Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 226 Xin'er is a good boy

Chapter 226 Xin'er is a good boy

"Xin'er, don't say that, how can you blame this..." Seeing Xia Xin so sad, Xia Mingzhi hurriedly comforted him, "He Yi also had something wrong when he was a child, that child has always been jealous since he was a child. When she came, she was relentless towards you and made everything difficult for you. She even hurt you, look at the wound on your hand..." Xia Mingzhi pointed to a burn on Xia Xin's hand, " At that time, He Yi was still so young, she already dared to burn you with cigarette butts," Xia Mingzhi said, as if thinking of the scene back then, "This scar can't go away now, look at you as a girl now, with the scar on your hand With this scar, how ugly it is."

Xia Xin quickly covered her wound with a hospital gown, "Dad, what you said was too serious. At that time, my sister was still young, and we were all children, playing around! Dad, don't be angry with my sister." ..."

"Just kidding?!" Hearing what Xia Xin said, Xia Mingzhi's voice raised involuntarily, "If it was just kidding, how could he poke so many places on your hand? Xin'er, don't tell me You have been speaking for He Yi since you were a child, but look at that girl, no matter when she was a child or now, she has never regarded you as a sister!"

"Father, He Yi is still young, she is my younger sister... I, I naturally have to let her go!" Xia Xin said cautiously.

Seeing Xia Xin like this, Xia Mingzhi was not only distressed, but also angry at Xia Heyi for being so stubborn since he was a child. He obviously has such a good sister, why does Heyi make things difficult for Xin'er everywhere?
"Okay, Xin'er, you don't have to speak for He Yi. Dad knows what kind of person He Yi is." Xia Mingzhi said, "When do you want to go to St. Geli? Dad will arrange it for you." Looking at Xia Xin Xia Mingzhi felt a burst of pain for the wound on his head caused by Xia Heyi, both of them are his daughters, why is Heyi so ignorant!

"Dad, I want to go tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?!" Xia Mingzhi said in surprise, "Why are you in such a hurry for tomorrow? Xin'er, you need to rest now!"

"Father, Xin'er wants to go tomorrow!" Xia Xin said resolutely.

Xia Mingzhi thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "Xin'er, tell Dad honestly, what are you going to St. Geli for in such a hurry?!"

Xia Xin bit her lip and said sadly, "Dad, where is Sister Heyi? I heard that you had a fight again last night. Dad, after all, you are father and daughter, so you can't be so stiff! You are always like this with your sister." , Mom will be sad too..."

"So, so I want to say, since my sister and my parents' knot is on me, why don't I go and tell my sister, let us two sisters solve it! As long as I can convince my sister, then our family will be fine. We are living together happily! Mom and Dad don't have to worry about my sister's affairs!" Xia Xin showed a very happy expression, and said to Xia Mingzhi sincerely. "Dad, Xin'er doesn't want you and mom to be sad, Xin'er hopes that our family can be happy!"

Hearing what Xia Xin said, Xia Mingzhi's heart softened, and he stroked Xia Xin's head, "Xin'er is a good boy."

"But, if you talk to He Yi, Dad is worried about you..."

"Father," Xia Xin said firmly, "Let Xin'er handle it! Girls have to settle things between girls! Dad, don't worry about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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