Chapter 237
"Today's matter, I won't just let it go." Xia Mingzhi confronted Mr. Han, and the fierce aura of the two confronted each other.In terms of seniority, Xia Mingzhi is a junior after all, but he was not overwhelmed by Mr. Han at all. Instead, he was evenly matched with Mr. Han.

Mr. Han smiled, "Today's matter is indeed our Feng'er's fault, but, as I said just now, the girl in Heyi is my granddaughter now, if you dare to touch my granddaughter casually again, I promise, "Mr. Han looked at Xia Xin who was fainting aside, "This sinister and vicious woman will be just like her father..."

"You!" Xia Mingzhi was impatient, but it's really not suitable to start a fight with the Han family now, "Let's go."

"Dad." Han Xiaotian stood beside Mr. Han, "For so many years, we and the Xia family have been fighting openly and secretly. I am afraid that starting today, the two families..."

"Well, you, the father, are the ones to worry about. After all, the Han family is under your control now, and you can't let the girl in lotus clothes call you 'Dad' for nothing, right?" Elder Han raised his eyebrows, the wrinkles on his face Twitching with his movements, but it didn't affect his majesty at all, he looked at his son with a half-smile.

"That's natural." Han Xiaotian nodded, and beside him, his wife said to Mr. Han and Han Xiaotian with a worried face, "Father, I think that Xu Xin is really not easy. He pushed Heyi here on the first day of class." On the cusp of the wind and waves, if this method is not intentional, it is really terrible!"

"Yeah." Mr. Han agrees with his wife's point of view, "That child is very scheming, and the girl in Heyi is kind-hearted. I'm afraid I can't deal with her alone. Xiaotian, you can arrange Feng'er in Shenggeli... ·”


When Xia Xin woke up, she found that she was back on the hospital bed, and there was no one beside her.She touched the part of her forehead that was pointed at by the gun just now, thinking about it now, her body would still feel cold uncontrollably.

Damn Xia Heyi, why is she so lucky? !Just left Xia's house for a day, and there is such a big backer?

But Xia Heyi was supposed to expose Xia Heyi not to be favored in the Xia family under the eyes of everyone, and she was the apple of the eye of the Xia family.He approached Xia Heyi and pretended to fall, which made Xia Mingzhi go crazy and blame Xia Heyi again.

At that time, Xia Heyi's arrogant and domineering attitude will be spread throughout the school, and compared to her, she will appear weak, and she will help persuade Xia Mingzhi on the spot, so that he will not treat his good "sister" Get angry, in line with everyone's mentality of "protecting the weak", when the time comes, everyone will blame Xia Heyi!In this way, if she uses some tricks on campus in the future, Xia Heyi will obediently get out of St. Geli?

After all, since she was a child, her "sister" has never defeated herself once!
But, what kind of Han family ran out today? !

Just when Xia Xin was depressed because of what happened today, the phone rang.Xia Xin took it.

"Miss Xia, is this the news you gave me today? Our cameras were all smashed because of you! Now it's all right, most of those cameras were taken from the company, which is a huge sum! Miss Xia , Tell me, how are you going to compensate us?" A very angry voice came from the other end of the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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