Chapter 278
"Hmph, Xia Heyi, you hurt me so much today, I won't let you go!" Xia Xin yelled heart-piercingly, she must go for treatment immediately, otherwise, her glasses will be ruined!
"Okay. I'll wait for you." Xia Heyi said, took out her mobile phone, and planned to call someone to take Xia Xin to the hospital.

"No need to call." Xia Heyi paused when she picked up the phone, and Ji Shaoyi grabbed her hand to prevent her from making a call.

"Less One...?" Xia Heyi was a little surprised by Ji Shaoyi's appearance.One less, why did he come here...?
"Xiaoyi? Shaoyi, is that you?" Xia Xin trembled when she heard Ji Shaoyi's voice, "Xiaoyi, look quickly, Xia Heyi is going to kill me! She is not like Ji Shaoyi at all. As kind as you think, she is a femme fatale!" Xia Xin said hysterically to Ji Shaoyi who couldn't see where she was.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ji Shaoyi was very happy, "I don't know if she is a femme fatale. Xu Xin, do you know who is trying to harm you?"

"Xia Heyi! Of course it's Xia Heyi! One less, don't be confused by her! Look, it's just me and her here! She sprayed my eyes with disinfectant, one less, take me to the hospital quickly Let's see if it's okay..." Xia Xin tried to make Ji Shaoyi and Xia Heyi feel disgusted by her pitiful appearance, and asked Ji Shaoyi to take herself to the hospital immediately.

"Xu Xin," Ji Shaoyi approached slowly and walked to Xia Xin's side. As soon as Xia Xin felt Ji Shaoyi's approach, she quickly hugged Ji Shaoyi's thigh, "Young one, you are here to take me to the hospital Right? Woooo...Xia Heyi is going to kill me! She is a bad woman! Young Master, take me away!"

"I asked her to harm you." Ji Shaoyi said flatly, his clear pupils revealed complete indifference.

"Less, one less...? What did you say?" Xia Xin couldn't believe what she can that be possible?How could it be that Shaoyi was going to harm himself? "One less, are you going to excuse Xia Heyi again? Don't be like this, one less, she is a bad woman, don't help her all the time..."

"I said, I let He Yi hurt you." Ji Shaoyi said, lifting his other foot, what came to mind was the day when He Yi was burned in front of her and passed out!That night, He Yi wandered around the gate of hell and almost died!During that week, He Yi lived every day in such a miserable way that life would have been worse than death!
With one kick, Xia Xin who was hugging her was ruthlessly kicked away. Xia Xin was so kicked by Ji Shaoyi that she almost fainted from the pain, tears streaming down her eyes. Xia Heyi hurried forward and grabbed Ji Shaoyi's hand, "Ji Shaoyi ..." Shaoyi like this is not good!Xia Xin doesn't deserve you at all...

"No, that's not the case! Shaoyi, you are lying to me, aren't you?!" Xia Xin was in the last desperate struggle, no no no!One less will not treat myself like this!

"Xu Xin, it's your business that you are in the Xia family, but you really shouldn't use framing Yiyi to gain Xia's family's love and care for you."

"Listen to me, Xia Heyi, she is my woman!"

"From now on, if you dare to touch her hair again, I promise..."

"Your end will definitely be a thousand times worse than today! I'm not joking!" Ji Shao looked at Xia Xin on the ground as if looking down on all living beings. This woman is an ant!
How dare a mere ant touch Ji Shaoyi's woman? !

(End of this chapter)

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