Chapter 321 I Like Her
"Yunyi..." Lu Yaoguang looked at Yunyi gratefully, it is really rare to have a friend who cares about him like Yunyi...

"When you are unhappy in the future, come here, you are always welcome." Yunyi looked at Lu Yaoguang dotingly.

Lu Yaoguang smiled and nodded.

"Lu Yaoguang, it's time to go back." Suddenly, a voice like ice came from behind Lu Yaoguang and Yun Yi.

Lu Yaoguang froze all over, Yun Yi stood up first, and stretched out his hand to pull Lu Yaoguang up.

Gu Zhiyang's eyes were eagle-like, extremely sharp, looking at Yunyi holding Lu Yaoguang's hand.

"Yaoguang, you go back first." Yunyi let go, and patted Lu Yaoguang's head with a smile like a spring breeze.

Gu Zhiyang's pupils suddenly shrank——

"En." Lu Yaoguang nodded and said goodbye to Yunyi.

When passing by Gu Zhiyang, Lu Yaoguang ignored Gu Zhiyang as if he didn't see him. Gu Zhiyang was almost furious in his heart, but now, he can't express his emotions, at least, in front of Yunyi, cannot……

He received the news yesterday that Yunyi had returned to China, and had a rest day, and came to school today.He thought it was wrong, he had to come to school...

But I was delayed by some things. I thought it would be fine anyway, but I was still worried, sure enough!Yunyi, this guy, shot Lu Yaoguang as soon as he came back!
"Yunyi, I warn you, Lu Yaoguang is not something you can touch."

"Hehe," Yunyi chuckled when he heard Gu Zhiyang say this, "You really like to joke, I didn't intend to touch Yaoguang."

"I just..." Yunyi met Gu Zhiyang's eyes, "I just like her..."

"You!" Gu Zhiyang became a little annoyed!
Yunyi gradually walked into Gu Zhiyang, "Gu Zhiyang, if you like her too, then, we each have our own abilities. If you don't like her, then please, don't keep her bound."

Gu Zhiyang looked at Yunyi, and suddenly laughed out loud, "Yunyi, the matter between you and Bai Lu hasn't been dealt with properly. How can you just say that you like Lu Yaoguang casually? You don't think you are shameless like this Is it?"

Yunyi was startled, Gu Zhiyang, he... how could he know about him and Bai Lu?
"This is my business. Don't worry about it."

"Hmph." Gu Zhiyang glanced sideways at Yunyi, Shen Bo would not go back if he did not pick him up.

After Gu Zhiyang left, Yunyi picked up the phone, "Have you not found out about Gu Zhiyang's other identities?"

"...The subordinate neglected his duty, and the subordinate could not find out..."

Can't find it? !

These three words were thrown down like a thunderbolt, but Gu Zhiyang's identity couldn't be found?what does this mean...

This means that Gu Zhiyang is either as simple as the surface and is the prince of the Gu Group.


It's just that the forces behind him are too terrifying, so terrible that even he can't find out if he uses the forces there...

"Let's do this first, stop if you can't find it. Don't startle the snake."


Yunyi hung up the phone, looking at the direction Gu Zhiyang left just now, Gu Zhiyang, who are you...

on the way back.

Gu Zhiyang showed his dissatisfaction by beating the things on the car in various postures and making sounds.

It's a pity that Ren Lu Yaoguang didn't care about him at all, and looked out of the window very calmly, completely ignoring Gu Zhiyang.

Just when Gu Zhiyang was about to speak out, his phone rang. After Gu Zhiyang answered the phone for a while, he suddenly fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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