Chapter 568

Not only Liu Yuewen lived in this mansion, but also Mr. Mo, Luo Zhengnan, Mo Moli, and Mo Yanqing.

It's just that they were all in their own rooms, and those who could come out to greet them also left after greeting them.

Especially Mo Moli, since her mother went to jail, she has been silent a lot in this family.

The 23-year-old girl is bored at home all day long, and Mu Taotao feels bad for her when she sees it.

"Your sister looks haggard."

Mu Taotao couldn't help but talk less to Mo Yan.

"She graduated from university and didn't want to go out to work, so she had to stay at home, she got used to it."

Mo Yanshao actually didn't have much affection for Mo Moli.

Thinking about how her mother almost killed Mu Taotao, how could Mo Yanshao have a good impression of her?
On the contrary, Mu Taotao felt that as a sister-in-law, she should care more about this younger sister.

In this mansion, she and I are relatively similar in age, so I will visit her more often in the future. "

"It would be a good thing if you could change her."

Mo Yanshao tucked Mu Taotao's long hair back behind his ears, and looked at her softly.

He felt that being able to marry Mu Taotao was the greatest blessing in his life.

Mu Taotao was obviously a little embarrassed.

They are showing their affection publicly, and there are servants watching from the sidelines.

"Go and see our room, I haven't been there yet."

Mu Taotao didn't want to get bored with Mo Yanshao in front of everyone, so she said to him.

Mo Yanshao nodded lightly, but he did not forget to hold her hand, and the other was in his trouser pocket. His movements were very chic, and the two of them walked along the circular staircase to the second floor step by step.

The clean and beautiful decoration style makes this mansion look magnificent everywhere.

Mu Taotao was led by Mo Yanshao to the two people's room, pushed the door open, and saw the huge wedding photo of the two when they got married.

In the photo, the two are sitting on a light blue sea with their backs facing each other, their faces looking at the camera are perfect.

Mo Yanshao wears a black suit with a white shirt, with clear eyebrows and exquisite facial features, while Mu Taotao wears a pure white sleeveless tube top wedding dress, with a sexy collarbone, fluffy skin, and a pair of beautiful and lovable peach blossom eyes , with a happy smile when looking at the camera.

Anyone who sees this photo will say that this is a pair of lovers.

What's more, they already have a six-year-old son.

Along the way, Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao have been together for almost ten years.

Ten years is enough for a person to change from green to mature.

Mu Taotao looked at this wedding photo taken by the two of them six years ago, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, and said, "I really didn't expect that I would be so young at that time."

"Are you very old now?"

Mo Yanshao glanced at her lightly, took her hand and sat on the big bed covered with light-colored covers.

The mattress is very soft and elastic, making you feel like lying down when you sit on it.

Mu Taotao looked around the room and found that the room was decorated very romantically and warmly.

"Who furnished this room? It's beautiful."

Mu Taotao praised sincerely.

"I said it was my mother, would you believe me?"

Mo Yanshao said to Mu Taotao like this.

These words really surprised Mu Taotao.

Liu Yuewen will decorate their rooms with his own hands. Does the sun come out from the west?

"Tao Tao, don't be prejudiced against my mother. She is just dissatisfied that you ran away from home six years ago, leaving her with no grandson to hug. I believe that if you get along well, you will definitely see each other's happiness. Do you understand?"

Mu Taotao was dubious about Mo Yanshao's words.

She really didn't believe that Liu Yuewen would decorate the room for them.

"My mother also studied decoration design before, but after marrying into Mo's family, her major was abandoned, so she is returning to her old profession by doing these things."

It turned out to be for practicing crafts.

Mu Taotao didn't say anything more.

He got up from the bed, walked to the balcony with French windows, and looked at the garden downstairs.

The flowers in the garden are in full bloom, which is very tempting.

In fact, being in such a big house also has its advantages, that is, there are many garden landscapes to enjoy.

There is such a scene in the Mo family mansion.

"I want to go for a walk in the back garden, but I haven't been there for a long time."

Mu Taotao still remembered an experience she had with Moran.

At that time, she wanted to escape from the manor wholeheartedly, but Moran followed her all the time, so she locked the woman in the glass greenhouse and ran away by herself.

Now that I think about the situation at that time, I feel very funny.

Now the glass greenhouse is still in the back garden, and she also wants to visit it to recall the past.

As for Mo Lan, Mu Taotao remembered that Mo Yanshao once said that she had married far away.

In ten years, many things have changed.

Including this Mo family mansion.

When Mu Taotao rushed to the glass greenhouse with an excited face, he saw that all kinds of precious orchids were still planted inside, which were Mr. Mo's favorite.

He also likes to come here to see orchids, and it takes him a long time to sit here.

Just when Mu Taotao stopped by the glass greenhouse and looked at the scenery inside, Xiaowanzi's voice sounded hurriedly behind him: "Mommy, save me, save me."

Mu Taotao was taken aback, and turned to look at Xiaowanzi, not understanding how the child would say such words.

Something happened to him and he needed her, a mother, to save him.

"Little Maruko, what happened?"

Mu Taotao opened her hands to welcome Xiaowanzi's pounce.

Xiaowanzi rushed over with a sad face, and really hugged Mu Taotao for a long time and couldn't move.

Mu Taotao didn't know what happened to him, so he could only stroke his head over and over again and said, "Xiao Wanzi, can you tell Mommy what happened to you?"

"Mom, do I really want to inherit the Mo family in the future?"

What is this nonsense?

Who told him?
The child is only six years old, what does he know about inheriting or not?
Mu Taotao never thought about letting Xiaowanzi inherit the Mo family.

"Who told you this?"

Mu Taotao lowered her body and looked at Xiaowanzi's face seriously.

"I told him, what's the matter? Is there a problem?"

A cold middle-aged female voice sounded, and Mu Taotao knew who it was without looking.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would tell Xiaowanzi this kind of words so early, and whether she could still let the children have a happy childhood.

"Mom, how can you tell Xiaowanzi this? He's still so young."

"Little? Did you know that his dad had already started elite courses at his age?"

Elite courses?

Well, what the hell is that?

Mu Taotao couldn't imagine it at all.

"But Maruko has the right to choose his own life. As adults, we can't make a decision for him from the beginning. He will find life boring in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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