Chapter 516

As Zheng Zhongjie said, it is a remote country and small city in Southeast Asia, with mountains and water, pleasant climate and beautiful scenery, which is very suitable for confinement.

In order to allow her to live there for a long time, Zheng Zhongjie even used local contacts to open up the joints for her so that she can live and give birth there.

Although not as developed and advanced as those in big European countries, Mu Taotao is very satisfied with his current living conditions.

After Zheng Zhongjie knew that Mu Taotao had settled down, he also heaved a sigh of relief, but when he thought of Mo Yanshao, he felt very ashamed.

That night, when Mo Yanshao returned home, he saw the flustered faces of the maids, and was startled that something was wrong.

His face darkened, and Mo Yanshao opened his mouth and said, "Where is the young mistress? Why didn't she come to greet me when I got off work?"

Mama Zhang didn't even know how to cry at this moment, her old face turned pale with fright: "Eldest young master, eldest young mistress, she...may have run away from home."

When Mama Zhang said this, she was already sobbing.

"What? How do you know?"

Mrs. Li also wiped away her tears: "We just found out that she left an MP[-] there for the young master."

Aunt Li said, and handed the MP[-] to Mo Yanshao.

Mo Yanshao took the MP[-] player and immediately put the earphones into his ears to listen.

It was indeed Mu Taotao's voice: "Young Master Yan, when you hear this recording, maybe I have already left you and this city.

Don't come to me because I won't see you again.

You lied to me, you obviously did something that I'm sorry for, but you can pretend nothing happened.

So I just leave you.

I will give birth to the child well and let him grow up healthy.

And you can do whatever you want, no one will blame you, stop you, cry and quarrel with you.

That's it, bye. "

Mu Taotaolu's words are really not too long, but the main point is that Mo Yanshao betrayed her, so she has to leave.

Mo Yanshao took off the earphones, smashed the MP[-] severely, and immediately ordered the bodyguards beside him: "Go and investigate immediately to see who picked up the young mistress?"


The bodyguard didn't dare to neglect, and went to do it immediately.

Mo Yanshao walked slowly to the sofa and sat there.

There was no superfluous expression on his face, his black eyes were as deep as an ancient well, and his fingers were crossed.

What kind of uproar is there in the seemingly peaceful face?

This woman, she really can do it.

No wonder she behaved so abnormally yesterday and this morning, she must have been prepared.

Steady him first, don't mess with him, and don't let him find out what she is planning.

When he let down his vigilance, she made such a big move - run away from home!
She is really long.

Thinking of this, Mo Yanshao wanted to laugh out loud.

And he did.

At first it was just low, like a light breeze passing through the border, and then it became a strong wind, wave after wave.

The two maids who had been standing aside were almost startled by Mo Yanshao's wild laughter.

The servants all speculated that the eldest young mistress ran away from home, and the eldest young master might be going crazy!

Indeed, if he could go crazy, Mo Yanshao really wanted to go crazy for a while.

This woman, how could she do such a thing?

Aren't they very much in love?

When he faked his death before, she never thought of leaving him. After she was taken away by her uncle, she disappeared for almost a year, and he never thought of giving up.

After she lost her memory, he even thought about becoming her most important person to protect her.

But they did not give up on each other.

And now, they're finally together, married, and have kids.

As a result, they separated because of mutual suspicion.

"Mu Taotao, what should I do to you?
If you want to leave me with all your heart and I find you, what will happen? "

Mo Yanshao said to himself in pain, his heart was more bitter than Coptis chinensis, but his expression remained unchanged.

Suddenly, he made a decision, and then ordered the personal assistant who was still at the side: "Order it down, don't look for it anymore, let her be."

"Eldest young master, are you really not going to young mistress?"

"Don't look for it, I can't find it.

If a person is trying to hide from you, even if you find her, she won't turn back.

Wait for her to calm down by herself for a while, and let her figure it out for herself. "

"What if she can't figure it out?"

The assistant on the side talked a lot.

Mo Yanshao squinted at the assistant: "Then use it back."

Mo Yanshao stood up, with a tall and straight figure, showing a faint domineering aura.

For him, instead of spending time looking for Mu Taotao, it's better to just let it go and do their own things. Whenever she wants to come back, she will come back naturally.

Time just slipped by.

Mu Taotao stayed on that small island for two months, and established a good relationship with the neighbors there. Everyone taught her to speak the local dialect, and she communicated with others in half-baked English.

Because she really can't understand the local dialect here, she speaks Chinese, and others don't understand, so she can only communicate in English and body language.

While getting along happily in the past two months, Mu Taotao was also curious that no one came here to inquire about her.

Does she hope that Mo Yanshao will find her, or does she not want to be found?
That kind of thinking is actually very contradictory. From an intellectual point of view, she is unwilling to be found by the scumbag she thinks. From an emotional point of view, she is reluctant to part with him, so she still hopes to be found and have a happy ending.

But now the situation is like this, she can only wait for the birth in peace.

On this day, Mu Taotao took a nap in the house, but in his sleep, he felt that he was lying in the water, feeling wet.

When she woke up from the dream, she touched the bottom of her ass again.


There is really water.

Mu Taotao has read books on fertility, so it's possible that her water has broken.

When the amniotic fluid breaks, giving birth to a baby is like giving birth, and the feeling is even more painful.

Mu Taotao had to shout at home: "Come on, come on!"

She lives in a small courtyard similar to a courtyard, next to other neighbors on the street.

Although everyone couldn't understand what she was calling, but thinking that she was a pregnant woman who was about to give birth, they guessed whether she was about to give birth.

Someone quickly knocked on her door and found a puddle of water and blood under Mu Taotao's body on the bed, and immediately realized something.

Immediately someone made an emergency call, and within 10 minutes, an ambulance arrived.

Everyone rushed to send Mu Taotao to the ambulance.

The car pulled the emergency alarm all the way to the direction of the hospital.

When the doctor saw her in this condition, he immediately sent her to the delivery room and prepared for the operation.

Mu Taotao is the first child, and she is young, so she encourages natural birth.

(End of this chapter)

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