Chapter 538

She is the mother of the child, and she didn't even know that the child ran out of the hotel.

Mu Taotao panicked for a moment, not knowing where Xiaowanzi would go.

He Ziqi thought for a while before reminding her, "Could it be that he missed Mo Yan? After all, he is his biological father."

When Mu Taotao heard He Ziqi's words, his eyes lit up immediately.

She immediately picked up her mobile phone and called Mo Yanshao.

At this time, Mo Yanshao was having a meeting in the company, and the phone was in the hands of his assistant.

The assistant just thought that some shameless woman wanted to pester her CEO, so she said in a blunt tone: "Our boss is in a meeting and has no time to answer your call."

Mu Taotao became anxious and yelled at the assistant: "Your boss' son is lost, please let him answer the phone quickly."

Mu Taotao thought that the assistant would definitely hand over the call to Mo Yanshao, but unexpectedly, after hearing what Mu Taotao said, the assistant sneered at Mu Taotao as if hearing a joke : "I have been Mr. Mo's assistant for so long, and you are the first one who dares to threaten him with your son.

Mr. Mo is a clean person, how could he have any son?You better take it easy. "

After the assistant finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Mu Taotao was so angry that she wanted to jump.

If you can't make Mo Yan less answering the phone, then go to his company in person.

There is only this one way.

In Mu Taotao's view, the only thing Xiaowanzi can look for is Mo Yanshao.

By the way, the place they went to yesterday is called Twilight's clubhouse.

Will the kid go there?

Mu Taotao thought about it, and immediately asked He Ziqi to drive her to that place.

To be honest, Mu Taotao only went to that clubhouse once yesterday, and she didn't remember where it was.

Fortunately, you can use the navigation map online, and then follow the navigation all the way.

When I came to Twilight, the door was closed here. Looking at the high floor again, Mu Taotao felt dizzy.

If it wasn't for He Ziqi by her side, she must have really passed out.

The disappearance of Xiaowanzi was definitely a heavy blow to Mu Taotao, worse than killing her.

"Ziqi, tell me, what should I do if Xiaowanzi can't be found?"

Mu Taotao felt as if a lump of cotton was stuffed in her throat. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry out because of the choke.

That feeling was worse than killing her.

If Maruko is gone, she will die, she will!

He Ziqi gently supported her, and kept persuading: "Don't think about it, it's not that serious.

Taotao, I just want to ask you, does Maruko-ko don't want to go back to Bard Island? "

When He Ziqi asked this question, Mu Taotao couldn't react: "He didn't tell me that he didn't want to go back?"

"Did he really never say a word?"

He Ziqi asked again.

"He only asked me if he would live with his father? I refused."

Hearing this, He Ziqi sighed slightly: "This is the crux of the problem, children are very sensitive.

He definitely hopes that all of you adults can be with him, instead of just following father or mother.

Probably because you said that you might not live with Dad, that's why he ran away from home.

Maybe, he hopes to find his father and persuade you together. "

At this point in the analysis, He Ziqi sighed again.

It seems that with this child around, it is impossible for him, the boyfriend who wants to be righted.

His relationship with Mu Taotao is not even a boyfriend and girlfriend.

Mu Taotao didn't want to listen to He Ziqi's analysis anymore, she just asked him to drive in the direction of Mo Yanshao's company.

Since Xiao Maruko is going to find his father, he will definitely go to his company.

It's just that such a big kid, does he really know how to find Mo Yanshao's company?
Also, there are so many bad people in this world, wouldn't someone want to hit a child?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. Mu Taotao couldn't help but burst into tears again. She was so anxious that her whole body was trembling slightly.

Mo Yanshao is holding a seminar on new product development.

The meeting lasted from nine o'clock until close to noon because there were so many details to discuss.

Some people also came out to use the bathroom in the middle.

Mo Yanshao also came out to look for his assistant to see if he had his phone number.

As a result, the male assistant only said: "Boss, the people looking for you are getting more and more boring now, and some people are looking for you under the guise of looking for children. Do you think it's funny?"

Mo Yanshao usually gets along well with this assistant, and he really blocked a lot of unnecessary love debts for him.

But this time, Mo Yanshao heard something unusual.

He immediately took the assistant and handed over the phone to check the call he took.

It really was Mu Taotao calling.

Looking for a child?
Maruko is gone?

Mo Yanshao's face immediately darkened like water, his eyes became extremely terrifying, and his aura seemed to have changed, making him afraid to approach.

The assistant suddenly felt, did he really do something wrong?
The face of the boss at this time is really scary.

Mo Yanshao called Mu Taotao without hesitation.

Soon, Mu Taotao connected the phone, and the first thing he said was: "Did Xiaowanzi look for you?"

"Mu Taotao, what happened to Xiaowanzi? Why are you asking me this question?"

"Mo Yanshao, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Xiaowanzi ran away from home this morning. I suspect he is looking for you."

"I didn't see the child come to me at all, Mu Taotao, how did you bring the child?"

Mo Yanshao almost growled.

He couldn't imagine that if the child really disappeared, he would kill Mu Taotao with his own hands.

It was their child, their only child, and she had lost him.

"Mo Yanshao, it's useless for you to get angry at me, the child left by himself..."

"How dare you blame me for being angry..."

Mo Yanshao wished he could find the woman directly from the phone.

It's just strange that he really can't do this.

What to do now?
Mo Yanshao hung up the phone quickly, and then notified the security departments: "You immediately put down the company's security work and send out to find a six-year-old child. The photo will be printed immediately.

At this time, Xiaowanzi was holding a teddy bear in his hand, which he must hold in his arms every night when he went to sleep, and he was still dragging the luggage handle with his other hand.

He was standing under the tall office building of Mo's Enterprise, looking up at the tall building shining brightly in the sun.

"Is this Mo's? It's really majestic."

Looking at the building, Maruko sighed sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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