Chapter 158 Taking Medicine
All day today, Gu Zhiyang sat in the classroom, staring at Lu Yaoguang.

Lu Yaoguang didn't feel uncomfortable physically, but was mentally tortured by a man named Gu Zhiyang ==!

"Let me ask you, why have you been staring at me all day today?" Finally, I can't bear it any longer!What happened to Gu Zhiyang today?Could it be that he really had a convulsion?

Gu Zhiyang tilted his head, "Really? Why don't I feel like I've been staring at you all day today?"

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

When it comes to talking nonsense with open eyes, Lu Yaoguang only obeys Gu Zhiyang!

"I'm going back to my room. Don't! Follow! Follow!" Lu Yaoguang looked at Gu Zhiyang and said word by word, I'm really afraid of you, Gu Zhiyang get rid of you and don't follow me anymore!

"Wait!" Gu Zhiyang suddenly yelled at Lu Yaoguang, but Lu Yaoguang ignored him, and was about to go upstairs directly, anyway, nothing good would happen!I have been stared at by him all day today, and I can finally relax. I am so tired that I really want to rest as soon as possible.Today is only the second day, and it will be the third day soon.Hurry up and go, "good friend!"

"Lu Yaoguang, I told you to wait!" Seeing that Lu Yaoguang ignored him and kept walking towards his room, Gu Zhiyang shouted continuously, "Lu Yaoguang! Hey! Lu is stubborn!"

Lu Yaoguang stood still, how are you, Gu Zhiyang, stubborn? ?
Lu Yaoguang turned to stare at Gu Zhiyang, Gu Zhiyang, "What did you call me just now?"

Gu Zhiyang put his arms around his chest, "Stubborn Lu! I called you Lu Yaoguang and you didn't respond to me, but you stopped when I called you Stubborn Lu. Tell me, isn't this interesting?" The implication is, Don't you call yourself "Stubborn Road"?

"What's the matter!" Lu Yaoguang decided not to have the same knowledge as Gu Zhiyang.

"Drink this." Gu Zhiyang picked up a bowl of dark medicine and walked towards Lu Yaoguang.

Lu Yaoguang frowned deeply, "What is this? It smells so bad..."

"It's for your health. Be sensible and drink it quickly."

Lu Yaoguang looked at the pitch-black bowl of medicine, not to mention drinking it, but now he smells it and feels very uncomfortable!
"No, I won't drink." It smells so bad!

Gu Zhiyang almost flew into a rage, good Lu Yaoguang, do you know how many precious medicinal materials are in it?Do you know how much manpower, material and financial resources this bowl of medicine takes?Damn, you're showing your temper and don't want to drink now?

"Drink it for me! This is for your body conditioning, don't you understand? If you don't want to faint from the pain next time you have your period, just drink it for me honestly!" Fucked!This road is stubborn, too ignorant!
When Lu Yaoguang heard this, he looked at Gu Zhiyang with a complicated expression, and then looked at the bowl of medicine. He held his breath, and drank all the medicine in one go.It wasn't until the last sip was finished that he breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he was stimulated by the residual smell of the medicine and kept feeling nauseous.

"Stupid! Why are you drinking so fast?" Gu Zhiyang patted Lu Yaoguang's back lightly, and from nowhere, another rock sugar came out and stuffed it into Lu Yaoguang's mouth.

The sweetness of the rock sugar gradually diluted the bitterness in his mouth, and Lu Yaoguang felt less disgusted.Wiping the corner of his mouth, Lu Yaoguang went upstairs with rock sugar in his mouth.

Well, you are so stubborn that you don't even say thank you? !Gu Zhiyang murmured in his heart, he had never "served" someone like this before!Why do I feel that I have a feeling of "hot face sticking to other people's cold ass"...
(End of this chapter)

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