naturally wait at the door, and then we'll go have dinner together."

Although Mo Yanshao felt that Mu Taotao's attitude was a bit abnormal, he didn't want to delve into it further.

Is it normal to see her making trouble with him with a straight face?

He would rather she treated him like this, at least the atmosphere at home seemed much more harmonious.

Mu Taotao took the initiative to hold his arm, the smile on his face remained unchanged, and the two walked into the restaurant.

Mo Yanshao didn't want her to be too tired, so he took the initiative to support her arm, and then opened the chair by the dining table for her.

He tried to be as gentle and considerate a husband as possible.

In Mu Taotao's view, his behavior like this is nothing more than an act of compensation for what he did wrong.

So she just sneered in her heart, do you want to apologize?It's too late.She will not buy his account.

The two sat at the dining table, and the maid put the bowl of rice in front of them.

Mu Taotao took the initiative to prepare dishes for Mo Yanshao: "This is crispy duck, this is glutinous rice chicken, three delicacies soup, and oil-braised prawns."

While serving dishes for him, Mu Taotao reported the names of the dishes, and almost put every dish on the table into Mo Yanshao's bowl.

After a while, Mo Yanshao's bowl was piled up into a hill.

Of course, Mo Yanshao was not far behind.

"How can you just give me food?
Wife, you are pregnant with a child now, so eat alone and make up for two.

Come, let me get you some food too. "

Mo Yanshao also filled Mu Taotao's bowl with vegetables.

Watching the interaction between the couple, the two maids were almost moved to tears.

They are really showing affection and abusing single dogs.

Mu Taotao looked shy, and ate little by little the food Mo Yanshao made for her, but what was she thinking?
This man is just being courteous on purpose.

This further shows that he has done something wrong.

Mu Taotao really had some indigestion after eating this meal.

It looked like she was eating, but she was actually full of anger.

The more he looked at Mo Yanshao, the more he looked like the playboy in that photo.

I don't know how coquettish he is with other women.

Think about how many times I have left him, and I don't know how romantic and happy he is when she is not around?

People said that being romantic can also be inherited. Thinking about Luo Tianyun, Mu Taotao lost confidence in Mo Yanshao even more.

She even regretted that she had become his happy bride.

Mu Taotao finally resisted the idea of ​​throwing this man out, finished the meal, and the two of them could finally go back to their room to rest.

Mu Taotao took the initiative to say to Mo Yanshao: "You also know that I am pregnant now, and it is inconvenient to share the same room with you. Why don't we sleep separately."

Mo Yanshao was also a little surprised by her inconsistent attitude, but she could do whatever she said.

Thinking about it, I can't touch it, let alone eat it, and I feel uncomfortable.

Mo Yanshao reluctantly agreed: "Okay, then call me if you have anything to do at night, I'm in the next room."


Seeing Mo Yanshao's worried expression, Mu Taotao just felt that he was lying.

This man is only for show.

Mo Yan Shao went to the next room.

Mu Taotao called Zheng Zhongjie: "How are you preparing for what I told you?"

"No problem, I have agreed with my cousin, you can go to her after you go abroad.

She is in a small country in Southeast Asia, where there are beautiful mountains and rivers, and if you live there, no one will know. "

"Well, I'll leave it to you this time."

"Peach, I don't know how to tell you something."

Zheng Zhongjie hesitated.

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

"I want to say, maybe you really misunderstood Mo Yan, he should not be the kind of person you said."

"There is nothing good about a man. You are also a man. Of course you have to speak for him. I don't care. I really want to leave him this time and I won't let him see the child.

I will raise him alone. "

"Of course you can raise him alone.

But have you ever thought about it, is it fair to children?

He will always ask you in the future, who is your father, where is your father, how do you answer him? "

"You don't have to worry about this."

Mu Taotao didn't want to hear what Zheng Zhongjie said to persuade her to stay, but insisted on leaving.

"Aren't you afraid you'll regret it later?"

"Will not."

Mu Taotao said very firmly.

The conversation between the two came to an abrupt end because Mo Yanshao suddenly walked over from the next room.

(End of this chapter)

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