Chapter 559

Comparing physical strength is definitely not enough. This man's physical strength is too good. Even if he is asked to run up the stairs with his back a few times, it will probably be fine, but it will scare her half to death, and she will fall off his back in a few minutes. Feel.

"How about this, let's go down the mountain first, and then talk about what to do after we have dinner."

In fact, it's no comparison, it's just Mu Taotao trying to torture him.

"Are you sure you want to go down the mountain by yourself?"

Mo Yan looked down the mountain and felt that even the clouds and mists were under his feet.

Mu Taotao followed his gaze and looked at the foot of the mountain. It was really, really high, so she didn't want to go down by herself.

Therefore, Mu Taotao consciously climbed onto Mo Yanshao's back.

Going down the mountain is different from going up the mountain. Going up the mountain is because you are afraid of falling down the mountain. Going down the mountain is always better, but there is also a sense of weightlessness.

It doesn't matter, anyway, just grab this man.

Thinking about it this way, Mu Taotao felt that she was stronger than herself.

So, the two went down the mountain together like this again.

There are couples and couples climbing together who see the two coming and going leisurely, and some women say to their boyfriends or husbands enviously: "Look at how strong and considerate their male tickets are, and they can carry their female tickets all the way. let's go down."

Those men secretly hated Mo Yanshao's godlike physical strength.

When they got down to the bottom of the mountain, Mu Taotao drove into the city again, wandering around.

She really didn't know where she was going.

But soon, she remembered a place where she met a man who looked very similar to Mo Yanshao.

Mu Taotao, who once thought Mo Yanshao was dead, found some comfort in that man.

And that man later left the Communist Party because of Mu Taotao, and I heard that he married a daughter-in-law and lived a good life.

That man's name is Wang Xiaoqiang, who used to be a male publicist, that is, a person who is said to be able to accompany women to eat, drink and have fun, and even that and so on.

Mu Taotao suddenly decided to revisit the old place, wanting to go and see what that place looks like now.

Most importantly, this is also the time to test Mo Yanshao's patience. If he can bear seeing her flirting with other men, then she will really obey him.

To put it bluntly, Mu Taotao intends to fight to the end and must drive Mo Yanshao to the point of insanity.

If you can't torture him physically, let's do it mentally.

She doesn't believe it, but he can bear it!

Thinking about it this way, Mu Taotao's face was full of pride that he was about to succeed in a trick, and the car stopped at a place called Huo, Se, Sheng, Xiang.

Mo Yanshao looked up at the facade, it was very delicately decorated.

But as long as you look at the name of the store, you know that this is not a serious place.

Now that people are well off, rich people, regardless of gender, are always looking for a little excitement, and this kind of place is a good place for them to find excitement.

It's just that Mo Yanshao didn't expect that Mu Taotao would bring him to such a place.

"Taotao, what are you doing? Have we gone to the wrong place?"

"No, I just want to come to this kind of place to play. I haven't been here before, and I want to open my eyes today."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she got out of the car, adjusted her white suit, stepped on high heels, twisted her slender waist, and walked towards the main entrance of the so-called living hall in a domineering manner.

Mo Yanshao was behind her, showing an unfriendly facial expression.

This woman seems to be ready to be a demon moth if she doesn't look a little bit. If he doesn't guard her a little bit, he will pay off?

Mo Yanshao followed Mu Taotao into this living hall.

The so-called living hall was nothing more than a cover, as soon as he entered the front door, there was an enchanting treasure walking over.

This treasure has the same pronunciation as a certain word, so it is naturally a woman in a special industry, and is also called mother by the princesses.

And this mother figure, with a long cigarette in her mouth, a sharp mouth, throat and cheekbones, and especially prominent cheekbones, but she chose to apply a plateau red blush, which is really scary.

Looking at this mother, Mu Taotao felt uncomfortable.

What kind of young masters can such a public relations manager bring out?
But this mother is a very troublesome master.

As soon as he saw Mu Taotao, many wrinkles appeared on his face: "Hey, miss, is this your first time here?"

The more the mother laughed, the more ten thousand grasses, mud and horses galloped past in Mu Taotao's heart.

She would rather she not laugh, it's better to keep aloof.

Immediately afterwards, the mother saw Mo Yanshao who entered the house with Mu Taotao.

With a tall height of nearly [-], he looks handsome and stylish, especially the expensive handmade suit, which is not something that everyone with money can buy.

It was a limited edition work of an Italian brand designer who made custom clothes for Mo Yanshao.

When my mother saw this high-quality product, she couldn't help but teased it.

Therefore, Mu Taotao was directly used as the background by her mother.

"Hey, where did this young master come from? He is so handsome. He came here to find a job, right?"

When Mu Taotao heard her mother's words, she burst out laughing.

This mother's vision is really not good, and she even regarded Mo Yanshao as someone who came here to find a job.

Does he look so poor?

Major General Mo Yan took a good look at the environment here, and he was really very angry.

What exactly does this Mu Taotao want to do?
Hearing what the old bustard said now, Mo Yan felt the urge to vomit blood and die every minute.

Does he look like the kind of man who sells his looks?
Mo Yanshao's expression was extremely cold. If the eye knife could kill, Mu Taotao felt that this old woman had already been beaten by Mo Yanshao's eye knife.

Thinking of Mo Yanshao becoming a man who accompanies women, Mu Taotao wants to laugh even more.

She really couldn't help laughing.

This smile reminded the madam of her existence.

"By the way, Miss, you are here for the first time, so you must not know our situation here. What kind of service do you want? Is it a full set, or a general one?"

Mu Taotao was stopped by her question.

She has never been here before, how does she know what is a complete set and what is a normal one?
Seeing Mu Taotao's ignorant look, the old woman introduced what is a full set and what is a general service.

Her words were straightforward and bold, even a married woman like Mu Taotao couldn't bear it.

What's more, there is a great president beside him?
President Mo's complexion is getting darker and darker.

He is holding back!
If Mu Taotao wants to play, he can play with her as long as he wants, as for what he will do after playing, that is his business.

The old bustard still wanted to continue asking Mo Yanshao if he was going to work with them, and promised to make him the most popular number one.

(End of this chapter)

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