Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 159 Gu Fanfeng and Lu Stubbornness

Chapter 159 Gu Fanfeng and Lu Stubbornness

After Lu Yaoguang returned to the room, the sweetness of the rock sugar still filled his mouth without melting.

Weird, really weird.Why is Gu Zhiyang so strange today? Could it be that he really had a convulsion...?
How suddenly, he was so nice to her.

Take out the schoolbag and open the textbook.

The last time I wanted to work in the cafeteria, but because of what happened, it seems that the opportunity to work in the school has disappeared.Besides, because of her relationship with Gu Zhiyang...

Gu Zhiyang, Yao Feier...

What is the relationship between the two of them?
strangeness!Lu Yaoguang shook her head, does she need to care about the relationship between Gu Zhiyang and Yao Fei'er?
Love can be related to whatever it is, anyway, it has nothing to do with her...

"What are you doing?" Gu Zhiyang's voice suddenly came from beside his ear, causing Lu Yaoguang to drop the pen in his hand suddenly in fright.

Lu Yaoguang tilted her head and looked at Gu Zhiyang angrily, but when she saw Gu Zhiyang, her cheeks suddenly turned red.

"Huh?" Seeing Lu Yaoguang's funny reaction, Gu Zhiyang felt very happy, "Are you thinking of me?"

"No!" Lu Yaoguang quickly denied.

"No?" Gu Zhiyang squinted his eyes, carefully looked at Lu Yaoguang around his chest, "If not, why are you blushing?"

"Who, who said I'm blushing?" Lu Yaoguang avoided Gu Zhiyang, stood up suddenly, bumped into Gu Zhiyang's nose, and Gu Zhiyang covered his nose in pain, "Lu Yaoguang, what are you doing?" Stand up suddenly?"

Lu Yaoguang looked at Gu Zhiyang who was in pain, and unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, "Who told you to break into my room suddenly? Gu Zhiyang, don't you know? You have to knock on the door before entering someone else's room, okay?"

"Knock what door! Knock!" Gu Zhiyang said, "This is my home, I can enter wherever I want!"

Lu Yaoguang rolled his eyes, "Rogue!"

"Rogue??" Gu Zhiyang walked into Lu Yaoguang, "Stubborn Lu, who are you calling a hooligan? Why am I a hooligan?"

Lu Yaoguang pointed to Gu Zhiyang, "Are there other people here besides you and me?" The implication is, who do you think I'm talking about?Isn't this obvious!

"You..." Before Gu Zhiyang finished speaking, Lu Yaoguang said again, "Gu Zhiyang, I've always wanted to ask you a question."

"What's the question? Come and listen to me and I'll consider whether I want to answer you." Gu Zhiyang raised his head too much, and Lu stubbornly wanted to ask him a question, which is really rare in a hundred years.

"Hmm... Are you Huang Yaoshi's disciple?"

"Huh?" Gu Zhiyang was confused by Lu Yaoguang's nonsensical question, what is Huang Yaoshi's disciple?
Lu Yaoguang smiled, "Look, Huang Yaoshi's disciples are either Mei Chaofeng or Chen Xuanfeng... All of his disciples have the word Feng in their names."

"So??" Gu Zhiyang didn't understand what Lu Yaoguang meant, "What does this have to do with me?"

"You—" Lu Yaoguang pointed at Gu Zhiyang, "Gu! Smoke! Wind!"

Gu Zhiyang: "..."

"Well, you are so stubborn! You turned a corner and scolded me!" Gu Zhiyang gritted his teeth in hatred. His name was Gu Convulsion?Where the hell is he having a convulsion?If I really want to talk about convulsions, it is because I took care of this road stubbornly for a whole night yesterday!
"Gu Fanfeng, have you smoked enough? If you smoke enough, hurry out and don't disturb my study!" Lu Yaoguang wanted to push Gu Zhiyang out of the room, but Gu Zhiyang was so stiff that he couldn't push him at all.

"Lu stubbornness, I can see it, you are covering up something, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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