Chapter 323 Talent Contest (04)

Would she want to take advantage of this match to hurt He Yi again?

Or does Xia Xin feel at ease playing?
Lu Yaoguang's brain was running fast, and he didn't feel at ease in his heart, so he left the auditorium immediately, no, it's better to have a look at He Yi now.

Just when Lu Yaoguang left the auditorium and was about to go backstage, she accidentally discovered that Wang Shiqi was running in one direction...

Strange, that person seems to be Wang Shiqi?

Isn't he the one who partnered with He Yi?

Why did she come out suddenly?At this time, shouldn't you stay in the background?Running so fast, where are you going?toilet?
But the direction of the toilet is not in that place...

No matter, let's see how He Yi is doing now.

But when Lu Yaoguang went backstage, someone stopped her from going in.Impatient, Lu Yaoguang took out his mobile phone and called Xia Heyi. When the phone connected, Lu Yaoguang breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment, Xia Heyi's voice almost cried came from the other end of the phone.

"Heyi, Heyi, what's the matter? What happened? Why do you seem to be crying? " Lu Yaoguang's whole heart was tugged, what happened to Heyi, right?
"Yaoguang, I'm fine! It's Shiqi who's gone!" Xia Heyi just came back from the bathroom, and they will be on the next show, but Shiqi still hasn't come back!He Yi was worried and went out to look for Shiqi, but unexpectedly there was no Wang Shiqi in the toilet, where would she go?

"What did you say? Wang Shiqi is gone?" Lu Yaoguang was so anxious that she stopped walking around in place. She looked at the place where Wang Shiqi left just now, and immediately analyzed in her brain where she might lead if she left that place.

Oops!That direction seems to lead to the outside of the school!

It seems that Wang Shiqi may have been bought by Xia Xin!She knew that Xia Xin would never let He Yi go easily!

"What to do, what to do, we are coming soon!" Xia Heyi was in a hurry, and Wang Shiqi hadn't come back yet. According to the rules of the competition, it is impossible to complete the competition alone!
"He Yi He Yi, don't be in a hurry now, don't be in a hurry!" Lu Yaoguang took a big breath, and now he can't be in a hurry, he has to calm down, calm down, "Do you think Wang Shiqi is a ballet dancer?"


"Okay, you wait for me, you immediately go back to your backstage room and wait there, stabilize first, I will find a way to get there now, remember, go back to the backstage first! Then send me your location !" After Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, he hung up the phone and dialed Yunyi. Yunyi is a judge of the talent contest. If you ask him for help, you should be able to enter the backstage!

But what Lu Yaoguang didn't know was that the cell phones of the judges were all turned off.

Oops, what to do!

correct!Lu Yaoguang had a flash of inspiration, remembering that there was a phone number saved by Ji Shaoyi last time in his mobile phone!
Originally, Ji Shaoyi would never save the phone number in his mobile phone, but since she and Gu Zhiyang brought Xia Heyi from the Han family last time, Ji Shaoyi took the initiative to ask for her phone number, and put it in the Ji Shaoyi kept his own phone number, and then told himself that he was not allowed to call him at any time except for He Yi's affairs!

Now that she wants to enter the backstage, she also wants to help He Yi, Ji Shaoyi, you must answer the phone!
 I don't really understand why the last one ate my title, there is another update today, today it is [-] ang~ tomorrow it will be [-].

(End of this chapter)

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