Chapter 205 The Han Family (2)

"Shaoyi, what are you doing?" Seeing Ji Shao getting out of bed, Yunyi hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

"What are you doing? I can't get in touch with Yiyi!" Ji Shao shook off Yunyi's hand one by one, "I can't get in touch with her!"

"Calm down, calm down first..." Lu Yaoguang also stepped forward to persuade, but was glared fiercely by Ji Shaoyi, "How calm down? How do you tell me to calm down? She's gone again!"

With a cold face, Gu Zhiyang stepped forward and pulled Lu Yaoguang, looked at Ji Shaoyi, "You can't find her by barking like a wild dog now."

"You!" After Gu Zhiyang said this, although Ji Shaoyi was very angry, he slowly calmed himself down.

Seeing Ji Shaoyi gradually regaining his composure, Yunyi raised his head to look at Gu Zhiyang, and then said to Ji Shaoyi, "Don't worry, it's just that you can't get through the phone, maybe she's coming back soon."

"Yeah, what you have to do now is to obediently go to bed and lie down. Otherwise, when He Yi comes back and sees your wound open, she will be very sad." When he spoke again, he stated a fact calmly.

Ji Shaoyi, without saying a word, obediently returned to the bed.

"Don't worry, I'll go out and have a look, and I'll call you as soon as I have any news." Yunyi said, and Lu Yaoguang also said, "Yunyi, I'll look for it with you!"

"Hey!" Gu Zhiyang shouted, but the figures of Yunyi and Lu Yaoguang had disappeared.

Damn, do you want to move so fast?

Gu Zhiyang had no choice but to follow, Ji Shaoyi, sitting on the hospital bed alone, looked out of the window worriedly, Yiyi, you must be fine!

At this moment, Xia Heyi, who was very worried by everyone, stood in front of a white-haired old man.

"Grandpa, can you run away?" Xia Heyi swallowed, now even she wanted to swear, do you want to be so badass?I was just kidnapped yesterday, and this kind of thing happened to me today.

At this moment, Xia Heyi was protecting an old man behind her, but in front of her, there was a masked man pointing a gun at them.

The old man looked at the girl who appeared out of nowhere, his heels were shaking with fear, but he still protected him in front of him.

"Grandpa, don't be silly! Answer me quickly, can you run away!" Xia Heyi asked the old man behind him in a voice that only two people could hear.

"Okay. But..."

"Okay, I'll go up and hold him back later, you see the right time to run, you know?" The sweat on Xia Heyi's face dripped down from the rain, she knew she was playing a hero, but the other party was holding a gun, and she and The old man didn't have any defensive weapons on him.

But, I can't, just watch this old man die!
"Girl." The old man yelled, but Xia Heyi suddenly rushed towards the man with the gun, shouting loudly while rushing, "Grandpa, run!"

"Boom—" the bullet was fired from the muzzle of the gun.

Xia Heyi's face was pale. The man with the gun just now fell down in front of her, and a pool of blood quickly flowed out on the ground...
Xia Heyi fell to the ground all of a sudden, she had no strength left.

But the white-haired old man walked forward slowly, Xia Heyi panted, "Grandpa, are you okay? Are you not scared?"

The old man smiled and looked at Xia Heyi. At this moment, another man in black rushed out...
(End of this chapter)

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