Chapter 520

Mu Taotao couldn't help laughing, pointed at He Ziqi on the ground and said, "You have today, hahaha..."

Seeing the goddess in his heart smiling so happily, He Ziqi didn't care about being thrown on the back of his head. He stood up from the ground and said with a smile, "Are you in a better mood now?"

It was only then that Mu Taotao realized that he had been splashed with water by this man just now, and he hadn't had time to change his clothes yet.

What is she laughing about here?
Mu Taotao pointed at He Ziqi and yelled at him: "You just stand outside the door and don't move, I'll go change your clothes."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she closed the door and went back to her room to change clothes.

He Ziqi touched the back of his neck when he was thrown, thinking about what happened today, he also felt that he was too reckless.

He obviously likes her, but every time he makes the woman look unhappy.

He Ziqi reviewed himself deeply, then sat on the small wooden bench outside the door and waited for Mu Taotao to open the door.

Xiaowanzi ran back because Little Pink was going home for dinner, and he wasn't fun at all, so he ran back too.

Seeing his dirty appearance, He Ziqi couldn't help but dislike him and said, "You little mud monkey, why don't you hurry up and wash your hands, and then pat the ashes off your body."

"What are you doing here?"

Xiao Maruko was curious about why this unfamiliar uncle was at their door.

"Your mother is changing clothes in the house, and she asked me to wait here."

"Oh, why is she changing?"

There are so many problems with young children.

"Because I accidentally splashed water all over her body."

"Why did you splash her with water?"

"Are you finished yet?"

He Ziqi was furious.

He was annoying enough because he splashed water all over the woman, and this brat kept asking.

When he yelled, Xiao Wanzi yelled until he burst into tears.

Just as Mu Taotao was leaving the house, she saw Xiaowanzi crying and He Ziqi yelling at her son.

"He Ziqi, are you still human? Are you bullying such a young child?"

Mu Taotao hurried over, picked up Xiaowanzi from the ground, and glared at He Ziqi fiercely.

He Ziqi felt that he was about to get cancer from embarrassment, why did he make a fool of himself in front of the goddess every time?

"Taotao, that's not the case. I didn't intend to get angry with Xiaowanzi, it's just that he has too many questions."

"Children are always like this. You also came here as a child. Did you never ask adults about things before?"

Mu Taotao coaxed Xiaowanzi in her arms, telling him not to cry.

Xiaowanzi really stopped crying, and just twitched: "Mom, I think you are right. If you get married again and find me a stepfather like this, I will definitely be abused to death."


Mu Taotao couldn't help laughing, who will tell her why a five-year-old child knows everything?
"Little Maruko, who taught you this?"

"No one taught me. I've read fairy tales. Both Cinderella and Snow White were almost killed by their stepmothers. Although you found me a stepfather, the truth is the same."

Xiao Maruko's words really shocked others.

Mu Taotao didn't expect that a child of this age would have a lot of associations. Just after watching "Cinderella" and "Snow White", she knew how terrible her stepmother and stepfather are.

What will he develop into when he is older?

Mu Taotao was speechless for a moment.

However, He Ziqi heard some clues from Xiaowanzi's mouth, and immediately bowed his head and apologized to the child: "Oh, Xiaowanzi, uncle was really wrong just now, he shouldn't be angry with the children, please forgive me, please?"

Maruko rolled her lovely eyes, folded her arms around her chest, and turned her face away, expressing her disdain for his apology.

Mu Taotao didn't have much contact with He Ziqi, but Liu Yuan praised him in front of her, saying that he has a good mind, is a good material in the mall, and has made a lot of money.

Mu Taotao didn't take Liu Yuan's words to heart.

She was also baffled by He Ziqi's coming to find her: "Why did you come here when you have nothing to do?"

"I came here because I have nothing to do, Taotao, don't be too mean to me, okay?"

He Ziqi begged.

He has a handsome face that is a mixture of boys and men, under the thick long eyebrows, a pair of eyes are not big, but they are very energetic.

When he smiles, he is very handsome and sunny, and it is impossible to tell that he is 28 years old, but he has a feeling of just leaving school, which is very refreshing.

His clothes are also very fashionable, which fits his identity very well.

Mu Taotao knows that Shengfeng Group is one of the best groups in Bard Island, and many of its industries are the pillar industries of Bard Island.

The planting and development of rubber, as well as the planting and development of other tropical economic crops, are the main sources of income for the people on Bard Island.

Although Mu Taotao didn't know much about He Ziqi, she knew more or less about their company.

Just why is this man interested in a single mother with a child like himself?
Mu Taotao is not an idiot, she doesn't think He Ziqi is just passing by to see her.

"Taotao, I ruined your dinner, how about I treat you and Xiaowanzi to dinner?"

When He Ziqi said these words, his eyes sparkled brightly, and then he turned his head to Xiaowanzi in Mu Taotao's arms and said, "Xiaowanzi, uncle treats you to delicious KFC, okay?"

Something like that is definitely tempting for little kids
But Mu Taotao refused even more: "Those are junk food, you don't need to eat them.

You go, I will cook again. "

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she was going to take Xiaowanzi back to the room.

But why is He Ziqi willing to leave like this?
He took two quick steps, stood in front of Mu Taotao, and persuaded him earnestly: "It's okay if you don't eat KFC, but I can treat you to something else. How about Thai food?"

He was still coaxing the child, but now such a person hastily asked him to eat something.

Thinking about the kitchen being ruined by him, if you cook, you have to clean up the kitchen first, and there is too little time.

Look at those two little pitiful faces again, one is a little ball, playing with mud, even the mud is stuck on the nose, a pair of black oily, big grape-like eyes looking at him, that little face is hungry.

Mu Taotao really felt distressed.

Looking at He Ziqi again, he also looks very innocent, knowing his mistakes and correcting them.

Having no choice but to sigh, Mu Taotao said, "Let's go, let's go eat."

"Oh, Mommy, I want coffee nuggets."

He Ziqi immediately said: "Then let's eat curry chicken nuggets."

The three of them drove towards the Maybach driven by He Ziqi.

For Mu Taotao, the news of Mo Yanshao's engagement is definitely not good news for her.

(End of this chapter)

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