Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 261 Who Allowed You To Touch This Thing? !

Chapter 261 Who Allowed You To Touch This Thing? ! (4)
Xiaoli was in a stalemate with Xiaoxiong at the door. The dog refused to go with her no matter what, it really pissed her off!
"Be good, little bear, come with me..."

Unexpectedly, the little bear refused to even raise his head, just lying on the ground like this.

A sternness flashed in Xiaoli's eyes.

"Why are you here?" Gu Zhiyang asked in a calm voice when he saw Xiao Li squatting on the ground and Xiao Xiong lying on the ground dying.

"Young Master Gu, Little Bear looks very uncomfortable. Miss Lu ordered me to take him to see a doctor." Xiaoli stood up and performed a courtesy to Gu Zhiyang that all servants of the Gu family must perform.

Gu Zhiyang's brows were raised high, as if a gully appeared, Xiaoxiong is uncomfortable?what happened?
Gu Zhiyang stepped forward and carefully checked the condition of the little bear. The little bear didn't even have the strength to raise his head, and he was very tired.

But because of the reflection, Lu Yaoguang couldn't see the contents of that photo clearly.

At this moment, the heart suddenly became agitated.

Don't look.

There is a voice deep in my heart reminding myself that if I go to see it myself, I will be very sad...


Lu Yaoguang was taken aback by his subconscious thought, are you sad?
No matter what, the most urgent thing is to find khaki first.

"Meow...meow..." A khaki voice came from the corner of the bed.

Lu Yaoguang immediately rushed over and picked up Khaki.

"Khaki!" Lu Yaoguang touched Khaki's head, and Khaki just lay lazily on Lu Yaoguang's hand. Hearing Lu Yaoguang calling himself, Khaki stuck out his tongue and licked Lu Yaoguang Yao Guang's finger.

Lu Yaoguang picked up Khaki and carefully checked Khaki's body. After confirming that Khaki was safe, he breathed a sigh of relief, that's great!Khaki is safe and sound...

"Khaki, why did you come here?" Lu Yaoguang was very puzzled by the appearance of khaki in this room, but since he had already found khaki, it was better to go out first. "You have to be obedient, don't come here again, you know?"

Lu Yaoguang was talking to Khaki, and when he was about to stand up, a necklace slipped off.

strangeness?Didn't notice this necklace just now?Where did it come from?
Lu Yaoguang squatted down again, intending to pick up the necklace, but just when her hand touched the necklace, her pupils suddenly turned...

This is……

Lu Yaoguang looked at the photo in the necklace, his hands trembling slightly.

Even though the person above hadn't grown up like it is now, and hadn't lost its immature appearance, Lu Yaoguang still recognized at a glance that this person was Gu Zhiyang...

In this photo, there is not only Gu Zhiyang alone, but also a woman who is smiling like a flower.

She wears a ponytail and has a big smile with a happy smile on her face.

And the young Gu Zhiyang put his left hand around the girl's neck, hugging the girl tightly, through the photos, he could feel Gu Zhiyang's full possessiveness...

And the girl also put her hands on Gu Zhiyang's arm, and the two of them looked at the camera together, smiling like that, happy...

But now on that photo, the girl's photo was severely scratched by a nick, which severely scratched the girl's face from the photo.

what happened?what about this photo...

Lu Yaoguang stood up holding the necklace, this necklace has to be given to Gu Zhiyang...

(End of this chapter)

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