Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 238 It's not good for you to trouble others like this.

Chapter 238 It's not good for you to trouble others like this.

I thought it was a good job, but who would have thought that instead of getting a good amount of money, I would even get myself into trouble!

That camera cost hundreds of thousands, and they were all borrowed from the company. Now that they fall as soon as they say it, they will not only face the crisis of being fired by the company, but also be heavily in debt!

"What? You fell?" Xia Xin said sadly, but then she thought, forget it, just fall, so as not to take pictures of her gaffe!
"Yes! Miss Xia!" The other end of the phone was full of anger and gnashing of teeth, "Should Miss Xia pay us some compensation?! Otherwise, this is Miss Xia looking for us, in case Chairman Xia finds out ..."

Xia Xin's face turned cold, and she said coldly, "Are you threatening me?"

"Miss Xia, there's nothing we can do about it!"

Xia Xin scolded this group of trash in her heart, but she also knew what would happen if these people leaked the news, so she gritted her teeth cruelly, "I see, you give me the bank card account number, and I will remit it as soon as possible." It's for you!" After finishing speaking, Xia Xin hung up the phone without waiting for the person on the other end to say anything.

Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!

Xia Xin thumped the hospital bed violently.It's all that damned Xia Heyi!Those cameras add up to at least a few million!How could she draw so much money at once? !

Is it...

Do you have to use that money? !

Xia Xin's eyes flashed a trace of coldness and viciousness, she didn't expect that this time she lost her wife and lost her army!But it doesn't matter, she won't make Xia Heyi's life easy!

in school.

Because of what happened to Lu Yaoguang last week, everyone still regarded it as a laughingstock, but Gu Zhiyang stepped forward, and these news were naturally suppressed. Coupled with today's incidents about Xia's family, for a while, Xia Heyi's incident It has become a topic of frequent discussion.

"Hey, do you know what happened this morning?"

"I know, I was watching on the spot!"

"You say Xia Heyi and Xia Xin, which one is the daughter of the Xia family!"

"Haha, I can tell you have no news at first sight, don't you know? This Xia Xin, she was adopted, and Xia Heyi is the real daughter of the Xia family!"

"Huh? From what I saw just now, Xia Xin is the daughter of the Xia family, and Xia Heyi is the one who seems to be adopted!"

"Hee hee...how do I know this? But, we have to curry favor with that girl Xia Xin, haven't you seen it? Chairman Xia obviously loves her more, okay?"



"He Yi, when did he become your younger brother?" Lu Yaoguang pointed to Han Feng who seemed to regard himself as a student of St. Flipping through the textbook that originally belonged to someone else.

Since Han Feng casually took out a gun in the morning and carried it with him, everyone around him now regards him as a dangerous person.Everyone can't wait to stay away from him.

"The thing is like this..." Xia Heyi told Lu Yaoguang what happened last night. Lu Yaoguang listened to the unexpected incident, looked at Xia Heyi and said, "I have something to do in the future, you Remember to cover me."

Xia Heyi was happy because of Lu Yaoguang's expression, all the bad things just now seemed to have vanished...

"If you have an accident, I will protect you. It's not good for you to trouble others like this." Gu Zhiyang looked at Lu Yaoguang and said very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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