Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 247 Another chapter on the Xia family

Chapter 247 Returning to Xia’s House (1)
"What's my background?" Gu Zhiyang sneered, "Don't you know my background? Isn't it the young master of the Gu family, the king of St. Geli."

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

"Be less stinky, okay? It's not like you don't know what I'm asking you..." Lu Yaoguang looked at Gu Zhiyang with contempt.

Who knew that Gu Zhiyang approached suddenly, and Lu Yaoguang was so frightened that he did not dare to move. "Hey, hey, what are you doing?! This is very dangerous, do you know that you are still driving!"

Gu Zhiyang took a closer look at Lu Yaoguang's frightened appearance, and evoked a very provocative smile, "What I said is obviously the truth." Then he sat down quickly and looked ahead.

Lu Yaoguang tightly grasped his seat belt, this Gu Fanfeng would do this from time to time, it was really scary!Compared with the previous drag racing, this one is also very scary, okay? !She should have taken a fake car...

"What? Don't you agree?" Gu Zhiyang asked back, with a threat in his tone, "Speak well, or I'll do it again."

"Yes, yes, you are the king, you are the king." Lu Yaoguang quickly replied, fearing that Gu Fanfeng would do something wrong later, and secretly swore in his heart that he would never ride in Gu Zhiyang's car again !

However, the phrase "You are the king" reminded Lu Yaoguang of a video he saw on the Internet before. A dog and a lion felt like a king after staying for a long time, stronger than a lion, and even scared away a little bear.

"Well, that's right, you are the king..." "Pfft..." He couldn't help laughing out loud, thinking about the videos he had seen, and looking at Gu Zhiyang sitting next to him, really, he could be laughed to death.

It's a pity that Gu Zhiyang doesn't know what Lu Yaoguang is thinking at the moment, but he is also in a good mood seeing Lu stubbornly smiling.

"Find a chance and let Xia Heyi and that Xia Xin stay alone. I will give you a recording pen when I go back later. You only need to record the conversation between the two of them."

"As long as this is enough?" Lu Yaoguang said incredulously, "Is it that simple?"

"Naturally." Gu Zhiyang said with a leisurely smile, "According to Xia Xin's virtue, I'm sure she'll have to fight with Xia Heyi from time to time. You should hide better when the time comes. As long as you don't get caught, record what she said, then , and everything will come to light.”

"En." Lu Yaoguang nodded, now, let's try this first, I hope what Gu Zhiyang said will be useful.

In the evening, Lu Yaoguang sent Xia Heyi a text message and told Xia Heyi about Xia Heyi's mother.

"How is she?"

"I don't know about that. Do you want to consider going back to see her? By the way, get back your important things before?"

Xia Heyi looked at the text messages on her phone and thought about it. In fact, she had already brought back her things last time, except...

Except that doll.

After all, there will still be some concerns.

I don't know if it is still "undamaged", did Xia Xin destroy that doll?
"Okay. Then I'll go back tomorrow night."

"I'll go with you. I'm not at ease if you go alone."

Looking at the text message sent by Lu Yaoguang, there are words of concern for herself between the lines.Xia Heyi felt warm in his heart, it was great to be able to teach a friend like Yao Guang...

Holding the recording pen in his hand, Lu Yaoguang secretly made up his mind that this time, he must help her!
(End of this chapter)

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