Chapter 560

The old bustard still wanted to continue asking Mo Yanshao if he was going to work with them, and promised to make him the most popular number one.

Mu Taotao felt that if he didn't stop her, Mo Yan would probably strangle this woman to death on the spot.

In order to prevent the murder from happening, Mu Taotao patted the old woman's shoulder, pouted her lips and pointed in the direction of Mo Yanshao, and just said in the woman's ear, "He was brought by me, he didn't come to you to find a job. .”


Now the old woman can't understand.

There are many rich women who come to her to spend money.

But it is really rare to come here and bring a man with you.

These two people didn't come here to have fun, did they?
The old woman couldn't help being a little wary: "Miss, since you have this little brother to accompany you, why are you still here?"

"I just want to try it out to see if it's better from the outside or from the inside."

Mu Taotao said without shame.

This time, Mo Yanshao's eyes swept over her.

This woman, can you speak more harshly?What is outside and what is inside the home?She still has to try.

What does she want to try?
Mo Yanshao swore that if Mu Taotao dared to cuckold him in public, he would definitely make her look good.

When the old bustard heard this, he seemed to understand something, and couldn't help but giggled.

It turns out that this woman thinks so, that's great!

She thought the business couldn't be done.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, this lady, your..."

The bustard stopped on purpose to test the identities of Mu Taotao and this handsome guy.

Mu Taotao understood what he meant, and said very simply: "The manservant, the bodyguard, and the bed warmer are all he."

When the old bustard heard this, she was in awe of Mu Taotao.

Look at how good this woman's life is. Finding a male servant can hold several jobs, and she really can't live without it day and night.

Thinking of this, the bustard gave Mo Yanshao a little more lewd eyes.

She probably felt that Mo Yanshao fit the types of jobs that Mu Taotao mentioned.

And what kind of struggle is Mo Yanshao's heart?

He really wanted to go up and grab Mu Taotao by the neckline, and ask her, who is that male servant, bodyguard and bed warmer?

Do you mean him?
When did Mo Yanshao fall into that role?

But he went to care about these, so what is he doing now?

Isn't it to please her and make her happy?
"Thinking about it this way, Mo Yanshao felt relieved again.

As long as she's happy, as long as he's by his side, she won't be able to do anything wrong.

The bustard didn't talk nonsense with Mu Taotao, and welcomed the two of them into a private room.

The decoration in this box is really magnificent, but it's a bit tacky, and it doesn't look grand enough and stylish.

The old bustard asked the two to wait in the room, and soon brought in a group of young men who were not very good in appearance and height.

When Mu Taotao saw this group of juicy, handsome guys who looked extremely young, there really weren't many that she found pleasing to the eye.

There is only one reason, the beauty of these men is better than the other.

Mu Taotao's heart collapsed again, what is a man without masculinity?
It's fake, mother [-]
This bustard found a group of fakes for her, why did the mother come here?
But even though he was dissatisfied with these young masters, Mu Taotao thought it was just an act, so he still had to act a little more realistically.

So she imitated those whores on TV, pretending to be impatient, her eyes widened, and she beckoned those young masters to sit beside her.

Seeing that she had left all six of them behind, the old bustard couldn't help saying: "Miss, you pay for six of them by yourself, this appearance fee..."

The bustard's hands were counting money, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Mu Taotao immediately understood and said: "Money is trivial, my bodyguard doesn't have a lot of money, he will go to you to pay the bill later."

While talking, Mu Taotao proudly raised her glass, waiting for those young masters to pour wine for her.

These men have learned all the skills of those princesses, the six of them have a clear division of labor, and they all greeted Mu Taotao.

Someone poured wine for her, someone massaged her neck, someone beat her leg, and someone told her jokes in her ear.

This day is better than the gods.

Mo Yanshao, on the other hand, was reduced to a human back, standing motionless behind Mu Taotao.

But the other person didn't move, it doesn't mean his eyeballs didn't move, his mind didn't move.

Mo Yanshao saw all of this in his eyes, so he wanted to see, what kind of tricks could Mu Taotao do?

Mo Yanshao watched coldly, and Mu Taotao was not much better than him.

Do you think it's a good thing to be touched and pinched by strange men?

Not also!

For Mu Taotao, other than itch or itch, it doesn't give her any feeling of liking and enjoyment.

This is probably because they are not related to Mo Yanshao, right?
Mu Taotao suddenly felt that he was thinking too much.

Why do you close your eyes and think of Mo Yanshao?

His handsome face lingered in her mind, and he was obviously standing behind her.

When a bold young master was massaging Mu Taotao, his hands became restless.

You know, in their line of business, it is natural to make your employer like you, it is best to be able to do something, and then you can't do without it, so that you can make more money.

And women's sensitive parts are the most provocative.

So the hand of the young master who was beating Mu Taotao's leg quietly slipped into Mu Taotao's inner thigh...

Major General Mo Yan saw all this in his eyes, if he could endure this, then he would really be a bastard.

Just when the man's hand was going in the wrong direction, Mo Yan made a move.

The speed was so fast that people couldn't imagine how he picked up the fruit knife on the table, and how he stabbed down to stab the man's messy hand full of blood, no one saw clearly.

However, the scream of the man holding his hands was heard clearly, almost breaking everyone's eardrums.

Those young masters were stunned by this scene.

Mu Taotao was also stunned.

What did she do?
What did Mo Yanshao do again?
"Woman, it's not good to do some things."

Mo Yanshao's voice came from the top of his head coldly, and Mu Taotao could feel that it was a strong murderous aura.

Mu Taotao was very guilty, but she wanted to argue with reason.

I finally believed that sentence, walking by the river for a long time, there is no reason not to wet your shoes.

Such an occasion probably really wasn't suitable for her.

It was just because of face that she worked so hard to bear it.

Mu Taotao waited for Mo Yanshao's reprimand with a bitter face.

(End of this chapter)

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