Chapter 204 The Han Family (1)

"I'll help you apply this medicine a few times a day, so the scar won't stay." Gu Zhiyang meticulously helped Lu Yaoguang apply the wound on his forehead, where scabs had already formed.Fortunately, his foreign friend gave him this box of plaster which was said to be the most effective for removing scars, otherwise Yilu Yaoguang's current injury would definitely leave scars.

"Thank you!" Lu Yaoguang sat quietly and asked Gu Zhiyang to apply medicine to himself.After applying the medicine, "Can we go to He Yi now?"

"Okay, okay!" Gu Zhiyang said helplessly, if he hadn't pestered Lu Yaoguang to take the medicine.Lu Yaoguang is already on his way to find Xia Heyi.


In the ward.

Lu Yaoguang was caught between the two of them.Looking at a person sitting on the hospital bed and a person leaning against the wall staring at each other.

"Why are you here? You are not welcome here." Ji Shaoyi asked Lu Yaoguang in the first sentence, but looked at Gu Zhiyang in the last sentence.

Before Lu Yaoguang had time to speak, Gu Zhiyang, who was standing aside, had already said: "To see if you are dead or not."

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

Ji Shaoyi sneered and said: "As you can see, he is not dead, so you can get out now?"

Gu Zhiyang put his hands in his pockets and sneered: "I'm not dead, it's good to see you so crippled."

"You..." Ji Shaoyi clenched his fists angrily, feeling the urge to step forward to fight Gu Zhiyang.

"Okay, okay, can't each of you say a few words less?" Lu Yaoguang couldn't stand it any longer. Since the two of them entered the ward just now, Ji Shaoyi and Gu Zhiyang didn't know what was going on, and the smell of gunpowder full.

Gu Zhiyang looked away and didn't care about Ji Shaoyi. Ji Shaoyi also snorted, and then looked at Lu Yaoguang, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for He Yi." Lu Yaoguang bluntly stated his purpose of coming here, he didn't intend to go around in circles with Ji Shaoyi, she didn't know Ji Shaoyi well at first.It was also strange to see him for no reason.

"Yiyi? She went out to buy fruit for me. If you want to find her, wait here first." After Ji Shaoyi finished speaking, he picked up the newspaper on the table and read it on his own.

There was silence in the ward.

"Thank you." Lu Yaoguang said to Ji Shaoyi, "If it wasn't because of you yesterday, He Yi would probably..."

"I protect my woman, of course, you are welcome." Ji Shao didn't even look up, and continued to look at the newspaper in his hand.

At this moment, the door opened and Yun Yi walked in.

"Yaoguang!" Yunyi was very surprised to see Lu Yaoguang appearing in the ward. "You're here."

When Gu Zhiyang, who was leaning against the wall, heard Yunyi's voice, his face sank immediately.The man walked in front of Lu Yaoguang.

And Yunyi finally noticed Gu Zhiyang, and his tone was flat. "You're here too?"

Gu Zhiyang ignored Yun Yi, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while.

"Boom... Boom..." At this moment, thunder and lightning flashed outside the window, and the sky that was bright just now had already darkened, and the rainstorm poured down.

Sitting on the bed, Ji Shao quickly threw the newspaper aside, "Yunyi, Yiyi, how long has she been out?"

Yunyi thought for a while, "It must have been a while. What?"

Ji Shaoyi hurriedly picked up the phone on the table and called Xia Heyi, but the phone couldn't get through.

Ji Shaoyi called several times, but the phone couldn't get through.

"Shit!" After the call failed again, Ji Shao threw down the phone in a fit of anger, and was about to get out of bed after lifting the quilt...

(End of this chapter)

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