Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 262 Who Allowed You To Touch This Thing? !

Chapter 262 Who Allowed You To Touch This Thing? ! (5)
"What are you doing?!" At this time, Gu Zhiyang's voice came from the door of the room, which startled Lu Yaoguang. Lu Yaoguang held the khaki in his left hand and the necklace in his right, and turned his head.


"Who allowed you to enter this room?" Gu Zhiyang held the doorknob and looked at Lu Yaoguang expressionlessly. His deep eyes exuded a different kind of cold at this moment. The radiance from Yang's body passed through the ground and jumped up from Lu Yaoguang's feet. Lu Yaoguang took a step back subconsciously.


"Who allowed you to enter this room?!" Gu Zhiyang didn't listen to Lu Yaoguang's words, but just repeated this sentence stubbornly.

"The khaki color is..." Lu Yaoguang's breathing quickened, and her heart flustered for no reason. Now, what should she say?Will Gu Zhiyang believe her?
The sharp-eyed Gu Zhiyang, when he saw a necklace in Lu Yaoguang's hand, his hostility suddenly radiated!

Gu Zhiyang walked towards Lu Yaoguang in three steps and made two cloths. Lu Yaoguang's feet seemed to be glued to the ground.Unable to move forward no matter what, Gu Zhiyang shot Lu Yaoguang fiercely with his eyes, but with this one glance, Lu Yaoguang felt that he was falling into an abyss...

Gu Zhiyang grabbed Lu Yaoguang's hand and lifted her hand violently. The bone-deep pain made Lu Yaoguang almost cry out. She subconsciously bit her lips, but Gu Zhiyang saw that When there were traces on the photo, Lu Yaoguang's hand seemed to crush Lu Yaoguang, but Lu Yaoguang couldn't hold back, and suddenly cried out in pain——

Ever since Lu Yaoguang met Gu Zhiyang, Gu Zhiyang had grabbed his wrist so many times, but never once, like now, he couldn't bear it anymore.The heart-piercing pain spread, but I don't know if there are other pains besides the pain from the wrist...

"Who, quasi, you, moved, this, this?!" Gu Zhiyang gritted his teeth in this short sentence, seven words, and looked at Lu Yaoguang as if he was looking at an enemy. Lu Yaoguang was burned by Gu Zhiyang's murderous eyes, and his heart sank one after another...

"It's all right for you to enter this room without my permission. Now, you dare to destroy this thing, Lu Yaoguang, don't think that you have lived here for a while and I won't take care of you anymore. So reckless!"

"It's not me! I didn't..." Lu Yaoguang trembled all over, "It wasn't me. When I came in, the necklace already..."

"It's not you?!" Gu Zhiyang's face was grim, "Everyone in this family knows that no one is allowed to enter this room without my order! And now, what are you doing here?! I came to see this necklace a few days ago The time is still good, why did you become like this when you came in today? Lu Yaoguang, you really don't blush when you lie!" After Gu Zhiyang finished speaking, he shook Lu Yaoguang's hand away. Big, Lu Yaoguang accidentally fell down, his head became dizzy for a while, and a bloody red breath spread immediately, Lu Yaoguang stretched out his hand and touched his forehead.


"Get out of here! Don't stay here anymore!" But Gu Zhiyang is now holding on to the necklace tightly. On it, Pingting's photo was destroyed. Gu Zhiyang was in a state of rage and did not notice Lu Yaoguang's side. situation.

Lu Yaoguang picked up Khaki and covered his wound with the other hand.Walk out of the room in silence...

(End of this chapter)

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