Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 248 Another chapter on the Xia family

Chapter 248 Returning to Xia’s House (2)
In the evening, at the gate of Xia's villa.

Xia Heyi looked at her left and right sides, one was Lu Yaoguang who had already made an appointment, and the other...

"Ji Shaoyi, what are you doing here?!"

"Me? I'll help you carry things." Ji Shaoyi raised his arm, exposing his biceps.Xia Heyi's face was full of black lines. In fact, she just wanted to get a doll.

"It's her, Gu Zhiyang didn't watch you? What are you doing here?" Ji Shaoyi pointed to Lu Yaoguang, curious why Lu Yaoguang followed.

"Yaoguang is just here with me. If you want to come with me, don't make trouble." Xia Heyi felt that the relationship between Gu Zhiyang and Ji Shaoyi was very stiff, and Yaoguang and Gu Zhiyang had a close relationship, so she was a little worried about Ji Shaoyi's relationship with Ji Shaoyi. It's a little while before the prejudice against Gu Zhiyang is involved in Lu Yaoguang.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you, don't make trouble, don't make trouble." Ji Shaoyi looked at Xia Heyi dotingly, and Yiyi did whatever she wanted.

Xia Heyi looked at the gate of Xia's house and sighed, hoping that this time would be the last time he came back here.


"Yiyi?!" Mother Xia looked at Xia Heyi in surprise, "Are you home? Did you come to see your mother?!"

Xia Heyi was a little embarrassed, separated from her parents for many years, the intimacy between her and Xia's mother was gone, but hearing that Xia's mother fainted because of her leaving home, she was very sad.

"I, I, I'm just here to get something."

Xia's mother stepped forward and held Xia Heyi's hands tightly. When she heard that Xia Heyi just came back to get something, she felt sad, "Didn't you come back to live?"

"Whatever you want to take, you can do it by yourself. Why did you bring two people back? It's all right if you miss one, the one next to you..." When Xia Mu and Xia Heyi were talking, Xia Mingzhi leaned forward. Went downstairs with crutches.

"What are you talking about again? I think it's good that Yiyi brought her friends here, what's the matter?!" He Suyun yelled at Xia Mingzhi, and Xia Mingzhi immediately fell silent.Xia's mother hurriedly said to Lu Yaoguang, "Student, I'm sorry to make you laugh. We have no intention of not welcoming you. You sit down quickly, Auntie will let someone make tea." Xia's mother greeted Lu Yao Just sitting down, Lu Yaoguang felt a little embarrassed.

Xia Heyi went upstairs, Ji Shaoyi and Lu Yaoguang stayed behind.

Opening her room, Xia Heyi was relieved to see that her doll was still there, picked up the doll, but unexpectedly felt the wetness on it.

You have to wipe it with a dry cloth...

I looked around my room, but didn't see anything to wipe.No paper towels either.Xia Heyi felt a little helpless, closed the door and went downstairs.

In the kitchen, a familiar aunt was busy making tea. When she saw Xia Heyi coming in, she was very pleasantly surprised, "Miss, are you back?"

"Wang Ma!" Xia Heyi was also a little excited. Wang Ma had been in Xia's house since she was a child, and she often greeted herself when she was a child, taking care of herself as if she were her own daughter.

"Miss..." Wang Ma looked at Xia Heyi, her eyes were red, "Long time no see, Miss has come and gone, she is even more beautiful!"

Xia Heyi smiled embarrassedly, "By the way, Wang Ma, I didn't see you when I came last time. Where were you then? Why didn't you come out to see me?"

"This... Wang Ma just came back recently."

"What?!" Wang Ma, hasn't she been working in the Xia family? "Wang Ma, what's going on, tell me quickly."

 I'm going to prepare for the exam this week...

  So T_T, maybe only two or three shifts a day.Sorry T_T
(End of this chapter)

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