Chapter 316 Be careful next time
When Lu Yaoguang returned home, when he passed by the study, he found that the door of the study was not closed. Lu Yaoguang's footsteps gradually slowed down, and finally, he stopped at the door of the study.

Gu Zhiyang, he still didn't go to school today.Moreover, he didn't go to himself at night last time.

It seems that his illness is recovering soon...

Then, the day before I left will be next week, time flies so fast.

Thinking back to the past few months, when she and Gu Zhiyang met and got acquainted, the two of them lived under the same roof every day, and saw the endless bickering scenes when they looked up and looked down, Lu Yaoguang sometimes thinks to himself Can be amused by myself.Where are you going after you leave...
"Is there something wrong?" Just when Lu Yaoguang was thinking about what he would do after leaving Gu's house, a voice suddenly sounded behind him. Lu Yaoguang was startled, and subconsciously turned around to look back. But because she was too close to the speaker, when Lu Yaoguang turned around, she bumped into a hard chest, her body was about to fall backwards uncontrollably, and the person standing suddenly The person who suddenly made a sound behind him to scare him grabbed him in time, but Lu Yaoguang subconsciously grabbed an object to keep himself from falling, which made this person almost fall too, but fortunately, he caught Lu Yaoguang's hand moved to the side——

Lu Yaoguang was brought to the door, and because the person caught by Lu Yaoguang was about to fall, the handsome face instantly enlarged, and his lips brushed against Lu Yaoguang inadvertently.

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

That person: "..."

After both of them stood up, the man immediately let go of Lu Yaoguang's hand, and the atmosphere was very awkward for a while.

What the hell? !
How can you kiss my god like this? !

Lu Yaoguang's current mood can no longer be described as shock. Didn't he agree that he would stay away from him and stop having any concerns with him? !
But what is the situation now? ? ?What kind of trouble? ?
She grabbed this person, and then, just like that, she became in a "beep" position?Then the lips of the two accidentally crossed? ?

This, is this too ridiculous? !
Who told this person to be bad, he walked without making a sound, suddenly appeared behind him and said "Is there something wrong?", which startled him.

"Next time, be careful..." Gu Zhiyang's voice sounded, and he moved his head away uncomfortably. He really didn't expect that he would be in this situation with Lu Yaoguang. ·····

Accident, Gu Zhiyang, this is just an accident...
"Oh." Lu Yaoguang responded subconsciously, but then immediately thought, hey, no, why should I respond?If he answered well, wouldn't that be equivalent to accepting Gu Zhiyang's answer in disguise?But, it wasn't her who was wrong?Strange, why did she accept Gu Zhiyang's answer?
"What should I be careful about? Yes, it's you!" Lu Yaoguang stretched out his index finger and pointed at Gu Zhiyang's shoulder, "Why do you walk silently by yourself? Don't you know that this will scare people to death? Besides, Leaning so close to me again, I, I was just unprepared for a moment, just because I was scared by you, okay? Otherwise, I will definitely not fall down, but then..."

(End of this chapter)

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