Chapter 108 Rehearsal 5
Xia Heyi touched her cheek that had been kissed secretly, and suddenly felt that she was so useless, to be kissed by Ji Shao again!

"Ji Shaoyi! You! You!" Xia Heyi was so angry that he couldn't say a word, stomped his feet on the ground and sat down with his back to Ji Shaoyi, really ignoring him!
Ji Shaoyi secretly laughed behind Xia Heyi's back, and the little milk cat became angry again!Hey, who made her always so cute!I can't hold it when I look at it!
"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore!" Ji Shaoyi didn't sit down with a chair, but squatted down. In front of Xia Heyi, Ji Shaoyi was always so casual.He looked at Xia Heyi's cheek, and found that the place where he pinched because of his sudden interest had really turned red all over. Ji Shao felt very distressed, and cursed in his heart that he didn't know the severity!

He stretched out his hand and touched Xia Heyi's face lightly, "Does it hurt?"

Xia Heyi originally wanted to dodge, but when he heard Ji Shaoyi's soft voice with guilt, the urge to dodge his hand was firmly restrained, "It hurt a lot just now, but now it won't."

Knowing that Xia Heyi was lying, Ji Shaoyi didn't expose her. He pinched her ignorantly just now, and it must still be hurting now!His little milk cat is so understanding...
"Ji Shaoyi, you, can you not interfere with my parents' affairs?" Xia Heyi looked at the good atmosphere in front of her and said after thinking for a moment.

When Ji Shao heard what Xia Heyi said, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he replied very quickly: "No!"

"Why?!" Xia Heyi heard, and sat upright, "That's my parents, it's the conflict between me and my parents, I don't want to involve you!"

Ji Shaoyi was very calm, "They are your parents now, and they will be my parents in the future. The conflict between you and your parents will be my conflict in the future. Since they are all conflicts that will be faced sooner or later, why do I have the ability to solve them now? But this conflict should be saved for later resolution?"

Naturally, Xia Heyi heard Ji Shaoyi's implication, and blushed again, beating Ji Shaoyi, "What does it mean to be my parents now and your parents later! Ji Shaoyi, you think so beautifully, I don't want to marry you." And you!"

Ji Shaoyi grabbed Xia Heyi's hand and looked straight at Xia Heyi, "You are my fiancée now, and you will be my wife in the future. If you don't marry me, who else do you want to marry? Besides me, who else is there?" Dare to ask you?"

"Who said no one wants me!" Xia Heyi sat upright, her voice raised once, "I'm telling you, Ji Shaoyi, don't look at me like this, I'm very attractive. A lot! It’s just that I don’t like it!”

"I know."

Xia Heyi originally thought that Ji Shaoyi would continue to choke her like before, but Ji Shaoyi suddenly said "I know" and just said that Xia Heyi, who had already prepared to fight back, was dumbfounded. Asked, "You know? You know what you know?!"

Ji Shaoyi stood up, touched Xia Heyi's head, "I know you are very attractive." Otherwise, how could I like you?
When Xia Heyi heard Ji Shaoyi's words, she wanted to immediately boast about it complacently, but she really felt that Ji Shaoyi was too strange at the moment, so she also stood up.

"what happened?"

Xia Heyi stretched out her hand, touched Ji Shaoyi's forehead, and murmured, "Strange, I don't have a fever..."

(End of this chapter)

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