Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 225 Transferring to Saint Geli

Chapter 225 Transferring to Saint Geli

In fact, Han Feng was quite looking forward to it. When Xia Heyi came to his side, he called out, "Brother!"

He was an only child since he was a child, and he always hoped that he would have a younger sister. He finally discussed with his mother to let her give birth to a younger brother and younger sister. However, his father just didn't want his mother to have one, so he asked him specially, "You When your mother gave birth to you, it was very hard. And after giving birth to something like you, my father didn’t want my mother to work hard, and I didn’t want my mother to worry about the child, so you don’t want to bother your mother any more. What? Otherwise, I will confiscate your pocket money!"

At that time, he was still young, because he was afraid of being charged pocket money by his father (he is still afraid now), so he had to compromise with the evil forces.Even though he recalled his father's affectionate words countless times afterwards, he didn't seem to be afraid that his mother would be tired at all, that expression seemed to be that he didn't want anything to attract his mother's attention!That's right, it's exactly the same as when he didn't want his mother to sleep with his father when he was a child and wanted to sleep with him...

Well now, there is a ready-made younger sister, and this younger sister is good at everything, she is also pretty and has a good temper!It's just that there is a brother-in-law who is a bit fierce, but when he thinks of his expression when he can let that fierce man call him "brother" in the future, Han Feng feels so refreshed!

Xia Heyi looked at Han Feng who was smiling wickedly because he didn't know what he was thinking, and leisurely reported his date of birth to Han Feng...

Han Feng's face collapsed immediately, "Feng'er, He Yi is older than you, why don't you hurry up and call me sister?"

With a bitter face, Han Feng secretly scolded God for being unfair to him. Looking at Xia Heyi, his whole face was wrinkled together, "Sister~"


"Father, Xin'er wants to discuss something with you." Xia Xin leaned on the hospital bed, holding a book in her hand, and said to Xia Mingzhi who was sitting beside her.

Xia Mingzhi sat in the ward for a long time. Suyun hadn't woken up yet, and Yiyi didn't know where he had gone. Xia Mingzhi's heart was very confused. He felt that he hadn't handled everything well. One of his daughters He and his wife are both in the hospital, but his own daughter wants to sever ties with him and leave the Xia family, chaos!Really messy!

"What's the matter? Xin'er, you can just say it directly." Even if Xia Xin was in a mess, Xia Mingzhi answered immediately when Xia Xin opened her mouth.

"Daddy, I want to go to St. Gregory's."

"What?!" Xia Mingzhi stood up from his chair when Xia Xin said that he was going to read Saint Geli. Xia Xin was taken aback by Xia Mingzhi's big move, and Xia Mingzhi realized I reacted a little violently, "Why are you going to read St. Geli all of a sudden?"

Xia Xin smiled, "Dad, how can this be called sudden? Didn't Xin Er tell you that she was going to study at St. Geli? You also promised Xin Er long ago, didn't you? Now it's just a matter of advancing the schedule That's all."

"Father knows, but..." Why did Xin'er go to St. Geli at this time?
"Father." Xia Xin took Xia Mingzhi's hand, "Xin'er knows that you have misunderstood my sister and your parents, and the source of this misunderstanding is still in Xin'er." Xia Xin said, tears were about to fall Come down, "If it wasn't for Xin'er coming to Xia's house, younger sister He Yi wouldn't be angry with her parents and go to her grandparents when she was a child..."

(End of this chapter)

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