Chapter 515

The conversation between the two came to an abrupt end because Mo Yanshao suddenly walked over from the next room.

Mu Taotao hastily hung up the ongoing call with Zheng Zhongjie.

"How did you come?"

"I just wanted to see you."

As soon as Mo Yanshao entered the room, he felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Mu Taotao looked very nervous.

What is she nervous about?
"Who are you calling?"

Mo Yanshao discovered that the reason for her nervousness was that she was talking to someone, as if he was afraid that he would overhear.

This can't help but make him feel suspicious.

"You're so annoying. I'm talking about having a baby with others. Do you want to hear it too? A big man, can you help me give birth to the baby?"

Mu Taotao rolled his eyes at him and lied.

That's right, a woman who is pregnant with a child naturally likes to discuss these issues with others.

Mo Yanshao could only laugh along with him: "Well, then you can learn more from other people's experience, maybe the labor will not be so difficult."

"Did you know it's going to be difficult during production?"

Mu Taotao asked differently.

"I also heard from others that it should be more difficult. If it were that easy, no one would be afraid of having children."

Mo Yan is less serious.

Mu Taotao sneered in her heart.

She didn't want to continue this topic with the man, so she went to the closet to find a change of clothes, and said to Mo Yanshao: "I'm going to take a shower, and then go to bed.

What do you have to say, how about tomorrow? "

She meant to let him go.

Although Mo Yanshao always felt that the woman was pushing him away, he still wanted to get close to her.

"Peach, why don't you wash it later? I want to talk to you."

It was rare for Mo Yan to have such a look and expression.

He was asking Mu Taotao.

But Mu Taotao decided that this man did something wrong to her outside, so he wanted to treat her well in every possible way.

Now even if she knew she was wrong and knelt down to beg her for forgiveness, she would not forgive him.

"I'm really sleepy, and it's not too late this night, can't we talk about it tomorrow?"

Mu Taotao insisted.

Seeing a woman must take a shower, and I don't want to listen to him talking nonsense.

Mo Yanshao's handsome face was filled with great disappointment.

"Okay, then go take a shower and rest."

After Mo Yanshao finished speaking, he strode out of Mu Taotao's room and went back to the next room.

As soon as he left, Mu Taotao breathed a sigh of relief, and then went into the bathroom with his clothes.

Mu Taotao went to bed very early, just for the next day's trip.

Mo Yanshao didn't sleep well all night.

He always felt that Mu Taotao was hiding from him on purpose.

Is she still angry with herself?

But why is she so active?Pick up food for him and welcome him home at the door.

Isn't this too abnormal?
While alienating him, while getting close to him.

The hot and cold attitude makes people really unpredictable.

With such doubts, I don't know when I fell asleep.

After waking up the next day, I met Mu Taotao at the breakfast table.

Compared with Mo Yanshao's sleepy look, Mu Taotao seemed to be lighthearted, and even took the initiative to say hello to Mo Yanshao: "Good morning, husband."

Her voice was like honey, and it sounded very sweet.

This made Mo Yanshao's wild thoughts all night come to a crisp end.

"Morning, wife."

He even deliberately came over and put a touch on Mu Taotao's face to show his closeness.

But such an intimate gesture didn't make Mu Taotao have a good impression, on the contrary, he felt even more disgusted.

Mo Yanshao didn't pay attention to the disgusted expression on Mu Taotao's face.

The maids didn't pay much attention to the show of affection between these two.

A lot of age, who would watch young people fall in love.

So the maids just lowered their eyebrows and were pleasing to the eye, and didn't pay attention to the interaction between the two.

Although disgusted in his heart, Mu Taotao prepared buttered bread for Mo Yanshao and handed it to him.

Mo Yanshao took it over, with a look of joy on his face, he ate the bread.

Even this way of eating did not affect his masculinity at all.

After breakfast, Mu Taotao sent him to the door, and waved goodbye to him: "If you have something to do after work, don't rush back, don't affect the relationship with your friends because of me, understand?"

What a caring wife.

Mo Yanshao was almost overjoyed.

"Well, I see, they won't let me join their circle, because few of my friends are married.

This married man should stay with his wife at home, shouldn't he? "

Mo Yanshao said with a smile, and quickly got into Lao Zhang's car.

Mu Taotao desperately waved at Mo Yanshao, and said in her heart, goodbye, Mo Yanshao, maybe we will not have the chance to meet in the future.

Thinking of it this way, tears overflowed from the eyes involuntarily, but after a while, tears flowed down my face.

It turns out that the promise not to cry and the promise to be strong are actually illusions.

Ask yourself, she, Mu Taotao, has no less affection for Mo Yanshao than he does for her.

But why lie to her?
Why do things that hurt her?

Even if it's socializing outside and acting on the occasion, shouldn't it be rejected?

He clearly knew that she was waiting for him to come home.

When Mu Taotao turned around, looking at the direction Mo Yanshao left, the pain in his heart was getting bigger and bigger.

She told herself, it doesn't matter, time is the best medicine, maybe when the time passes, everything will be fine.

"I'm going out for a walk, for a walk."

Mu Taotao was wearing a beige maternity dress with cartoon patterns, said hello to the maids, and left the house swaggeringly.

No one doubted that Mu Taotao would run away from home.

Her expression looked very open and peaceful, even though she was still crying inside.

She was reluctant to leave that man, but she had to leave again.

She told herself that as long as she made a decision, she couldn't turn back. If she was indecisive, she would only hurt herself more deeply.

Zheng Zhongjie borrowed a friend's Jaguar and drove over, beckoning to Mu Taotao in the cab.

Mu Taotao looked around and got on the jaguar.

For her, if she wants to get rid of Mo Yanshao's pursuit in the future, she must not let people find herself in the monitor, and she must be fully prepared.

In order to compete with Mo Yanshao's wind, flowers, snow and moon, Mu Taotao also spent a lot of effort.

She even contacted the little friends of the Snitch Gang back then, especially Wen Tao, and asked him to find a way to destroy the monitoring system along the way that day, so that he would be exposed when Mo Yanshao came to investigate in the future.

Hongye was in charge of escorting her and sent her to Zheng Zhongjie's cousin.

As Zheng Zhongjie said, it is a remote country and small city in Southeast Asia, with mountains and water, pleasant climate and beautiful scenery, which is very suitable for confinement.

(End of this chapter)

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