Chapter 240 Xia Xin's Seat (1)

Yunyi took the computer from Ji Shao's hand, but smiled and said nothing.

the next day.

"Hello everyone, I'm Xia Xin who transferred in today. Please take care of me." Xia Xin smiled happily, looking at everyone under the podium table, and staying longer when she saw Xia Heyi After a while, Han Feng immediately moved his face to Xia Xin's line of sight. Xia Xin's face froze. Although he expected that Han Feng would be here, when he actually saw Han Feng, the person who was shot before The fear of holding will still spread at this moment.

"Student Xia Xin, you can choose the seat you want to sit in." The teacher said very friendly.

Xia Xin nodded to the teacher, looking very innocent and well-behaved. "Then, can I sit by my sister's side?"

As soon as these words came out, all four seats were silent——

Some people were watching a good show, because judging from what happened yesterday, it was obvious that Xia Heyi and Xia Xin were not on the same page.

On the other hand, Han Feng raised his eyebrows. This Xia Xin clearly knew that his sister had no affection for her, and even hated her to the extreme, but she still wanted to post it like this? ?Just don't be too... He felt that saying the word after that was an insult to the word!

But after thinking about it, Han Feng put his hand on his chin and rubbed it. Xia Xin was always clinging to his sister like this, knowing that his sister hated her but still doing this. Could it be that he was doing this to blacken his sister?Make others think that his sister is that kind?That kind of... Han Feng scratched his head in distress, he saw that his vocabulary was gone.but--

Han Feng rolled up a pile of papers. Around his sister, Lu Yaoguang is at the same table, Ji Shaoyi is at the back, Yunyi is at Ji Shaoyi's tablemate, and he is the other "tablemate". The only one who came to her sister's side... Han Feng looked at the two people in front of Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi, and their backs felt like needles.

Xia Xin walked slowly towards the two people's positions, "Hello classmate, can you change places with me?" The man looked at Xia Xin's sweet smile and was about to stand up. At this moment, Han Feng held the The paper that was rolled up by him just now put it on the head of the person who was about to stand up with a smile, and joked with a smile, "If you dare to stand up, you will collapse."

The person who was about to stand up just now twitched his legs and sat down immediately.

Xia Xin's smile froze, and she looked at another person. This time, Han Feng didn't even have time for Xia Xin to speak, and pointed at that person, "Ditto."

Immediately, sit obediently, not daring to move.

The smile on Xia Xin's face collapsed, "Young Master Han, do you have prejudice against me?"

"Oh, so you know! I thought you didn't know." Han Feng showed an obedient look, "Since you are so smart, why don't you--get out?" The atmosphere suddenly became extremely cold.

Xia Xin tried her best to make herself laugh, and turned the topic to Xia Heyi who had been silent all this time, "Sister, can't sister sit with you?"

Lu Yaoguang stood in front of Xia Heyi, "Sorry, no."


"Sister, do you feel guilty and dare not talk to my sister because of pushing her yesterday? It's okay, you don't have to worry about this, my sister doesn't care about what happened yesterday at all. But now, can't my sister sit with you Are you by my side? Don't you even want to give your sister such a chance to get in touch with you?"

 Sorry sorry sorry qaq fell asleep! !After waking up, it is already this hour. Today... It should not be said that yesterday's two shifts have been moved to today, so today is a total of eight shifts.Sorry everyone, sorry for the delay!
(End of this chapter)

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