Chapter 537

After reuniting with He Ziqi, Mu Taotao volunteered and took the freshman and junior to the famous snack street in City A, where they ate a lot of authentic delicacies.

Children are easy to coax, and when they see something fun and delicious, they soon forget their sadness and sadness.

The snack street not only has delicious food, but also things that attract children, such as big cotton candy and so on.

The cotton candy is really like a flower, not only has a flower heart, but also petals of different colors, colorful and very beautiful.

He Ziqi bought a super big marshmallow for Xiaowanzi.

The child was reluctant to eat it, so he kept holding it in his hand, admiring it as a work of art.

This evening was the last night for the three of them to stay in City A, so they ate and played to their heart's content.

When Mu Taotao told Xiaowanzi that they were going back to Bard Island, Xiaowanzi didn't say a word, just looked at her mother quietly.

In his black grape-like eyes, there was unstoppable sadness. After a while, he choked up and said: "Mummy, will we never come back after we go back?"

Looking at his son's big sad eyes and pink and tender face, Mu Taotao couldn't express what he felt in his heart.

He Ziqi on the side said: "Xiao Wanzi, when you grow up, you can come back by yourself, can't you?"

Xiaowanzi didn't answer He Ziqi's words.

He understood that his mother did not intend to live with his father, so he insisted on going back.

Xiao Maruko only felt that her little heart had been hit hard.

On the way back, the little guy didn't speak, just sat in the car, staring at the neon lights outside the window, letting the lights change into various colors in his eyes.

Mu Taotao couldn't bear to disturb him, so she left him alone.

That night, Mu Taotao packed his and Xiaowanzi's things separately.

Hers is a big box, and Xiaowanzi's is a small box.

After tidying up, she happily kissed Xiaowanzi on the face, and then said to him: "Xiaowanzi, we agreed not to cry when we left, you must abide by the agreement."

"Well, Mommy, I'm a man, so I won't cry."

Xiao Maruko said to his mother like a little adult.

"Well, go to bed early tonight, and we will be refreshed tomorrow, you know?"

"it is good."

After the mother and son made an agreement, they each took a bath, lay down on their respective beds, and then turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The next day's flight time is ten o'clock in the morning.

According to relevant regulations, passengers need to wait on the plane two hours in advance.

When Mu Taotao woke up early in the morning, he found that Xiaowanzi was not on his bed.

This child has always liked to get up early, and sometimes he would get up before seven o'clock, and then go to wash up.

So Mu Taotao didn't think it was strange that Xiaowanzi was not on the bed.

But because he was going to the airport, Mu Taotao didn't stay in bed anymore, but got up, got dressed, and then washed in the bathroom.

When she finished everything and was about to go out, she realized that Xiaowanzi didn't seem to have appeared at all.

This child is not hiding with her, is it?

"Maruko? Maruko? Where are you? Come out, we're going to the airport."

Mu Taotao started calling in the room, hoping that Xiaowanzi would come out quickly.

This child really likes to play hide-and-seek with adults.

Mu Taotao had a similar experience of not being able to find him, so she didn't think there was anything wrong.

But after searching all over the house, and the time passed by, she searched for Xiaowanzi in the room for more than ten minutes, but still couldn't find him.

Now, Mu Taotao is really in a hurry.

Only then did she realize that the child was gone!
How to do this?
Mu Taotao suddenly thought, maybe Xiaowanzi went to find He Ziqi by herself.

He knew which room he lived in, and it was normal to find him.

And He Ziqi didn't call to urge him, maybe it was because Xiaowanzi was with him.

So, Mu Taotao immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed He Ziqi's number.

"Ziqi, did Xiaowanzi go to your place?"

"No, I was just about to ask you, Taotao, when are we leaving? I think it's almost time."

He Ziqi didn't make a sound, which almost made Mu Taotao really cry.

She couldn't help emphasizing: "Are you sure, he really didn't go there to find you?"

"Really not, Taotao, what's the matter with you? Could it be that Xiaowanzi disappeared?"

He Ziqi's questioning made Mu Taotao really cry.

"I can't find Xiaowanzi, what should I do?"

He Ziqi also became nervous, but he still wanted to comfort her: "Taotao, don't worry, maybe he is just playing in a corner of the hotel, I will immediately notify the hotel staff to help find it."

After He Ziqi finished speaking, he hung up Mu Taotao's phone, and then called the hotel staff to ask them to help find Xiaowanzi.

The room manager of the hotel learned that the guest's child was missing, immediately notified the security team, and then retrieved the relevant surveillance video to see if the child had escaped, and where did he go after he escaped?
Mu Taotao had been crying for a long time, and with the help of He Ziqi, he went down to the monitoring room, and then stared at the screen of the monitoring room without blinking, not letting go of any details.

There are mainly several scenes in the monitoring screen, one is the promenade on each floor of the hotel, the elevator, the corner of the home, the safe passage and the handrail staircase.

When the monitoring was adjusted to before seven o'clock this morning, a small figure of Maruko appeared on the promenade.

When the child left the room, he had an alert look on his face, and there was a small push-pull box behind him. It was Mu Taotao who packed the luggage for him.

With Xiaowanzi like this, he obviously ran away from home, so he even brought his luggage with him.

Mu Taotao looked at the child with a confident face and the appearance of a young adult, dragging the suitcase into the elevator.

The monitoring in the elevator can show that the child left by taking the elevator.

There is also surveillance at the entrance of the hotel, but the surveillance only reaches a distance of 50 meters from the hotel. If you go beyond 50 meters, you can't see anything.

In other words, it is unknown where Maruko went in a taxi.

But what is certain is that he left by himself instead of being kidnapped by bad guys.

That's what made Mu Taotao even more frightened.

This child looks like a little adult, where is he going?

Mu Taotao really panicked and cried like a tearful person.

The hotel side also kept apologizing. The child ran out of the hotel, and no one from the hotel side stopped the child in time. They were also at fault.

But in the final analysis, the fault lies with Mu Taotao.

She is the mother of the child, and she didn't even know that the child ran out of the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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