Chapter 302 This, Pay You Back

For the rest of the journey, the two of them were speechless again.

Gu Zhiyang had nothing to say to Lu Yaoguang, and Lu Yaoguang also had nothing to say to Gu Zhiyang. Since the two had a dispute in that room last time, this time, it was the two of them who talked the most to each other. once.

When the car turned into the gate of Gu's house, Gu Zhiyang suddenly said, "Sangeli Talent Competition, did you participate?" Did Lu Yaoguang participate?If you participate, please report to dance.After all, her dancing is so amazing...

"Sangeli Talent Competition?" Lu Yaoguang was surprised that Gu Zhiyang would ask herself this question, but she was even more surprised by Gu Zhiyang's subsequent question, asking if she participated in the competition? "No······"

No? !When Gu Zhiyang heard Lu Yaoguang say no, he frowned deeply, but it was not easy to ask the reason. After all, if he asked her the reason, wouldn't it just show that he knew she could dance? ?

"Oh." So, no matter how curious Gu Zhiyang was, he still didn't ask.

"What about you, have you signed up for the competition?" Seeing the car gradually approaching the main entrance, Lu Yaoguang took up Gu Zhiyang's topic.

The St. Geli Talent Competition is divided into male and female venues. Only in the final finals will the winners of the male and female venues compete with each other to be the champion of the St. Geli Talent Competition.

"No." He is so busy all day now, how could he participate in such a boring game?
"That's it..." Lu Yaoguang nodded, the car stopped at the main entrance, Steward Shen got out of the car first, and opened the car door for Lu Yaoguang, Lu Yaoguang thanked Shen Bo, and then went upstairs.So far, there has never been too much communication with Gu Zhiyang.

Gu Zhiyang got out of the car, took a deep breath, hugged the laptop in his hand, and said to Uncle Shen, "Today's dinner will still be brought to the study, so I won't go down to eat."

"Yes." Butler Shen replied, seeing Gu Zhiyang's back as he also left, Uncle Shen sighed, originally thought that the two of them could finally talk, to show that they were reconciled, but unexpectedly, hey, the result is still like this what?

Young Master Gu, why are you doing this?

Miss Pingting has been away for so many years, why are you unwilling to let go?Let go of the past, let go of Miss Pingting, let go of myself...

Lu Yaoguang returned to the room.

Oops... Lu Yaoguang secretly sighed, the glasses were not returned to Gu Zhiyang, unexpectedly, are you still used to it?In this short time...

Forget it, let's take it to him...

The subordinates asked where Gu Zhiyang was, and the subordinates replied that Gu Zhiyang was handling affairs in the study.

The figure of Lu Yaoguang holding the glasses paused, is he dealing with business?So if I go there now, will it bother him?

However, it's better to return this pair of glasses to Gu Zhiyang as soon as possible, she no longer wants to have anything to do with him.Seeing that the time for her to leave is getting closer and closer, it's better for me to have less things related to Gu Zhiyang.

Lu Yaoguang stood hesitantly at the door of the study, hesitating whether to knock or not.

But in the end, he made up his mind and knocked on the door of the study.

Gu Zhiyang opened it, and Lu Yaoguang handed the glasses to Gu Zhiyang, "Here, give it back to you..."

Gu Zhiyang looked at Lu Yaoguang for a long time before taking away the glasses.

(End of this chapter)

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