Chapter 322 Talent Contest (03)
For Gu Zhiyang's sudden silence, Lu Yaoguang only felt it was very strange, secretly glanced at Gu Zhiyang from the corner of his eye, found nothing strange, then turned his head to look at the scenery outside the car window again.

What is Gu Zhiyang doing?

Sudden convulsion again?

The car drove to Gu's house, Lu Yaoguang got off the car, but Gu Zhiyang suddenly said something to Shen Bo, Shen Bo got off the car, and said to Lu Yaoguang: "Miss Lu, we are going out with Gu Shao now, the family will You are the only one left, you will eat first in a while."

Although he couldn't figure out what happened, Lu Yaoguang still nodded to show that he understood, and asked Shen Bo to drive carefully.

As a result, once Gu Zhiyang left, he didn't come back for another week.

During this week, Xia Heyi and Wang Shiqi practiced hard every day when they had time. Seeing that the St. Geli Talent Competition was approaching, both of them seemed very excited.

Finally, the day of the game came.

The judges and the auditorium are separated, the judges sit in the VIP position, and the audience sits on the second floor and above to watch.In addition to the VIP on the first floor, all industry professionals and media are also sitting on the first floor.

Xia Heyi was waiting in the background, very nervous and excited.

Due to the large number of contestants, many of them have been in the backstage to prepare since the morning. She and Wang Shiqi have been sitting together since daytime. As the number called is getting closer to her and Wang Shiqi's performance, Xia Heyi is Getting more and more nervous, both hands kept beating on the table.

She is confident that she and Wang Shiqi can advance in the first round as long as they perform well.

"He, Heyi..." Wang Shiqi was wearing a ballet costume, and her hands were sweating from tension.

"What's the matter, Shiqi? Are you nervous?" Xia Heyi stood up and grabbed Wang Shiqi's hand, "It's okay, don't be nervous. Although I am also nervous... But, we have to believe what we have done this week Work hard!" Xia Heyi smiled at Wang Shiqi, "We will definitely do it! Trust me!"

Xia Heyi grabbed Wang Shiqi's hand, and Xia Heyi pulled Wang Shiqi to keep cheering. Seeing that the next performance group had already appeared on stage, there were still five groups before their performance.

Xia Heyi went to the side to get water, took a sip by himself, Heyi, come on!You must advance to the final!When the time comes, let your grandparents watch your performance!

"He, Heyi..." Wang Shiqi lowered her head, "I want to go to the bathroom..."

To the restroom?this time?Xia Heyi looked at the screen in the backstage, and there was still time... "Okay, then Shiqi, you have to go and come back quickly! Don't forget that we are going to be on stage soon!"

"Well..." Wang Shiqi finished speaking, and quickly ran out of the backstage...
Xia Heyi was sitting in the background getting ready, constantly cheering herself up...
Lu Yaoguang was sitting in the auditorium at this time, surrounded by dark crowds.

Both Xia Xin and Yao Fei'er will compete, will they be disadvantageous to He Yi?

During this period of time, He Yi not only nearly blinded Xia Xin, but also made her look ugly in public, but Xia He Yi has been very calm this week... as if she has forgotten what happened Concentrate on preparing for the game.

But, with Xia Xin's character, is it possible for her to let He Yi's match go on smoothly?
(End of this chapter)

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