Chapter 518

The situation on Mu Taotao's face was changing, and she kept silent. She was so frightened that the child could only look at her with black and white eyes, big eyes like black grapes, with a nervous and scared expression.

Mu Taotao saw that the little guy was frightened by her, so she couldn't help but knelt down to comfort him, "Don't be afraid, baby, mom just wants to tell you, don't read the newspaper casually in the future.

That man has nothing to do with you, you know? "

“Is it really okay? Then why are you watching? Is he my dad?”

How smart is this kid?
She didn't say anything, and he guessed it.

Xiao Maruko's face has a clear understanding, as well as the wisdom and intelligence of a child of his age.

"Mummy, you don't have to be afraid, it must be because Dad is bad, that's why you left him.

Look at how happy he is smiling with other aunts, we don't care about him, it's good to have Xiaowanzi with Mommy, right? "

While talking, the little guy held his mother's face in his hands and said solemnly.

Where did this little guy learn all these messy things?

Mu Taotao was about to scream.

"Little Maruko, in short, don't think about those messy things in the future, do you hear me?"


The child who is infinitely wronged doesn't cry, the mother's current appearance is really too fierce.

In the sixth year since Mu Taotao left Mo Yanshao, a very infuriating news finally came.

That was the news that Mo Yanshao, the president of the Mo Group, officially proposed to divorce his original wife, Miss Mu Taotao.

The divorce declaration was published in the newspaper.

On the same newspaper, next to the divorce declaration, was the news that Mo Yanshao and his new love, Miss Bai Yulan, were engaged.

As we all know, Magnolia is the female star highly praised by the Bryan Film Group under the Mo family, and now she has become the most popular figure in the country.

Her every frown and smile, every gesture of her hand and every gesture is very star-like.

At the same time, she is also the queen of topics. In the past, Magnolia had scandals with many bigwigs in the film industry.

All kinds of rumors about her being adopted are also often seen in the newspapers.

But it is such a topic queen who has won the favor of Mo Yanshao, the boss of the Mo family consortium, young and promising, handsome and rich young master Mo Yanshao.

Not only did she often go in and out of her boudoir, but she also spent a lot of money buying various real estate, famous cars and jewelry for Magnolia.

According to statistics from the media, since the scandal between Bai Yulan and Mo Yanshao, her status has at least doubled, and her income has also increased.

This is really a happy event.

However, the news of the engagement and the news of the divorce appeared in the newspapers on the same day, which is a strange thing.

When Mu Taotao saw the newspaper, he just went into a rage, and was so frightened that all the building blocks that Xiaowanzi had just built fell down.

The child didn't know why, so the mother's temper came too quickly, and Xiaowanzi simply burst into tears: "Mom is bad, mother will pay me, I just built the castle."

Mu Taotao was upset.

This heartless thing, it's fine if he doesn't come to her, but now he has to divorce her and marry that female star.

Uncle can bear it, can aunt also bear it?
How did she come out so angry?
Mu Taotao ignored the crying little ball and wandered around the room, what should she do?

This man really planned to divorce her, otherwise he wouldn't have written the divorce statement on such a large page.

The more Mu Taotao thought about it, the more she couldn't bear it. She had to do something.

"Little Maruko, don't cry, your father doesn't want us anymore, what do you say?"

Mu Taotao solemnly yelled at Xiaowanzi who was crying.

A child who is less than six years old has grown to 1.3 meters tall, which is considered a little boy.

He blinked his big black eyes, smiled at Mu Taotao and said, "Is that the uncle I saw in the newspaper last time? He looks very similar to me."


Mu Taotao was speechless for a moment.

This child is a genius. Before she said anything, he had already guessed that the man named Engagement in the newspaper was his father.

"You guessed it right, tell me, what should I do now?"

Mu Taotao sat down on the sofa, folded her hands on her chest, and asked her son seriously.

She was indeed a little upset and didn't know what to do, so she came to ask the child.

And Xiaowanzi really deserved to be brought up by Mu Taotao, not to mention eccentric, quite precocious.

He rolled his black eyeballs, then ran to Mu Taotao's ear, and whispered to her: "Then you also get engaged and show him, and make him anxious, won't it be over?"

This - what kind of bad idea?

Mu Taotao glared at his son, fortunately he is still the crystallization of love between two people, this is the rhythm that intends to tear his parents apart.

"Xiao Wanzi, you should think about it clearly. If I marry your father and marry each other, you will become a father who doesn't love your mother or loves you."

Mu Taotao threatened him with a serious face.

But the child didn't care at all: "Anyway, I haven't been with my father since I was a child, and I don't know what it's like to have a father.

As for after you each get married, I will not love my mother or my father, how is this possible?

Could it be that, Mommy, you remarried, so you don't love me anymore? "

Xiao Maruko's acting talent is extremely high. When she asked Mu Taotao seriously, her voice was intentionally loud, full of sadness, and then she blinked her big black eyes and said to her mother.

I was really defeated by this man.

"How could I not want you just because I remarried? You were born of me."

"That's right, so what are you worried about? After you two get married, I will have two fathers and two mothers."

Xiaowanzi immediately smiled through tears, and said happily with her arms around Mu Taotao's neck.

What is he talking about?Did he really support himself in divorcing Mo Yanshao?
"Xiao Wanzi, do you have any brains? Even if we marry each other in the future, you can't have an extra daddy and mommy.

Is that all you want to see us get divorced? "

Mu Taotao put on a serious face and taught his son seriously.

With a look of grievance on Xiaowanzi's face, she started to twitch again: "You said it yourself, you don't want your father anymore, you want to find another one, why did you blame me again? Mom is so scary, she is a bad person."

Maruko-ko's acting skills are unconvincing, and tears come as soon as she says it.

Mu Taotao was almost driven crazy by him.

"You silly child, stop crying, okay? Mommy is wrong, okay?"


The little guy cried harder.

Mu Taotao has nothing to do with him.

Forget it, she's such an adult, she can't make up her mind and ask the child, if only he can understand the kindness and resentment between adults.

When Mu Taotao thought about it, he felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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