Chapter 562

"You don't need to say it, ma'am, is this joke too much? Even if you use real money as compensation, our small shop can't afford it.

In the future, you should not come here, you know?

I'm really scared by your Mr. "

After saying that, the madam disappeared like a gust of wind.

Only now did Mu Taotao see that Mo Yanshao was standing at the door against the light.

The sun shot from behind him. He was dressed in white and a dark suit jacket, with a handsome and tall appearance.

Compared with those young masters with a little more fat and powder just now, Mu Taotao realized how wrong he was.

There is such a male god in the family who let her sleep, but she wants to run out, it's really enough!
Mu Taotao didn't even think about it, so she rushed towards the man, and while she was rushing, she didn't forget to call her husband.

That voice sounds crisp and numb, it's really a rhythm that is killing people.

The corners of Mo Yanshao's lips were curved upwards, still with that incomparably charming smile, while firmly catching the woman, he pressed a deep kiss on her lips.

It seems that not doing so is not enough to show how much love there is between two people.

No one came to disturb them, here, they can kiss all day and night.

And the sun mischievously gilded the two of them, making them look even more golden.

Back in the room belonging to the two of them, each of them took a bath, and they smelled of fragrant bath liquid, but it also had some effect.

Mu Taotao is still wearing a champagne-colored silk nightgown, with a light and ultra-thin texture, and when she lifts it slightly, her entire thighs are exposed, white, tender, and greasy. \
Looking at the man in a white bathrobe again, after the first bath, he really needs muscles and muscles, he needs mermaid lines, he has everything.

Mu Taotao looked at the handsome man walking towards him, and his nose was about to bleed.

And Mo Yanshao also had a smirk on his face at the moment, and said in his mouth: "I am a very committed person. Since it is agreed that I lose, you will win. I, then come."

Well, that's a really vulgar way to say it, but she likes it.

Mu Taotao also grinned, and then threw herself at Mo Yanshao fiercely.

No matter how much the flowing champagne-colored silk nightgown on her body showed her, in short, she must throw the male god down today.

Looking at the huge, big, chest, muscles on his body, the thick unicorn arms, it feels very powerful, and the flat abdominal muscles with chocolate traces, no matter where it is, it makes people feel like It's a feeling that you can't put it down, and it is full of certain aspects of fantasy.

Just touching it without enjoying it is definitely not Mu Taotao's style.

Therefore, a sweet smile appeared on the woman's face.

As long as one hit hits, two people can do that...

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, accompanied by a loud child's voice: "Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

Mu Taotao was really startled by the sudden sound, she didn't pay attention, and rolled directly from Mo Yanshao's body to the ground, her whole body was not well.

She had to lie there in an ostrich pose, hoping her son didn't notice what they were doing.

When Xiao Maruko first saw her father wearing a white towel around her waist while her mother was kneeling on the ground, she couldn't help being terrified.

What are they doing?

Mo Yanshao was in no better mood than Mu Taotao.

Think about how good the atmosphere was just now?She was about to do something provocative and teasing to him, and he was also preparing to fight the woman for hundreds of rounds.

But they all forgot one thing, they are not two people anymore, they also have a six-year-old son.

And this son is very likely to break into the room.

Why didn't you lock the door?
Mu Taotao looked at Mo Yanshao on the bed with resentment, and Mo Yanshao also had an innocent face.

And Xiaowanzi looked naive and ignorant, and said to his mother: "Mommy, what were you doing just now? Are you riding daddy like a big horse?"

When Malaysia?ride?
Why do these words sound like banned words?
Son, you are only six years old, do you really understand the meaning of these words?

Mu Taotao's heart collapsed again, as if ten thousand horses were galloping past.

Xiao Maruko couldn't understand what was going on with these two adults at all, and why they stared at each other.

Since it's not riding a horse, it's:

"Mommy, Dad, are you fighting? Did you fight just now?"

Reminiscent of when she entered the room just now, Mommy was riding on Dad's body, Xiao Maruko became more convinced of her deduction.

He walked over to pull the corner of Mu Taotao's clothes who was still sitting on the ground, with a very sad expression on his face: "Mommy, can you stop hitting Dad? If he is wrong, he can talk properly."

Mu Taotao was startled by the child's divine logic, and couldn't help but look at him and said, "Which eye of yours saw me hitting him?"

"I saw it with both eyes. You were riding on Dad's body just now. Could it be..."

Upon hearing his words, Mu Taotao quickly covered his mouth.

"I said, little ancestor, you must not say such a thing. I didn't really hit your father. If you say this, we will not be able to clean it up by jumping into the Yellow River."

Mu Taotao looked nervous, afraid that the child would go outside and say the wrong thing.

Mo Yanshao on the bed burst into laughter.

There was only a white bath towel around his body, but fortunately he didn't take off the bath towel in a hurry, otherwise he would have really exposed his secrets.

Think about it, it was obviously a woman who was so passionate that she took the initiative to get on his body, but was discovered by the child, and she was so frightened that she rolled out of bed, it was fine, and the child misunderstood that she was going to beat herself.

Mo Yanshao really felt that he was not in a good mood.

Maruko also noticed that something was wrong. Could it be that these two people were fighting?

Otherwise, why would Dad laugh so happily?

"Dad, what are you two doing? Why can't I understand?"

"You don't need to understand, go out quickly, father and mother need to change clothes."

Mo Yan seldom laughed enough, and finally restrained himself.

But Xiaowanzi still expressed puzzlement: "I remember when I was in kindergarten, the teacher said that boys and girls should not look at each other's bodies when changing clothes. You have to change clothes together, not to show each other naked." Yet?"


The two adults were speechless again.

Why is this kid's question so weird?
"You and your mommy are husband and wife, it's okay to look at each other's bodies."

"Is that so? Couples can look at each other's bodies. Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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