Chapter 109 Confession
Ji Shaoyi: "..."

Xia Heyi noticed that Ji Shaoyi's expression was not right again, so she quickly withdrew her hand.

"Do you like that I choke you until you can't say a word?" Ji Shaoyi said quietly.

"Wow, no way!" Xia Heyi argued, "Don't make wild guesses, okay?"

"Then why do you say I have a fever when I praise you?"

"Me!" Xia Heyi's eyes widened, woohoo~ He couldn't say anything to refute.

"Okay, in short, don't worry about whether I participate in the affairs between you and your parents." Ji Shaoyi said, putting his hands on Xia Heyi's shoulders, "You just need to know that there is me by your side, as long as you If you need me, I will be by your side."

Xia Heyi was moved by Ji Shaoyi's sudden words, Ji Shaoyi said so, and he did the same!
As long as she wasn't at school these days, he didn't come either.Why?Because he guards her by her side.

Ji Shao is kind to her, she knows it all.

And she, to him...

It's just that this feeling of wanting to respond to Ji Shaoyi is not enough, and he can't let him know.

"Ji Shaoyi, if you're like this, will you regret it in the future?" Xia Heyi looked down at her shoes, she was afraid, she was afraid that one day Ji Shaoyi would regret it, regretted helping her like this now.

"What do you regret?" Ji Shaoyi asked Xia Heyi.

"Regret, for being so kind to someone who is not the daughter of 'Xia Nian'. Regret, regret for being engaged to me, regret..." Xia Heyi didn't finish speaking, when suddenly another kiss came down on her lips.

Ji Shaoyi touched Xia Heyi's neck with one hand, and kissed Xia Heyi with his lips facing Xia Heyi's.

The kiss this time was different from the previous one that made her weak.The current kiss seemed to have a soothing effect.Soothe her restless heart.

Gently pressing Xia Heyi's lips, Ji Shaoyi didn't make any further movements, it was just such a simple and close kiss, but it drove away Xia Heyi's uneasiness and fear in an instant, and made her feel more emotional. Immediately felt very calm.

After a long while, Ji Shao raised his head and leaned his forehead against Xia Heyi's, "I think I may still not express myself clearly enough."


Ji Shaoyi looked straight at Xia Heyi, and he could see his own figure in her eyes, only his own figure, "Xia Heyi, I like you. I want to be with you Together. You are my wife, I decided early on, and I don't want anyone else in this life except you. "

"No matter who it is, as long as he stops us, I will meet gods and kill gods, and Buddhas and Buddhas! One will kill one, and two will kill one pair!"

"In short, you can't escape my palm in this life. Rather than saying that I will regret it, it is better to say that I am so happy that I can't help myself. Yiyi, you are mine."

"The word regret, I think, I should be the one to ask you, if you are with a person like me who has a bad temper and a bad personality, will you not regret it? Although it is useless for you to regret it, because I will not let go! No matter what happens, don't be afraid, I'm by your side. When the sky falls, Xia Heyi just remembers that someone named Ji Shaoyi will help her!"

"So, let's break into it, let's make trouble, don't be scruples, what is Xu Xin? What is the Xia family? As long as you are willing, I will give you a new home in minutes."

After hearing what Ji Shaoyi said, Xia Heyi burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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