Chapter 222 Returning to the Han Family (7)

When Mr. Han spoke, Han Feng obediently walked to Xia Heyi's side, "Hello Miss Xia, my name is Han Feng. I, I'm really sorry for the rude things I did to you this afternoon. Please forgive me!" As Han Feng said, he actually bowed and apologized to Xia Heyi!
Xia Heyi quickly stood up, "No, it's okay, you, don't do this first." Faced with Han Feng's sudden arrival and such a big gift to him, Xia Heyi was also flattered.

Hearing what Xia Heyi said, Han Feng slowly raised his head, "As long as Miss Xia is willing to forgive Han Feng's rude behavior, it will be fine. Please believe, Miss Xia, that Han Feng really didn't mean it at the time." !" He really didn't do it on purpose, who knew that he would see such an amazing picture as soon as he got home!He didn't want to watch it either, it's just out of male instinct == I couldn't help it, I saw the gods, and I even had a nosebleed!He also received a lot of punishment for this.

Looking at the gauze wrapped around Han Feng's body and the visible bruises on his face, Xia Heyi thought it was the Han family's punishment for Han Feng's previous rude behavior. This, this seems to be a heavy punishment. ? !

"Si-since you didn't do it on purpose, then let's make this matter even, and none of us should bring it up!" Although Xia Heyi was still a little uncomfortable, in front of so many people, plus Han With Feng's sincere apology and the fact that he has already received the punishment he deserved, Xia Heyi doesn't intend to pursue this matter any further.

Han Feng and Xia Heyi sat down, Han Feng sat beside Xia Heyi, and he yelled to the person opposite, "Dad, Mom."

It turns out that these two people are Han Feng's parents!It was only then that Xia Heyi discovered that Han's father and Han Feng looked quite similar, and they were indeed father and son!
"Okay, okay, since everyone is here now, let's start eating now." Han Lao said, and everyone moved their chopsticks.

Han Feng picked up a piece of food and was about to stuff it into his mouth, but he accidentally pulled the wound on his mouth, and the whole body hurt so much that he threw the food out of his hand. Fortunately, it was not too big. It fell steadily into his own bowl.Mouth hurts!Now, I can't eat all the delicacies on this table!Han Feng felt very depressed. It seems that the next time he is beaten, he must protect his mouth tightly. Now that he is like this, he will not be able to eat all the good food on the table!He was so depressed!
"It deserves it." Seeing Han Feng like this, Father Han rewarded Han Feng with these two words without raising his head.

Han Feng: "..."

No one hurts, holding the last sliver of hope, Han Feng looked at his mother with tears in his eyes, mother, you must comfort your son, my young heart, I am suffering today. It's been a lot of suffering!Now I can’t even eat anymore, Mom, I’m so sad!

Mother Han received her son's eyes that needed her comfort, and sighed, "Feng'er, why don't you drink some water?"

Han Feng: "..."

Han Laoshi expressed his indifference to this, quietly ate his food, even stood up specially, picked up the piece of meat that fell out of Han Feng's bowl just now, ate it into his mouth, and chewed slowly "Well, it's delicious. It's really delicious! Girl Heyi, you should try it too!" Saying this, he picked up a piece of meat and handed it to Xia Heyi.

 Another update, it seems that Xia Xin has not yet appeared on the stage, so I can only push it to tomorrow's plot qaq
(End of this chapter)

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