Chapter 315 Change of Mind
"But I just can't see how Xia Heyi looks like a villain!" Xia Xin said that every time she saw Xia Heyi's arrogant appearance, she wished to tear Xia Heyi's lips!
"Xia Xin, you have to learn to be patient. Did you lose your mind because of Ji Shaoyi's refusal?" Hold each other tightly.

Ji Shaoyi...
She begged him so humblely, yet he didn't have the slightest bit of compassion? !He even kicked her. Didn't he know that with his strength as a man, she as a girl can bear it?

No, Ji Shaoyi doesn't care about himself, all he cares about is whether that bitch Xia Heyi is happy!
"No, I haven't lost my mind! I can't wait to skin Ji Shaoyi and Xia Heyi alive! Look at the pain they showed when they were tortured!" As long as I give them enough strength Fight back, when the time comes, Ji Shaoyi will definitely not be able to bear it and choose to leave Xia Heyi and come to his side!must!
As for that bitch Xia Heyi, she will die with her father!die!
It was Xia Heyi's father who killed her own father!
Where did the Xia family give her everything she had now?These were originally hers, okay?Xia Mingzhi killed her father, she just came to get some reward, is it wrong? !

"Since this is the case, please keep calm Xia Xin—don't make any trouble before the St. Geli Talent Competition!" Yao Fei'er warned Xia Xin, and now she has already thought about what to do in her mind After defeating Xia Heyi, and seeing Xia Heyi's painful expression, Lu Yaoguang must feel bad for you, right?She would like to see how Lu Yaoguang pretends to be a saint when the time comes!
How about it, it's hard to watch your friends suffer because of you, isn't it?As long as the thought of making Lu Yaoguang show a painful expression, Yao Fei'er will feel very comfortable!
She thought so deeply that her expression now looks very hideous...

"Fei'er? Fei'er!" Xia Xin pushed Yao Fei'er several times, Yao Fei'er finally realized, she restrained the expression on her face, together with the vicious calculation in her eyes, "Look at you, What are you thinking! You lost your mind in the middle of talking to me!"

"It's nothing, it's just that I have already figured out how to defeat Xia Heyi in the talent contest!"

"Oh? Really?" When Xia Xin heard that Yao Fei'er had a way to fix Xia Heyi, her eyes lit up immediately, "What's the way? Come on, Fei'er, don't be a fool!" Yao Fei'er, since when are you still playing tricks on yourself?

"We are like this... like this..." Yao Fei'er said carefully in Xia Xin's ear.

After Xia Xin heard Yao Feier's plan, she became equally excited. Now, like Yao Feier, she couldn't wait to see Xia Heyi's posture when she made a fool of herself!

Xia Heyi, under the watchful eyes of so many people, if you make a fool of yourself, you must not be able to hold your head up in the future, right?Will be trampled under her feet by Xia Xin forever!At that time, Ji Shaoyi will find out whether you, who are as humble as an ugly duckling, are suitable for him, or you, a noble white swan, are suitable for him!Ji Shaoyi, she Xia Xin will definitely make you change your mind!
(End of this chapter)

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