Chapter 303 Remember
Lu Yaoguang saw that Gu Zhiyang had taken away his glasses and was about to leave when Gu Zhiyang suddenly said, "If you have any talent, you'd better sign up for it, St. Geli's talent competition, if you participate , it's good for you."

Gu Zhiyang's voice came from behind Lu Yaoguang, and for a moment, it seemed as if two hands were grabbing her heart fiercely. Lu Yaoguang's tears were about to fall in an instant, but she firmly grasped her hands , By the way, I pinched my thigh meat. "Thank you. But the registration has ended." After Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, he rushed back to his room.

Looking up at the ceiling, he tried his best not to let his tears fall.

"Yaoguang, you sign up for the competition, you dance so well, you will definitely win the competition!"

"Yaoguang, why don't you participate? You dance so well, you will definitely get good grades!"

"Yaoguang, join the competition!"

"Yaoguang, sign up!"

Over the years, she has heard such words countless times.

But never once, like just now, did I have the urge to cry in an instant.

"If you have any talent, it's better to sign up for the competition."

"If you participate, it will be good for you."

These two sentences of Gu Zhiyang are obviously no different from others!Why did she want to cry so much after hearing this?
No, she has no talent!

she doesn't know anything
nothing will happen...

If you have talent, but talent will bring disaster to yourself and your family, then what is the use of talent?
"Remember, if I find out that you dare to appear in any competition, you, and your lowly mother, in this life, the only way to be free is to die!"

"Remember, don't be discovered by me... Otherwise, I will break your leg!"

"Remember, no dancing!"

"You are not qualified to dance, your dirty blood is not qualified to dance!"

Those words that she desperately wanted to forget surfaced again, Lu Yaoguang curled up and covered her ears tightly with her hands, she didn't want to listen!She doesn't want to hear it!

Why, what did she do wrong...

Obviously for dancing,

"Yaoguang, let me tell you, when you show the talent that you have been working hard for in front of everyone, and this talent is recognized by everyone, that moment, that feeling, is really... unforgettable forever !"

What kind of mood was that?
She didn't dare to think about it, she was afraid that after she thought about it, everything, everything would be gone...
Soon, the contestants of the St. Geli Talent Competition were divided into groups of two.

Xia Heyi desperately squeezed into the bulletin board, finally saw his name, and, the team members who participated in the competition with him!
"Well, let me see, let me see..."

"It's... Wang Shiqi."

Wang Shiqi?Who is this person? Is it their age group?

It's over, it's over, she's assigned to be with someone she doesn't know, although the chances are high, but when it comes time to perform with a stranger, Xia Heyi is still very nervous.

What kind of person would the other party be?
(End of this chapter)

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