Chapter 561

Mu Taotao waited for Mo Yanshao's reprimand with a bitter face.

She really overestimated his endurance.

And those young masters didn't dare to stay any longer, and helped the injured young master to leave quickly.

Everyone could see that this woman did this to anger the man next to him.

And the one whose hand was injured also deserved to be blamed, it was good to just play tricks, but he wanted to use those indiscriminate methods, so he must have been tricked.

There were only two people left in the room, Mo Yanshao and Mu Taotao, and the atmosphere was horribly weird.

Mu Taotao clearly knew that he was wrong, but he still refused to admit his mistake, and said stubbornly: "Why did you drive those people away? How are you going to play now?"

Mu Taotao angrily placed the wine glass in her hand on the coffee table.

Mo Yanshao walked up to her and stood still.

He has straight and slender legs, wrapped in trousers without a trace of wrinkles, making his figure look stronger and taller.

Mu Taotao has always thought that Mo Yanshao is the perfect male lead, with a handsome appearance, a slender figure, a typical example of flesh in his clothes and thin in his clothes.

Think about it, if he didn't have a few catties, would he be able to carry her behind his back like flying?
Now, the two of them are alone in such a perfect environment, and there is an indescribable fragrance in the house, which really makes people feel distracted.

Soon, Mo Yanshao leaned over and wrapped Mu Taotao on the sofa.

Mu Taotao's heartbeat began to speed up frantically, almost as if it was about to jump out of his heart.

At this time, Mo Yanshao's domineering Mu Taotao, who was slumping on the sofa, had a gleaming eyes and slightly curved lips, full of evil spirits.

His hair is crisp and clean, which suits his resolute face perfectly.

And the way he looked at Mu Taotao at this moment was also full of domineering, and his whole body seemed to be clamoring for one thing: "This woman is mine, mine!"

Mu Taotao was taken aback by his charming little eyes, and even forgot to resist, and was trapped by him all the time.

In the end, Mu Taotao suddenly realized that their relationship seemed to be adjusted.

It should be her who should be domineering, right?

She is his master, but he lost to her today.

Just when Mu Taotao was thinking about it, Mo Yanshao's voice came softly: "They are gone, I will accompany you."

This voice is not much different from that of a fake mother.

And Mo Yanshao deliberately changed that deep and mellow voice into a gentle voice like Xiao Shou.

Mu Taotao stared at the man in front of her with her big beautiful eyes. She couldn't even believe that the man who just said that was Mo Yanshao.

"Mo Yanshao, what tricks are you up to? You should talk about it."

"I kicked out the man you wanted. I'm the only man here. If you don't want me, who else do you want?"

While talking, Mo Yanshao gave Mu Taotao a wink in a very appropriate way.

It's just that his contrived appearance can only be performed by an [-]th-rate actor, and his acting skills are too exaggerated.

Mu Taotao was really about to vomit.

Obviously straight, okay?Do you have to make people think that he is bent?

"Mo Yanshao, please be more serious."

As Mu Taotao said, he was about to push Mo Yanshao in front of him away.

On the other hand, Mo Yanshao grasped her outstretched hand, and replied in his original voice seriously: "I am very serious, and you are the one who is not serious."

Mu Taotao was speechless for his indecent sentence. This man would really accuse her.

Is she not straight?
Indeed, how many serious women come to this kind of place?

But what does it matter if it's straight or not?
Others can play, why can't she?

"Mo Yanshao, why don't you talk to me about being serious or not? It was you who said you would be my male servant today."

"Did I ever say I'd be your manservant?"

Mo Yanshao's face showed a rare evil spirit, and the corners of his lips were slightly curved up, showing a charming smile.

Mu Taotao felt that she was about to drown in that smile.

She closed her eyes tightly, because Mo Yanshao started to loosen his tie.

But such a simple action made Quan's imagination run wild.

What is he doing?
You don't want to think about that in this place, do you?


When Mu Taotao thought about such a charming scene, she couldn't help but feel her nose bleed.

When Mo Yanshao heard Mu Taotao's loud no-no, he couldn't help but froze in place.

Is this the rhythm of her calling to stop?
No, he couldn't let her stop as she said.

"Mu Taotao, let's recall what was said at the gambling table. If I win, the woman from before will belong to me. If you win, I will belong to you. Is that right?"

"Yeah, so what?"

Mu Taotao shrank back step by step, she was on the sofa, and if she stepped back, she was still on the sofa, and Mo Yanshao was right in front of her, bending slightly, this posture, that is what she wanted .

Coupled with his handsome smile with blood all over his face, it is really tragic and inhumane.

With this analogy, Mu Taotao felt that if the Chinese teacher was here, he would definitely give her a good thumbs up.

But, whoever called Mo Yanshao is handsome, handsome to the point where both humans and gods are angry.

He looked at her with such a wicked smile, how could she resist?
"Well, let's have a discussion, it won't work here, it really won't work here.

"You don't think it's dirty, but I do."

Mu Taotao put his hands on Mo Yanshao's strong and well-developed chest muscles, and expressed his exclamation.

Mo Yanshao looked around again.

Indeed, this is a public place, so the facilities are not very good. If we do it here, maybe we will get some messy things.

So, it's better to change the place and do a real fight.

"That's fine, I'll listen to you."

After Mo Yan said less, he tightened his collar and returned to his gentlemanly and handsome appearance.

Mu Taotao breathed a sigh of relief because Mo Yanshao left.

The way he trapped her on the sofa just now really felt like he was going to kill her in minutes.

Forgive her for not being immune to beautiful men.

Of course, this handsome man is limited to Mo Yanshao.

From spirit to body, she has cleanliness, and she will never have that kind of relationship with a second man.

Mu Taotao stood up from the sofa while thinking about it.

Mo Yanshao had already walked out of the private room first, and his whereabouts were unknown.

When Mu Taotao came out again, she saw the old bustard walking towards her, her eyes were full of awe.

But Mo Yanshao still seemed to be gone.

Thinking of Mo Yanshao hurting a young master just now, Mu Taotao felt very guilty, and couldn't help saying to the old bustard: "I'm sorry, mine..."

"You don't need to say it, ma'am, is this joke too much? Even if you use real money as compensation, our small shop can't afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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