Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 277 Is the taste of disinfectant good?

Chapter 277 Is the taste of disinfectant good? (4)

gym class.

Xia Heyi's classroom was empty.

Xia Xin approached the classroom alone, and slowly came to Xia Heyi's seat.

"Isn't it just a bottle of perfume?" Xia Xin thought disdainfully, but reached into Xia Heyi's drawer and took out the bottle of perfume.

"Hmph, I'd like to see how good the perfume I gave you is!" Xia Xin originally wanted to smash the perfume away, so that Xia Heyi would be useless for nothing!See where she has the capital to show off, but when she picks up the perfume, she feels strange again, why doesn't this perfume have any logo?
Strange, what's going on?Isn't this the only three bottles of perfume in the world?How come there is no brand logo?

Could it be that this is fake?

But it's not right, how could this be fake? !If it was fake, what happened to the fragrance that day?Even if she stands so far away, she can still smell the fragrance, which is very nice...
No matter, why don't you try it yourself?

Xia Xin thought, picked up the perfume, and sprayed it on her face——

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa like, what kind of perfume is this!This is obviously disinfectant!

As for Xia Xin's eyes, because she opened them to play with the spray just now, some of the disinfectant water directly entered her eyes, making her tears run down, and she was in pain——

"How is it? Does the smell of disinfectant make you feel good?" Xia Heyi leaned against the door of the classroom, looking at the pained Xia Xin, her heart was filled with joy.

"Who? Xia Heyi? It really is you little bitch! How dare you harm me?!" Xia Xin roared when she heard Xia Heyi's voice, but she couldn't open her eyes now. Tears kept flowing, she could only spread her hands around, looking for where Xia Heyi was, like a blind person.

"How can you wrong people? Did I ask you to come to my classroom and reach out to get something from my schoolbag?"

"Did I tell you to spray?"

"Xia Xin, it's because your hands and feet are not clean, how dare you say that I use disinfectant? Stop joking, okay?"

Xia Heyi looked at Xia Xin who was "blind man feeling the elephant" at the moment, with a calm expression, without the slightest disturbance.She knew that, according to Xia Xin's temperament, as long as she held that bottle of "perfume" in front of her, coupled with the wanton publicity of the people around, Xia Xin would definitely come to her and destroy that bottle of "perfume" .

"Xia Xin, I didn't expect that your sneaky behavior is still the same as when you were a child, and it hasn't changed in the slightest. Is it true that the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change? No, no, for you, it's just that dogs can't change and eat shit! "

"Ahhh, Xia Heyi, you bitch, it's clear that you framed me, where are you, where are you?! Come out if you have the guts! Come out quickly! Bitch!!" Xia Xin Hearing Xia Heyi's voice, the whole person immediately rushed towards Xia Heyi. Although her eyes are temporarily blind, her ears are not damaged. She wants to kill Xia Heyi!This damn Xia Heyi, she won't let her have a good time!
Seeing that Xia Xin's hand stretched out towards her, Xia Heyi grabbed Xia Xin's hand and slammed her to the ground, Xia Xin fell to the ground.

"Xia Xin, it's fine if you want to deal with me, why do you want to attack the people around me? Do you really think I will be indifferent to what you do? Do you really think I won't resist?" Xia Heyi said With an aggressive voice, she will never allow Xia Xin to attack the people around her!
 This is the last free chapter, and it will be available after nine o'clock tomorrow.Children's shoes who haven't seen it yet, hurry up and watch it!
(End of this chapter)

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