Chapter 569

"Boring? Is it boring to inherit the Mo family's business?

Mu Taotao, I finally know why I don't like you, you don't have the self-consciousness of being a wealthy wife. "

Liu Yuewen was trembling with anger, and the conflict between the two finally intensified.

Xiao Maruko was also frightened and cried because she provoked a quarrel between her grandma and mother.

All of a sudden, the battle in the back garden escalated.

Mu Taotao returned back unconvinced: "I didn't intend to be a wealthy daughter-in-law either. My son is my own. I will respect what he chooses in life, so I don't want to be like you. , What kind of elites must be cultivated into good children.

He will have his own life and his happiness in the future. I will not let him receive some elite education at such a young age. "

While talking, Mu Taotao was about to pick up Xiaowanzi and take her away.

But how could Liu Yuewen let her go so easily?
"Mu Taotao, you can go, but the child must stay. He is a child of my Mo family. You are not allowed to take him away."

Liu Yuewen is very domineering.

But Mu Taotao just glanced at her lightly, and said disdainfully: "As I said, I will teach my own child myself, and I will never entrust others to intervene in educating him.

What elite education, let it go to hell. "

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she really took Xiaowanzi away.

Liu Yuewen was so angry, she wanted to rush up and give Mu Taotao a good two slaps, but due to her status, she didn't want to ruin her image.

In desperation, Liu Yuewen called Mo Yanshao: "You come back to take care of your wife, you are going to piss me off! Do you want me to be so pissed off that you are reconciled?
I'm not as good as you guys want, but I want to see what happens to her! "

After Liu Yuewen finished cursing, he finally hung up the phone.

The assistant who had been holding the phone in a daze for a long time looked bewildered.

He heard that the call was for Mo Yanshao to go back, but how should this word be passed on to Mo Yanshao?

Mo Yanshao was in a meeting at the moment, so the call was with his assistant.

He didn't expect that when he went to work, there would be a mess at home.

In the end, the assistant conveyed Liu Yuewen's words to Mo Yanshao with a worried face, and said, "Mr. Mo, do you want to go back and have a look?"

The war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law started again, and Mo Yan rarely felt a headache.

But he still had to go back and see what was going on.

"Let the vice president continue to host the next meeting, and I will go back."

After Mo Yanshao instructed his subordinates, he took the car keys and went to the underground garage, and then drove the car out.

From the company to the mansion, it takes about four to ten minutes by car.

Along the way, Mo Yanshao had mixed feelings.

When I called Mu Taotao, I heard the woman crying inside, and Xiaowanzi was crying too.

Mu Taotao said even more, "Mo Yanshao, is your mother going to kill us mother and son? Is that what you mean?"

Mo Yanshao's one head turned into two big ones, and he couldn't help asking: "How can you say such a thing, didn't you feel fine this morning?"

"Why don't you ask your mother what she did? I don't think she has any intention of letting me stay in this house."

Mu Taotao hung up the phone.

Mo Yanshao had no choice but to call Liu Yuewen and ask her what was going on.

"You still have the nerve to ask me? You go and ask your good wife, is that the attitude of a junior talking to an elder?
She messed with me, does she know that this is disobedience? "

Well, the public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is right. How can he, a third party who doesn't know the situation, have the right to speak.

"Why are you arguing about things? There must be a specific reason, right?"

Back in the mansion, Mo Yanshao went straight to Liu Yuewen's room, and said to Liu Yuewen who was sitting on the sofa, leaning his back there angrily.

"You can ask her, I don't want to mention today's matter again."

Liu Yuewen said weakly.

"Mom, I just respect you, so I came to ask you first, but you tell me, why did you and Taotao have a dispute?"

Hearing Mo Yanshao kept asking about what happened today, Liu Yuewen thought, instead of letting that woman gain the upper hand, it would be better for her to tell the story.

"Let me ask you, do you think Xiaowanzi is a child of our Mo family?"

"Mom, what are you talking about? Of course he is a child of the Mo family. "

"Then should he inherit the Mo family from now on?"

Mo Yanshao thought for a while, although he said this too early, but he does have this possibility in the future.

"Mom, what does this have to do with your quarrel?"

"As the next successor of the Mo family, I should participate in the elite courses. Am I wrong as a grandma? Did I do something wrong?
That woman is fine, the life of one bite and one child is her own choice, and she will never interfere.

Is it wrong for me as a grandma to arrange elite courses for my grandson? "

Mo Yanshao finally heard some clues. It turned out that there was a dispute between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law because of Xiao Maruko's education.

He had no choice but to persuade: "Mom, I really can't rush this matter. Xiaowanzi is only six years old, so she is too young. It won't be too late to learn when she gets older."

"What are you talking about? Children have to accept different courses from an early age, so that they will be better than others in the future. Have you forgotten how you learned when you were young?"

Liu Yuewen retorted loudly.

As soon as he mentioned his childhood, Mo Yanshao's face became as dark as water.

"If you don't mention my childhood, maybe I will help you speak. Think about it for yourself, what happened to me when I was young."

Mo Yanshao stopped talking nonsense with Liu Yuewen, turned around and left her room.

Liu Yuewen was taken aback by Mo Yanshao's sudden change of tone.

Recalling the situation when the two talked just now, Liu Yuewen couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Thinking about what Mo Yanshao experienced when she was a child, she is really ashamed as a mother.

When the boy was ten years old, he was caught in the fire, and everyone thought he was blind and crippled in the fire.

The truth is, Mo Yanshao is just keeping a low profile.

What is the culprit behind all these consequences?

Luo Tianyun suspected that Mo Yanshao was not his own, that's why he did this to him.

As Luo Tianyun's wife and Mo Yanshao's mother, what did Liu Yuewen do?

Blindly accusing her husband of being cowardly and incompetent, and only thinking about how to live happily all day long, she certainly cannot take into account the feelings of her husband and son.

Now, she wants to let her grandson take an elite course, and Mo Yanshao will not do what she wants.

Liu Yuewen fell into a deep panic.

This is the first time she has started to reflect on her past. How can she make up for the harm she caused her son when she was young?
And his own grandson.

(End of this chapter)

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