Chapter 239 I am very useful.

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

"Gu Zhiyang, it's almost time for class. Aren't you planning to go back to the classroom for class?" Lu Yaoguang advised himself to keep smiling and don't argue with Gu Fanfeng, he has a bad mind.

Gu Zhiyang rubbed his chin and said lazily, "I'm just teaching in the classroom."

"Young Master Gu, it's not good that you're occupying someone else's position here..." Xia Heyi signaled Gu Zhiyang to look at the person standing aside with his eyes.

That man was carrying a schoolbag, with tears streaming down his face, Young Master Gu, aren't you going to sit here for a day? !Just sat there last week, didn't you?Why are you still here now!You are here, so where can I sit and listen to the class!
Unexpectedly, Gu Zhiyang didn't even look at that person, took out a piece of paper from the drawer, wrote a few words on the paper and handed it to the person standing next to him, "You, from now on, with me Change classrooms."

The man froze for a while, then took it tremblingly, Gu Zhiyang said impatiently, "Let's go, why don't you go?"

Hearing Gu Zhiyang's urging, the person who took the note immediately ran out of the classroom.

Gu Zhiyang turned his face to the side, looked at Xia Heyi, "Okay."

Xia Heyi: "..."

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

Han Feng on the side saw Gu Zhiyang's handsome handling, immediately followed suit, took out a piece of paper, wrote down his own name, and handed it to the person whose seat he occupied, and said with a smile, "You Let's go too."

Looking at this scene, Xia Heyi was almost speechless, and said dumbfoundedly, "Han Feng, you are not a student of our school, if you let him go, where is he going?"

Han Feng rubbed the back of his head and said with a chuckle, "Sister, don't worry, I believe my parents have already completed my transfer and admission procedures by now."

"So fast?!" Lu Yaoguang asked in puzzlement, are the transfer procedures and admission procedures handled so quickly now?It took them two full months at the beginning!St. Geli is the best school after all, even if it is a "slum", it takes a lot of time to enter the school.What's more, with Han Feng's identity, he must have attended a different school.But why did he handle it so quickly?There must be a certain amount of time to go through the back door...

Gu Zhiyang took the textbook and knocked on Lu Yaoguang's head, Lu Yaoguang touched the place where he was knocked and frowned and stared at Gu Zhiyang, "Why did you hit me?"

Gu Zhiyang pointed at Lu Yaoguang's temple with the textbook, "Here, replace it with something that can 'boom', what are you talking about?"

simply……!Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi both looked at each other speechlessly, this, even if you have the power, you can't use it like this? !

Han Feng looked at Gu Zhiyang with a doggy face, and Gu Zhiyang responded with a smile that was not a smile.


"I heard that Xia Xin is going to transfer to St. Geli." Yunyi looked at her computer and sat on the other side of the ward.

Ji Shaoyi paused as he ate the fruit, "What did you say?"

Yunyi handed the information collected in her hands to Ji Shaoyi, and as soon as Ji Shaoyi took it, the expression on his face became more and more serious.

"I'm leaving the hospital tomorrow, what about Xu Xin, it's best if she doesn't come to St. Geli, if she comes, she will kill herself!" Ji Shaoyi stared fiercely at Xu Xin in the photo, "Look at how I'll kill her! "

"Your injuries are still not healed..."

"Come on, you," Ji Shaoyi put away the computer and gave Yunyi a blank look, "Don't tell me you didn't tell me these things on purpose. You obviously don't want to stay with me in the hospital any longer. It's a good excuse. , but, I am very useful."

 My nephew just left, there are two more updates today and it may be late. Tomorrow is the last day to update the six chapters, and then resume four updates a day.By the way, I changed a new cover, hoping to bring good luck and make more people like this book qvq dears, if it’s too late, don’t stay up late to read it  ̄ ̄)σRest early!

(End of this chapter)

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