Chapter 519

When Mu Taotao thought about it, he felt relieved.

She decided to cook.

"Little Maruko, you can play by yourself, and mother will cook."

Mu Taotao ignored him, and Xiaowanzi stopped crying.

He decided to sneak out to play by himself.

Not far from where they live, there is a sand pool, which is a place for children to play.

Living in the same community as Xiao Maruko, there is also a little girl named Pink.

So everyone calls her Little Pink.

Because little pink loves to wear pink since she was a child, and because she looks pink and jade-carved, she is a little girl who is loved by everyone, so she took this name.

Little pink is a few months younger than Maruko, so Maruko is the older brother.

Little Pink also likes to play with Maruko.

When Xiaowanzi ran to the sand pool, Little Pink was already playing there.

She holds a small toy shovel in her hand, next to a small red bucket, and a toy delivery truck.

What children like to play is the game of transporting sand with the transport truck.

"Little pink, how about I play with you?"

"Okay, Brother Maruko, why are you free to come and play today?"

"Hey, my mom is going to divorce my dad. She is worried, so I won't bother her."

Xiaowanzi squatted down, explained to Little Pink, and then took another small shovel and started digging sand.

"Well... what is divorce?"

Little pink looked at Xiaowanzi blankly, and asked suspiciously.

"Divorce, I don't know, it just means not being together."

"Then if we don't play together, is it considered a divorce?"

Little Pink tilted her head and asked seriously.

"Well, almost, but you have to get married first.

Marriage is the only way to get divorced.

Neither of us had ever been married, so it wasn't divorced. "

Xiao Maruko said to Xiao Pink like this.

"Pfft—" A man's laughter came from beside him, and then the man burst into laughter.

It's so funny, the dialogue of the little ones.

Especially Maruko, who also knows the concepts of marriage and divorce. One means being together and the other means being apart.

He Ziqi was about to die laughing at this pair of cute kids.

Neither Xiaowanzi nor Xiaopink knew He Ziqi, so they didn't know where this handsome looking uncle came from.

He Ziqi said to Xiaowanzi: "Xiaowanzi, don't you know me? I do know you."

Xiao Maruko felt even more strange: "How do you know me?"

"I not only know you, but also your mother. Tell me, what is your mother doing?"

"My mother is cooking, she is at home, you can find her by yourself."

Xiaowanzi was too busy playing, so she didn't have the time to talk to He Ziqi.

But He Ziqi heard clearly that Mu Taotao was planning to divorce.

This is definitely good news for him.

He Ziqi, male, 30 years old, is the young owner of Shengfeng Group. He knew Mu Taotao because of Zheng Zhongjie's cousin, Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan's husband's family is related to He Ziqi, and He Ziqi wants to call Liu Yuan his cousin.

He Ziqi has always been like a child who can't grow up, and he is quite casual about relationships, so this has also caused a lot of headaches for his family.

Once when Liu Yuan went to see Mu Taotao and Xiaowanzi, He Ziqi happened to meet her on the road, so he went to see Mu Taotao with his cousin.

When he met Mu Taotao for the first time, He Ziqi felt like he was being electrocuted.

Mu Taotao, who became a mother, exudes a unique femininity all over her body.

Because she bid farewell to the innocence of her teenage years and became a mother, the baby fat on her face also disappeared, replaced by a standard melon-shaped face.

Not only that, but Mu Taotao's big clear eyes always have a three-point power when looking at people, and they can easily fascinate men.

Of course, this does not mean that she can be a millionaire.

How should I put it, each flower is in each eye.

In He Ziqi's eyes, Mu Taotao is definitely a beautiful woman.

This is why he loves her.

Now hearing from Xiaowanzi that Mu Taotao is finally planning to divorce Xiaowanzi's father, He Ziqi feels that this is definitely a good opportunity.

Before he got to Mu Taotao's room, he heard the sound of cooking, and at the same time, thick smoke came out, filling the whole room.

Because the range hood in the kitchen is not very effective, every time Mu Taotao cooks, the house seems to be on fire.

This is how He Ziqi felt at this time.

He has been pampered since he was a child, and he has never seen such a big smoke when cooking, he just thought it was on fire.

So he quickly found a plastic bucket from the yard, took it and went to the faucet to fill the bucket with water.

He Ziqi carried the full bucket of water and hurried to the place where the smoke came out, regardless of whether there was anyone inside, just pounced.

A female voice was heard screaming, and then the bucket in He Ziqi's hand fell to the ground and broke.

And He Ziqi froze in place, looking as dumb as he wanted.

Mu Taotao is so angry.

Does this He Ziqi have enmity or grievances with her?Why do bad things happen every time I see him?
The last time it was he and Liu Yuan who came to see her, the kid showed her so much hospitality as soon as they met, but he accidentally collapsed Xiaowanzi's small table.

This time it was fine, so I just poured water on her.

At this time, Mu Taotao was still wearing an apron around her waist, but her whole body was soaked through.

Fortunately, the temperature on Bard Island is as usual all year round, and it is not particularly cold.

But the feeling of being splashed with cold water is too uncomfortable for him.

"He Ziqi, did you do it on purpose? Tell me, did you do it on purpose?"

At this time, Mu Taotao turned into a Satan from hell, staring at a pair of big beautiful eyes, and walked towards He Ziqi with a spatula in his hand.

He Ziqi didn't expect that he was trying to catch the fire, but he didn't think that the fire didn't catch the fire and made Mu Taotao drowned.

He himself was quite frightened, so he couldn't help but backed up and said, "No... don't blame me, I thought it was on fire."

"It's on fire? It's your sister's fire. Why do you look carefully? Look, where did the fire come from? Besides me, do you see where the fire is?"

Mu Taotao approached step by step, while He Ziqi retreated step by step.

In the end, there was no way to retreat, and he directly stuck to the curtain at the door, thinking it was a wall, so He Ziqi boldly leaned against it.

In the end, how could the curtain bear the man's leaning?
So He Ziqi's center of gravity was unstable, he rolled over, and then lay on his back on the ground, screaming in pain.

Seeing the man in expensive casual clothes fall to the ground, he was so embarrassed that he fell so badly, he felt bad for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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