Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 314 You Are Too Impulsive 1

Chapter 314 You Are Too Impulsive

The teacher pointed to the open door of the classroom, and the students who were originally in the "noble district" in the busy city suddenly didn't dare to make any more noise.

How important it is to participate in the St. Gregory Talent Competition is always brought up by my parents at home. Wouldn't it be a shame if they screwed up before the competition?
So, it's better not to make a fuss now.

Seeing that the students were all quiet, the teacher stretched his brows, but he still felt uneasy. He just went out for a while and this happened. He can't leave now, so he should stay here and watch them at ease. Better to fill out the form and leave...

"Yao Guang, this is what happened. I feel very angry, but I also feel so incompetent. I feel... just very uncomfortable..." After filling out the form, Xia Heyi and Wang Shiqi separated and decided to start practicing tomorrow , but she was unhappy on the way back, so she chose to tell Lu Yaoguang about it.

"He Yi, that partner of yours...Wang Shiqi, right? What she said was right. If you had stood up for the boy who was bullied, maybe others would stop for the sake of your face, but please Remember, it’s just for now.” Lu Yao’s bald head analyzed with Xia Heyi honestly, “It’s not certain what happened after that, maybe they won’t retaliate, but once they do, that student, in Shengge Li, I definitely won't be able to stay any longer..." She has seen this kind of thing too many times, if it can't be guaranteed to be eradicated at once, then it's better not to rescue it.

"Hmm..." Xia Heyi nodded lightly, "I will start practicing with Wang Shiqi tomorrow, so I won't call you frequently."

"Okay." Lu Yaoguang replied, "He Yi, come on!"

"Yeah! I will work hard!" Xia Heyi replied.


in the infirmary.

"Damn Xia Heyi! How dare she hurt me?!" Xia Xin lost her temper angrily in the infirmary. The doctor just said that her wound is a bit big, and it might scab...

How can you be injured when you are about to compete? !

It was all caused by that bitch Xia Heyi!She has become more and more rampant recently, and she dared to repeat it again and again.Harm yourself again and again? !
Her glasses happened not long ago and now her mouth is injured again, how can this be possible? !Thinking of that bitch not only hurting himself and making himself look ugly in public, but also slandering himself with dirty saliva?Make her the laughing stock of her classmates!She is so angry!

"Okay, thank you, teacher! Teacher, you have worked hard, and I have troubled you..." At this time, Yao Feier was dialing her mobile phone, and she called the teacher to ask the teacher in the classroom to help her and Xia Xin fill out the form And briefly explained Xia Xin's current situation. After everything was done, Yao Fei'er frowned and walked to Xia Xin's side, "Xia Xin, you have been too irrational lately...how come you are in front of the public?" Just fight with Xia Heyi? Do you know how many pairs of eyes were staring at that time? It is really unwise for you to do so, now you see... you were used by Xia Heyi to get injured in the infirmary inside, but Xia Heyi happily went to find her partner."

"Fei'er, do you think I'm impulsive too?" Xia Xin was out of breath after venting just now.

(End of this chapter)

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