Chapter 327 Talent Contest (08)

"Ji Shao, Ji Shao, I'm sorry... But, if we didn't check carefully. If something happens later, we really can't afford it..." The inspectors looked at Xia Heyi and Lu with concern. Yao Guang's leaving figure, in case someone who replaces his identity appears at this moment, then they will suffer!What can I do?
"You mean... my wife will cheat in games?!" Ji Shaoyi glanced angrily at the inspector who said this, the man swallowed uncomfortably, and waved his hands quickly, "No, it's not... ··Ji Shao, we did this just in case..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the inspector regretted it, because now Ji Shaoyi's diffraction seemed to be delaying himself, Ji Shaoyi grabbed the inspector's clothes, "Shut up and do your job quietly!" Do you understand the job? Otherwise, do you believe that I let you walk in standing up and walk out sideways?!"

The inspectors nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

The host saw Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang enter the arena, "Oh, why did you enter the arena so late? I don't know if everyone is waiting for you now?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Xia Heyi quickly apologized. It turned out that the previous group had finished their performance, and the host had been waiting for them off the stage. Just to wait for them to come, but now the voices of dissatisfaction from the auditorium are getting louder and louder.

"Okay, okay, don't apologize, hurry up and get ready, we'll be on stage soon." The host didn't have time to blame Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang at this time, "If you guys are later, we will directly announce that You have withdrawn from the competition, while we are on stage, hurry up and prepare for the last time, understand?"

Xia Heyi nodded quickly, and Lu Yaoguang got a piece of white cloth from somewhere, and covered his face.

"Yaoguang, you..." Xia Heyi looked at Lu Yaoguang's actions, a little at a loss.

"There are some things, I will explain to you later. Get ready now, we are ready to appear at any time."

"En." Xia Heyi shook Lu Yaoguang's hand and nodded.

God, bless them, everything will be fine...
At the moment, in the front row of the auditorium, Yao Feier and Xia Xin are standing in an excellent position. Yao Feier looked at Xia Xin, "Why did you come to the auditorium specially? Don't forget that after Xia Heyi, It’s almost time for us. Come out at this time, in case something happens later, it’s not worth it.”

Xia Xin folded her arms around her chest, and raised the corners of her mouth, "I just want to stand in the front and see Xia Heyi's embarrassing appearance at a glance!"

"Are you so sure that she will be on stage? Instead of the host directly announcing her retirement?" Yao Fei'er also found it unimaginable at first that Xia Xin was obsessed with watching Xia Heyi make a fool of herself, but after thinking about it, what if If it were her own words, and the person who was about to make a fool of himself was Lu Yaoguang, Yao Feier thought, she would be the same as Xia Xin, looking forward to the moment when Lu Yaoguang made a fool of himself!
But now that Wang Shiqi has left, Xia Heyi is either desperately looking for her, or is already prepared to fail by herself. Why is Xia Xin so sure that Xia Heyi will still insist on going on stage under such circumstances?
 Originally, I wanted to post it together with [-] yuan, but today’s update is a bit late, so I will post three chapters first to explain to everyone, and then post seven chapters together later.

(End of this chapter)

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