Chapter 221 Returning to the Han Family (6)

Xia Heyi quickly replied, "No, you are too polite. These are what I should do."

And the ice cube man standing aside said slowly, following his utterance, Xia Heyi felt as if the air was about to condense, this uncle's words are really bold! "It's the thanks you deserve, so don't be so polite."

Then, the woman and the ice man led Xia Heyi and walked inside.

As soon as Han Lao saw Xia Heyi coming, his face immediately revealed a joyful expression, "Heyi girl is here, come here, come and sit here." Han Lao asked Xia Heyi to sit on the dining table. Dishes were being served on the dining table one after another. Xia Heyi saw that they were all very expensive cuisines, and there were many varieties of them, covering all tastes.

Seeing Xia Heyi looking at these dishes, Elder Han smiled again and said, "Old man, I don't know what the taste of the girl in Heyi is, so I roughly prepared these dishes, girl in Heyi, don't be surprised!"

So many dishes to prepare casually?What would happen if you were properly prepared? !Xia Heyi quickly waved his hand, "Grandpa Han, you are too polite, Heyi can't eat so much."

The ice cube man and the delicate woman sat across from Xia Heyi. Elder Han was the oldest, sitting in the middle, seeing that the dishes were almost ready, "Okay, let's get ready to eat."

Xia Heyi looked at the bowls and chopsticks in front of her. She didn't move or move. She didn't really understand until now, why did she come to Han's house again?Is it because of this meal?
"He Yi, can I call you that?" The delicate woman said to Xia Heyi with a smile, her smile gave off a warm atmosphere, which made people involuntarily put down their tense nerves, Xia Heyi nodded. "Hurry up and eat. We just want to treat you to a meal to repay your kindness for saving your father's life. Is this kind of thank you acceptable?"

"Well," Xia Heyi replied, it turned out to be a meal as a thank you gift, that's really great, as long as it's not those expensive things, such a simple dinner as a thank you gift, it's hard for her to refuse!I was secretly glad that the thank you gift I got was such a meal like having a meal with my family, Xia Heyi couldn't help but feel very happy for this delicate "gift".

"Grandpa, really, why didn't you wait for me to start the meal?" At this moment, there was a voice full of complaints. Xia Heyi followed the voice and looked at the speaker. Lost by oneself.

Isn't this the one who peeked at him taking a shower? !

Xia Heyi looked away with some embarrassment, why did he appear here? !Oh no, this is his home, why can't he appear here?Xia Heyi, you are stupid!She closed her eyes with some annoyance. In all fairness, she really didn't want to see this man, and didn't know how to face him.It was my negligence that he did not appear here as I expected...

Xia Heyi just wants to end this meal as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible!

Elder Han sat in the middle, and Xia Heyi's expression and inner struggle were naturally seen by him, "Let the whole family and grandpa's savior wait for you to eat? Han Feng, don't go too far!" Mr. Han put down his chopsticks with a snap, "Why don't you hurry up and say hello to the girl in Heyi? By the way, I would like to apologize to the girl for your rude behavior in the afternoon!"

(End of this chapter)

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