Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 304 Xia Xin, why are you so impulsive?

Chapter 304 Xia Xin, why are you so impulsive?
Will she be easy to get along with qaq
"Now broadcast an announcement. Students who have signed up for the St. Geli Talent Competition, please go to the bulletin board to see which group you are in and who your partner is. Then, students in group A please go to music room 1, group B Please go to Music Room 2, students in Group C to Painting Room 1, and students in Group D to Painting Room 2."

"The notification is playing again..."

After Xia Heyi heard the broadcast, she confirmed again that she was in Group B, and should be going to Music Teacher 2.

But after hearing the broadcast, all the contestants who hadn't come to the bulletin board to watch all of a sudden crowded in front of the bulletin board. In addition, the bulletin board was already crowded, which made it hard for Xia Heyi to squeeze in front of the bulletin board. It is very difficult for those who go out again to act.

After much difficulty, Xia Heyi squeezed out, but bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry..." Before Xia Heyi finished speaking, the words from the other party made Xia Heyi feel cold.

"Hehe, Xia Heyi? Unexpectedly, you also signed up." Xia Xin's annoying words came from the top of Xia Heyi's head.

Xia Heyi's expression suddenly became very indifferent, she still didn't look like the reckless little girl before, she calmly arranged the clothes that were crumpled when she squeezed out from the crowd.

"Why, didn't you want to apologize to me just now? Why don't you talk now? Are you dumb?" Seeing that Xia Heyi didn't finish what she wanted to say just now, Xia Xin continued to mock Xia Heyi.

"The words of apology are meant for people to hear." Xia Heyi raised her head, "It's not for you bastard."

"You!" Xia Xin heard Xia Heyi scolding herself as a beast, and her whole body was not well. Her eyes widened. On the one hand, she felt very upset, on the other hand, she was a little surprised. Time to talk to yourself like this?This is exactly the same as her... and her reaction when she was framed by herself the first few times when she was a child!
"Okay Xia Heyi, why is your mouth so unclean? Didn't someone teach you? Oh~" Xia Xin calmed down and immediately counterattacked Xia Heyi. She patted herself on the head with her left hand, " How could I have forgotten, you have been kicked out since you were a child, so of course you don’t have any tutoring!"

When Xia Heyi heard Xia Xin say this, she was not angry at all, but snorted coldly, "It's a good thing I left home when I was a child, otherwise, wouldn't I become like a beast if I stayed in that house? That's true. , so sad..."

Xia Xin was so stunned by Xia Heyi's counterattack that she couldn't say a word, "Good Xia Heyi, how dare you scold me again and again?!"

"What's wrong with scolding you?" Xia Heyi waved his hand, "I still want to beat you, so what's wrong with scolding you?"

"It's just that I never hit animals—" Xia Heyi said, putting her hands on her chest and carefully looking at her nails. Now, she will no longer have any patience with Xia Xin. When it's time to scold her and scold her, she will just scold her!Anyway, she has broken ties with the Xia family now, and she has reliable godparents. What can she do with her, Xia Xin?
"You—!" Xia Xin was anxious, and was about to slap Xia Heyi, but at this moment, she was grabbed by another slender hand.

"Xia Xin, why are you so impulsive?" Yao Fei'er smiled and grabbed Xia Xin's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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